Wednesday, September 11, 2013

CNN Student News

What did you learn from the CNN Student News clip today( September 11, 2013), and how does it affect your daily life?


Unknown said...

I learned that on 9-11 4 planes crashed into the pebtagon,the empire state building,and a feild. I also learned that the largest valcano was found under water. Did you know that a woman swam the florida straight without breaks. Thats what i learned from cnn student news

Unknown said...

I learned that the 9-11 plane crash was a brutal tragedy. tragedy also learned that anything is possible. Diana was focused and determined. In other news china has recently found a volcano in the Pacific Ocean. Also the summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo Japan. Syria has brand new nuclear weapons. These things effect my life daily because I know people hate my country and wants every American to be destroyed

Unknown said...

Justin I like the way you used what we have learned in class today. I also like your strategy

Montrell Sawyer said...

I learned that on 9-11 ( it happened 12 years ago) that terrists hijacked 4 planes. Plane number 1 crashed in the Pentagon. The second one crashed into the Empire State building. The third one crashed into the Twin Towers. The fourth one crashed into a field in Shanksville Pensylvania. Out of all the planes 2,977 people died. Syria also refused to hand over terrist like Osama Bin Laden. Then they agreed to stop making chemical weapons and show where the factories are where they make them. Also I learned that the largestvolcano was found underwater in the ocean. It is shaped like a foot the size of New Mexico. Also a woman swam 7 hours to Florida. Also a retired firefighter dressed as Batman saved a cat from a burning building. He also gave the cat mouth to mouth resesitation.

Unknown said...

What did you learn from the CNN student report,and how does it affect your life daily.

Unknown said...

I learned that scientist and people everywhere are discovering news things about our planet. I was appalled when I saw that planes hit building in Washington D.C., and New York because Russians. I was amazed by seeing a woman swimming from Cuba to Key West, Florida for 7 hours. On the news it said that she never got out of the water. Did you see Batman and Captain America save a cat from a building that had smoke in it. That’s what I learned on the CNN student news.

Unknown said...

We did learn abut Syria too Jalen.

Unknown said...

Joshua Lynum good way to pay attention in class. Good notes and good job

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9-11 4 planes crashed two crased into the world trade centers the other one crashed into the pentagon and one was supposed to hit the White House but crashed into a feild and that 2,977 people were killed that day.I also learned that China recently found a volcano in the Pacific Ocean. I learned that the olympics will be in Rio Dejanero. And I learned that Diana Nyad swam from Cuba to Florida. And that what I learned in class today from the CNN Student News.

Montrell Sawyer said...

It affects my life by since they have upgraded on security such as shake downs. Now since they have done that it has been less tragedies like 9-11.

Montrell Sawyer said...

Good notes and facts M Cameron even though I dont know who you are.

Unknown said...

I learned that the people who crashed the planes were terrorists. I also learned that they hijacked the planes. I thought they were licensed pilots. It affects me by me knowing that I have to be careful. I also have to watch my surroundings because some people are crazy. I use to think I was excluded from bad things,but I'm not.

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9-11 that terrists 4 planes. Plane number 1 crashed in the Pentagon. The second one crashed into the Empire State building. The third one crashed into the Twin Towers. The fourth one crashed into a field. Out of all the planes 2,977 people died. Syria also refused to hand over terrist like Osama Bin Laden. Then they agreed to stop making chemical weapons and show where the factories are where they make them. Also I learned that the largestvolcano was found underwater in the ocean. It is shaped like a foot the size of New Mexico. Also a woman swam 7 hours to Florida. Also a retired firefighter dressed as Batman saved a cat from a burning building. He also gave the cat mouth to mouth resesitation.

Unknown said...

I learned that in Hong,Kong that they discovered that a huge volcano was found.They also said that the volcano doesn't hold no threat,because it hasn't erupt for over millions of years.I also learned that an women swam for 7 hours and people think that she had gotten a ride from one of the boats.The captain said" that every time he woke up the women was always swimming.When she made it everybody was clapping for her,because she had swim for 7 hours with out eating or drinking.

Unknown said...

Good information Dale.

Unknown said...

I like yours to Tyania.

Unknown said...

Today on CNN news I found out a woman swam from Cuba to Key West Florida. that was really interesting,I never knew an elderly person could do such a thing.

Unknown said...

Thanks, you also have very great details.

Unknown said...

Nice vocabulary& details

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9/11/2001 terrorist hijacked four planes and crashed them into important buildings in America. Two of then crashed into the Twin Towers in New York. One crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The last plane crashed in Shanksville, Pennslyvania because the passengers tried to take control of the plane. This effects me daily by me knowing that I can't see these buildings in person. I'm also scared of terrorist. I know each day to watch my back because I know there are crazy people in this world.

Unknown said...

I learned that many things around the world is happening like, the lady who was trying to win the world swimming record. Even when 9-11 came and the planes had hit the twin towers and the octagon. this is what I learned from the CNN news. This efftected me because some of this stuff actually happened and this mad me sad.

Unknown said...

Nice job Jalen, great notes.

Unknown said...

Nice job Dale, great details.

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9/11 a group of terrorists hijacked 4 planes during the attack. Two planes were flew into the twin towers- one in the North Tower and one into the South Tower. Another plane flew into one of the important part in the Pentagon. Another was headed towards the White House, but the passengers fought the terrorists on the plane, and that plane crashed in a field in Sharon,Pennsylvania. The way that this affects me is my safety and my family's safety. Whether their taking a plane to vacation, or travel working I am very concerned about their safety. Also Syria is joining the chemical association and that is a severe threat to the United States. I have also learned that a volcano that was discovered is 400 miles wide and has the footprint of the size of New Mexico. It is the largest volcano in the world. Also a painting that was made in 1888 was discovered(that was almost 125 years ago!). It was found in an old painting collectors basement in France. Also a woman swam from Cuba to Key West. Last the same British architect that built the 2012 London Party built the new olympics Games Park.

Unknown said...

good job Tyannia, awesome vocabulary and comprehension.

Elisa .C. Saffold said...

I learned that on 9-11 two planes crashed into the World Trade Center in New York.1 plane crashed into the Pentagon which is in Washington, DC ,and the last one crashed into a field which is in Philadelphia.

Elisa .C. Saffold said...

Nice job to everyone who completed the assignment with good details!!!!

DeSean said...

it effects me because my friends are effected.

Unknown said...

It affects my life by Syria sending chemical bombs over to us and the chemical being in the air.

Unknown said...

What I learned from the CNN news was that the crashes in 9-11 killed over 2,000 innocent people. also I learned that an elderly person swam from Cuba to key west Florida.

Unknown said...

Denzell Brown
I learned today that on September 11,2001 four planes crash in several important buildings and 2,977 people were killed. Also I learned that the smallest volcano is at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. And there was a house fire and a cat was rescued by a two men one dressed as Batman and the other one dressed as Captain America. These events could effect me because if it happen then it could happen again and hit closer to my home.

Unknown said...

i learned that over 2,000 people died on 9-11.Syria showed there chemical weapon to the world.Memorials were made for the people who died on 9-11.A huge volcano was found in the Pacific Ocean. their was also new images of the Olympic Park that will be used in 2016.That is what I learned from the Cnn student news.

Unknown said...

Nice paragraph Justin Smith

Unknown said...

Great info Dale

Unknown said...

I learned about the largest volcano was underwater in the Pacific Ocean, the 911 planes crashed into the Twin Towers in New York City.

Unknown said...

I learned that 9-11 is the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history. Also, I learned 2,977 people died during the attack. This affects my life because it wasn’t just a tragic day for the relatives of people who died, it was a tragic day for the whole U.S. economy.

Unknown said...

Those were good facts Cameron.

Unknown said...

Nice paragraph Joshua L. Sweet details Dale.

Unknown said...

I learned about the September 11 incident at the Twin Towers. It made me sad to see those people crash into the towers and die. It made me realize to be grateful to be here. I never thought someone could be so cruel.

Unknown said...

It affects me by how emotional it was for those families.

Unknown said...

9/11 was a real tragedy for America. Many lives were lost. Syria finally showed the chemical weapons to the public. The girl that swam 7 hours across the ocean deserves to be in the record book.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Joshua Lynum. I was also appalled as well. Great vocabulary.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Zavier. That girl does deserve to be in the record book.

Unknown said...

I learned that there were 2,977 people killed on 9-11. I also learned that there is a volcano on Earth that rivals the biggest mountain in the solar system. Even though it is under-water. I learned that Syria isn't alone in using chemical weapons. It effects my life because it lets me know there are people that don't like America. For what reason, I don't know. It also lets me know to thank airport officials.This is what I've learned fron CNN news and how it effects my life.

Unknown said...

I learned that the the 9-11 incident happened in three places at the same time.That effects my life because you never know that could happen to me,friends, and family.the world is so crazy you dont even know if you will live through the day. Thats what i learned today.

Unknown said...

I learned that 12 years ago today about 3,000 people died in the horrible terrorist attack 9-11.I feel that their is nothing safe in the world,that anything could happen at
in time in any place in the world

Unknown said...

Today, people remember the 2,997 people were dead and four planes were hijacked.I learned that President Obama is striking Syria and wants to see the chemical weapons that they use. This effects my life because of the safety of the citizens.Syria is "ready" to stop using the products. There is also a volcano that is 400 miles near Japan. I also learned about a woman named Diana Niad swam Cuba to Key West for 7 hours! In remembrance of the 9/11, I realized how blessed I am to not be in that situation.

Unknown said...

I agree with Zavier. Diana deserves to be in the Guiness Book of World Records. Also,I agree with Charlie because that was a very emotional, tragic, and appalling event.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Autumn that we are blessed we were not in that situation

Unknown said...

I also agree with you Zavier 9-11was a real tradegy

Unknown said...

I laerned that scientist have just found the largest volcano in the world.Did anyone else notice the one of the governers said skeptical like 3 times?

Unknown said...

I learned about how the terrorists attacked the twins towers, and the way it effected people, and families.

Unknown said...

I have learned that on September 11,2001 there were terrorist crashed into the twin towers. Also in Libya there was a car bombing outside of a foreign ministry. This happened on the 12th anniversary of the terrorist attack.

Dsamuel6A said...

I learned that the 9/11 attacks have effected President Obama's thought on attacking Syria. I am happy to know Syria will not fire chemical weapons at the United States and will tell were their weapons are located.

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9-11-01 4 planes were hijacked by terrorists. 2 planes crashed in New York , 1 crashed in Pennsylvania, and 1 crashed in Washington, DC. 1 plane crashed into the Pentagon, 1 plane crashed into a field, and 2 planes crashed into the World Trade Center [ Twin Towers ].2,977 people were killed when the terrorists crashed the planes.

One way 9-11 has changed daily life is airport security is a lot tougher. They try to make sure that people don't bring weapons onto the planes. They make you go through metal detectors and body scanners. They also do full body pat-downs which can sometimes be uncomfortable.

I also learned that Syria refused to give up terrorists such as Osama Bin Laden, the largest volcano was found underwater in an ocean, and a firefighter dressed as batman rescued a cat from a burning building and gave it mouth to mouth resuscitation.

Unknown said...

Good good, Justin Smith. You added the whole video, instead of just the 9/11 part! :)

Dsamuel6A said...

Your right Autumn we are blessed to not be in that situation and we should remember those who died and those who lost their lives saving others

Unknown said...

Jalen Belcher, I really LOVE your vocabulary. Right on, dude. Right on. Haha

Unknown said...

I learned that 9-11 is the worst attack in U.S. history. A lot of people died during this attack. This effects my life because it is sad to see and hear about these people dying in an area where I live which is in the U.S., and they didn’t deserve that.

Dsamuel6A said...

You have some great facts Nadia

Unknown said...

Good job Nadia Gwinn I love your details!

Unknown said...

Great job Tori I like the way you put it and you have great facts and details!

Unknown said...

I learned that 2,977 people died ,and it was the worst terrorist attack in American history .It affects my life daily because I wouldn't want nothing else to happen like that now.

Anonymous said...

Today I learned about a woman who swam from Cuba all the way to Florida going at the pace of 3 miles per hour. She didn't even get out to eat.drink,or sleep. Also I learned that 2 men, dressed in Batman and Captain America outfits, doing community service,ended up saving people's lives.It all started when Batman noticed smoke coming from a roof top.He then rushed to save the family including their pet cat,to save the cat he gave the cat mouth to mouth.This affects daily because I didn't think I was selfish, but I know now I am compared to Batman. Additionally, I realized I don't work to my best ability because I have high goals so to reach them I may have to sacrifice things.

Unknown said...

It also affected my daily life by me knowing that everything in life is not going to be great. I personally think the moral of the CNN student news today day was if you believe you can achieve. Some things you achieve in life are great. Some things are worst if you do something bad like the Russians crashing planes into buildings.

Unknown said...

Good job Joshua.

Unknown said...

I learned that on September 11,2001 four planes crashed into the empire state building in New York and killed 2,977 people.I also learned that scientists have discovered the largest volcano in the ocean.A woman swam from Cuba to Florida.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Autumn,I am blessed to be alive.

Unknown said...

Good job Brandi Baron

Unknown said...

Great Tatianna Gillium

Unknown said...

Thats right Brandi I am BLESSED to!

Anonymous said...

I applaud your great use of details,Tyannia.

Unknown said...

I learned a lot from the CNN video.I learned that a group of terrorist in United States hijacked four passenger plans.They flew two of them into the world trade center the twin towers in New York City.Another plan was flone into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.The last flight crashed into a field in Shanksville Pennsylvania. I also learned that every year memorials pay tribute to the victims of 9-11. In Hong Kong scientist have found the largest single volcano in the solar system.Also I learned that a person named Diana Nyad swam across a striat from Cuba to Florida.Also President Obama had a speech regarding Syria.This is what I learned from the CNN video.

Unknown said...

I just hope for the best and thank good that I'm not one of those people.

Unknown said...

I learned that the 9-11 terrorists attack was very tragic. The terrorist attacked the twin towers and they both eventually collapsed. They also attacked the Pentagon in Washington , D.C. The fourth place they landed in a field in Shanksville , Pennsylvania when a passenger tried to take control of the plane. 2,977 people were killed in the 9-11 attack.

Unknown said...

Good job keldan Sykes.

Unknown said...

Nice job Zyire Tarver.

Unknown said...

It affects my life because I now know why the airplane security was upgraded.

Some nobody said...

I learned that every year there is a celebration to remember about the 2,977 people that died, because of a crash in an airplane. In this quick little extra in the video there was an Identify Me clip, and the answer was Strait. The largest volcano in the world was found in the Pacific Ocean. The weirdest, funniest, and yet most heroic part of the video was when batman saved a poor cat from a fire and gave it mouth to mouth. That was the most interesting part of the whole thing. I LOVED IT!!!

Unknown said...

I learned some important information that I never heard about.It effect my life because it helped me understand the things that's going on everywhere.

Unknown said...

I learned that the air planes that crashed into the trade towers, pentagon, and an opened field were all controlled by terrorist and the plane that crashed into the opened field because the pilots were trying to take over the control of the air plane and they ended up crashing into the ground in an opened field in Pennsylvania to take over it and they ended up crashing into the ground. This effects my life because I wonder if one of my family members were in the terrorist attack on 9/11/2001.

Unknown said...

1.)I learned that after the 9-11 crash, the twin tower is finally rebuild.
2.)I learned that 4 men were killed from America in West Africa by a car bombing.
3.)Finally, I learned that the president thinks that the U.S. military should get involved with the Syria problem we are having today.

Unknown said...

I have learned that the 99/11 tragedy is celebrated to dedicate the love ones who died in that extremely hurtful experience. 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked 4 planes. The group carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington D.C.,and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. 9/11 is often referred to as the attacks resulted in extensive death and destruction, triggering major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defining the presidency of George W. Bush. Over 3,000 people were killed during the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., including more than 400 police officers and firefighters.

Unknown said...

I learned that Syria has chemical weapons that America is trying to confiscate.They are afraid that these weapons may be used against us.

Unknown said...

I agree with Autumn because she worked really hard doing what she did and she doesn't get the credit she deserves.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Cam Jones because I would like to get on a plane and know I'm safe from hijack.

Unknown said...

I agree with u Cameron Jones because was very tragic because many people were crying because their love on was in the building.

Unknown said...

9-11 was a devastating day becuase of the terrorist attack that took place. Significant places were flown into with planes
such as World Trades Center, The Pentagon, and the Twin Towers.2,977 people were killed when the terrorists crashed the planes. It affected my life becuase I had a family memeber that was in the Pentagon , but he survived. It made me realize that life has been given to us but it has not been planned of when it's going to be taken away.

Unknown said...

I agree with u Spencer Favors because I did learn some important thigs like some people loved ones were in the attack and died, and it affected my life too because it helped me realize what things happen in the world that can be devastating to many people.

Unknown said...

Autumn I like your facts! It is very detailed and you really paid attention.

Anonymous said...

I learned that 2 planes flew into the twins towers in New York City. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The last one crashed into a field in Pennsylvania and 2,977 people died that day. Also they found a volcano in the Pacific Ocean. Syria has nuclear weapons. President Obama was talking about planning an attack on Syria. If the United States have a war with Syria my aunt and uncle might have to go to war. I would be very worried that is how it affect my life.

Unknown said...

GreaT Job Justin Smith!> I like your video.

Anonymous said...

Dasia I learned the same thing. What are some of the ways you think 9/11 effected people and their family.

Anonymous said...

Brenden no I didn't know that one of the governers said skeptical like 3 times.

Unknown said...

I learned that if you believe in yourself that you can do anything you put your mind to just like the lady who believed in herself when she swam from Cuba to Key West.

Unknown said...

I learned how 9-11 is a known tragedy that has effected lots of people. I've also learned that a volcano is in the Pacific Ocean. In Syria a brand new weapon was affects me because knowing the things going on i can be prepared for anything.

Unknown said...

I have learned to always check my surroundings.The effect it has had was that it gave many people shock.It also gave me fear to ride on planes.

Unknown said...

I agree Spencer because, I learned many things happening around the world.

Unknown said...

The planes were hijacked on September 2001. On television today people were singing and praying together in memory of the people that died that day. The volcano in the Pacific Oceans is the size of Mexico and the largest volcano ever. The next olympic games that will be in Rio De Janiero will happen in 2016, and at night the town will be looking like the countries flag.

Unknown said...

It tells how President Obama gives a speech about Syria,and how americans rembered the victims of semptember 11, 2001.

Unknown said...

thats right tiunna girl me too

Unknown said...

I lerned that on 9 11 their was a plane crash on the Pentagon ..The crash started by a hyjack ..It was a shame beacause people were jumping out of bulidings

Darriena Mahan said...

On the CNN newsthe article that interest me the most was the 911section.The horrific hijack horrified citizens of NewYork and Pentagon workers.The World Trade Center was under attack.Families were devastated. Lives were distroyed.That's why I am glad we have so much security now.

Unknown said...

I learned on 9/11 there were several buildings that fell down and over 2,00 people died, but 6,000+ people were injured. I found out that there was a volcano also.

Unknown said...

I learned that the largest volcano in the solar system is on the moon. I also learned that 2,977 people died in the 9-11 terrorist attack.

Unknown said...

yeah darriena i agree with you because their were people who were related to people in the pentagon that died .........

Unknown said...

I saw that segment also Joshua with Captain America and Batman. I can't believe that Batman gave mouth to mouth to a cat!

Unknown said...

yeah i agree with you Kirsten

Unknown said...

I agree with Nadia Gwinn. Syria does have new chemical weapons. That is concerning to me because I don't like the idea of chemical war.

Unknown said...

The things that i learned from the video. The 9-11 situation was terrible 2,997 killed in the 9-11 attack on the Twin Towers. It was just so sad.

Unknown said...

I learned that last week,a former firefighter rescued a cat from a burning building.The anonymous man was riding by when he saw the burning house.He immediately ran in to see if someone was in the house.When he found the cat he brought it outside and gave it mouth to mouth recitation.This affects me because it lets me know that there are still people in the world that are capable of good things.

Unknown said...

i agree with you kyla 9-11 had a tremendous affect on the usa.

Unknown said...

I agree with everyone about 9-11 and Syria's nuclear weapons

DeSean said...

i agree with montral ecause i learned alot about 9-11

DeSean said...
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DeSean said...

commeron m you had some great notes and observtions

Montrell Sawyer said...

so glad tommorow Friday! But I am also curious about my notebook grade. Time to study for the tests tommorow and I am also curios on how my progress report.

Montrell Sawyer said...

The games will be held at Rio De Janiero in 2016.

Unknown said...

9-11was really hurtful to me.Like 2977 people was killed. It was really apalled me. Why would the terrorists do this.Every year they have ceremonies to show the dead that they ar e not forgotten.R.I.P

Unknown said...

i learned that in 2001 that a plane crashed into the two twin towers . 2,977 people died in that plane crash . it happened because someone hijacked the plane.

Unknown said...

Anterrria I learned that too.

Unknown said...

Good job Jalen Clayton.

Elisa .C. Saffold said...

I learned that on 9-11 two planes were hijacked by terrorists who had taking control and crashed into the World Trade Center which is in New York City. One plane crashed into the pentagon in Washington, DC. As for the last plane civilians on the plane tried to get the terrorist to stop controlling the plane, but had crashed into a field somewhere in Philadelphia. That's what I learned from the video.

Unknown said...

I have learned that the reason why they have destroyed our country is, because they wanted this man to come with them. This clip had affected me by what happen during the attack. I know that the people from Syria wanted the man to come back but they didn’t have to destroy our country like that. They should have settled this problem fair and square. I really hope that this situation will not happen again!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with Elisa saffold on what she said about the 9 11

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I also agree with Darriena because of what happen at the pentagon

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I learned a lot from the CNN Student News. First, I learned that we are remembering 9/11 because of the Twin Towers going down and the hi-jack on the airplane. More than 2000 people were killed on that day. Then I learned that a new volcano was discovered in the Pacific Ocean. I think that is what created that tsunami in China on 2009. The volcano has broken the record of the biggest volcano ever. Next, I learned about the military strike on Syria. On the Presidential Address to the Nation President Barak Obama talked about taking gas weapons away because of what they did with them. Last but not least, the article I like was when Batman and Captain America saves a cat from a fire. This stuff affects my life by telling me it's not just about stuff going on in our state, it's also the nation.

Unknown said...

I learned from CNN Student News it was a very bad day for the people in that building one of those people that died was my grandmothers old friend from when she was a kid. It was interesting that they found that volcano.

Unknown said...

i learned that the world is still not at peace. it was tragic that 4 territs high jacked 4 American planes. The first plane crashed into the pentagon. The second plane crashed into the Empire State Building. The third one crashed into the Twin Towers. The fourth plane crashed into the field in Shanksville Pensylvania. Syria refused to hand over terrist like Osama Bin Laden. but they did agree to stop making chemical weapons and show where the factories are where they make them.also a retired firefighter dressed as the character batman and saved a cat from a burning building. he also gave the cat mouth to mouth resesitation. The largest volcano was found underwater in the ocean. they said that it was shaped loke a foot the size of mexico. this is what i learned from the CNN news

Unknown said...

I like Jalen Belcher's and Dale C's comment on the CNN Student News, because i liked how they went deeper into the question. they gave details about each indiviual subject.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I learned about the tragedy about 9-11 attack. They had ceremonies in New York, Pennsylvania, and at the Pentagon with the president. In Syria they have poison chemical attacks. President Obama has asked Russia to investigate , and he has postpone military attacks. This effects my daily life because I never know when they want, and when they're going to attack.

Unknown said...

I like your post Nadia it tells everything about that video.

Unknown said...

I like Bryanna's post about how you know how many people died and were injured. Did you know the twin towers they rebuilt there is only going to be 1?

Unknown said...

I learned that a lady named Diana swam from Cuba to Florida without stopping even though some people said she cheated while others say she was just really dedicated to her swim.

Unknown said...

Thank You Mrs. Lavender!

Unknown said...

Joshua L you really summarize the video well.

Unknown said...

It is terrible that all those people died in that building on 9-11. It was amazing that they found that volcano.

Unknown said...

This affects my life because every thing that happened could happen to me or anyone else

Unknown said...

I like your idea Tyannia.

Unknown said...

Tyannia B you had some great details.

Kenyah L said...

I heard that a plane crashed and it was brutal.On the other hand China has located a volcano in the Pacific Ocean,also the Summer Olympics will be held in Tokyo,Japan.A woman has swam all the way to Florida!!!Wow!

Tomayah Green said...

I learned that the 9/11 was more than just the twin towers collapsing. It was a terrible day for everyone who experienced it.

Unknown said...

I learned that the 9-11 was a major tragedy in the United States that our country is still devastated by today. Many lives were lost and many were injured.

Unknown said...

269Good job Justin

Unknown said...

Good job Joshua

Unknown said...

One thing I learned from the CNN clip was that they were building a new tower in New York in place of the Twin Towers that were destroyed on 9/11 . I can use this in my ever day life because if you keep on watching the news then you know when something is going on. You can be alerted when something is going on like that Iraq to drone strikes to National Security Agency surveillance — undermines President Barack Obama's credibility on striking Syria. But in the end Putin's opinion piece matches his Russia.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jirah because it was so many killed on 9/11.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rendy because it could have been me or any of my family members.

Unknown said...

I learned that there was a major plane crash and it killed over 400 people. This is affecting in my every day life because these thing are going on aronud everyday and, at this point any one can get hurt.

Unknown said...

I agree with Taki.Yes! They talked about the twin towers being destroyed.

Unknown said...

What I have learn was that Russia's,United States' and Putin's was having a conflict about how United States' weapons are dangerous to Syria. I've also learned about a man being saved by a collapsing bridge ,and another thing I've learned was that there are so many stray dogs in Detroit. Oh, I've also learned about a Jewish holiday that I never new. That's what I've learned ffrom the CNN video.

Unknown said...

Good job Amber, nice information.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I love the details in your paragraph Chasen.

Unknown said...

I learned more about the 9/11 crash and there were more than 2,000 people tht died.lots of people payed their respects on that day and will never forget about it. I also learned about 2 men dressed in batman and Captain America saved a cat from from a burning house and that was pretty amazing to me! This affects my everyday life because we all have to learn one day that there are bad people and good people in this world and we need to know how to finds the difference between those two because if we don't they could affect our future and where we end up in life.

Unknown said...

Nice change from subject to subject

Unknown said...

Is that all you learned.

Unknown said...

I learned that the 9/11 plane crash that many of people's loved ones were hurt and killed. I also learned that the largest volcano was found underwater and that it is no longer active . One interesting fact is that a lady swam all the way to Florida without any breaks ! This is what I have learned from CNN Student News.

Unknown said...

I learned that on 9/11plans crashed into the pentagon the empire state building and the twin towers. Another thing I learned is a woman swam to Florida without any breaks. This is what I learned from the CNN news.

Unknown said...

good job Amiaya

Unknown said...

good job tracey

Unknown said...

Today in class, the CNN news reported that 2,977 people died due to a plane crashing in to the Pentagon. Also, President Obama asked two countries to hand over their explosive weapons. Only one country agreed to turn in their explosives.

Unknown said...

You used great details Tyannia

Unknown said...

Nice job Camron

Unknown said...

Nice job Camron

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Twelve years ago before I was born two planes crashed into the Twin Towers killing thousands of people.It is trajic to know that people can be so cruel and evil,having so much hatred in their hearts.