The following clip is a film reenactment of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963. After viewing this film clip, reflect back over the novel that you read and discussed in class. If you had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, what would you say to him about his historical fiction novel, The Watson Go to Birmingham-1963?
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him Did the situation with the bombing really effect him so much that he had to go and write a book with a fictional family to help to describe to younger generations about the importance of that very day?
If I had the oppertunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would thank him for even writing this book to show history can repeat itself and that church bombing was apart of history. I would even ask him why he wanted to show what happened in Birmingham in a kids perspective when young adults are reading a type of book like this one.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him what inspired him to write The Watsons Go to birminhgam 1963. And would he change anything about any of the characters ecspecially Byron. Also when he was writing his story did he have any strong feelings or mixed feelings about the bombing of the four girls. I have learned many things from this story and someday would want to be an inspiring author like him as well.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him what made him the most emotional about the bombing of the church, and why he wanted to write about this event in time.
If I could talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would first compliment him on his magnificiat novel. Then I would ask him the purpose of the novel,if he was born when the situation happened, did it have an impact on him or a family member if they were around when the situation took place.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him "what made want to write a story about Birmingham, Alabama in 1963?"
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him what made him right about a time like this in history.
If i had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis i would ask him did he really feel it was important to write the story and make the family seem very casual and regular despite the things going on back then and the events that happened in the story and the fact the family is fictional. I also agree will Alex's question too. Did that event really affect him that much?
I agree with what Curtis said What did make him write about a time in history that happened years ago?
Isaiah I also agree with you as well.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would inquire about his involvment in the South during the early 60's?
I would also ask if either of the male characters in the story depicted him, and if so, did he try to suppress the facts in the novel? Finally, I would let him know how much I enjoyed reading "The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963".
I agree with Kaylin Lake's comment,Kiara Stollenwerk's comment, and Alex Thomas' comment.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would tell him he was brilliant to put The Watsons go to Birmingham 1963 in the eyes of a child. I would tell him that it makes it easier for some people to understand how scared people were. I would also ask why he chose only the bombing of the church and not any other incident.
If I ever had the honor of talking to Christopher Paul Curtis, I'd ask him if something in his past of the segregation and the bombing connected to informing us, young readers, about how people were separated back then. I'd wonder: was he that inspired by the facts to write this or was something killing him inside so bad that he just had to share what happened to him or a loved one in a creative way. I also agree with kiara, to thank him for the knowledge in an exciting way that our level of comprehension could understand.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him did he lose a family member or was one of his elder family members close friends with one of the girls that died in the bombing that happened. I also agree with Kiara,and Kaylin.
If I could meet Christopher Paul Curtis i would ask him what or whom inspired him to write this book about a very important time in history?
If I could have the honor to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would say thank you. Thank you forwritting such a book that tells me that life does not always come easy. Sometimes you have to fight for what you want like a cheetah continue sprinting after its prey. You can never give in. You have to stay strong and over come with confused, love, and compassion for one another.Kids back then in the South had to grow up faster than people in my day. They know that there was a purpose in life and school to learn. After slavery blacks were cheated out of money and worth. I bet you that they would have love to sit in a welcoming seat to go to school,and not have to sneak. Christopher Paul Curtis thank you for writing a book that contained word that was food for my mind. Once again thank you.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him when he wrote the book did he mean to put the chapter of the church bombing to tell us what is was like to live in Birmingham or to tell us about how close families were in that time in Birmingham.
I agree with Kiara Stollenwerk because of the fact that most adults don't read books in a child's perspective.
I also agree with Curtis T. because I would ask him the same question if I had the same intrest.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask what really inspired him to write The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963 and what made him really decide that he wanted to write about that specific topic? Also how did he come up with the way to bring it all together? For example what made him want to show a change in Byron and Kenny? What made him think of the wool pooh idea?
I would also ask was he around when the bombing
occurred to be able to write a book. On the other hand he could have done research to write a full complete novel like that.
If I had an oppotunity to talk to Chirstopher Paul Curtis I would compliment him on writing the bestseller which applys the importance of the church bombing later in the novel. I agree with Chryshawn about the involvment of the South in the 1960s. And also like Cortez, I would ask him what happened that inspired him to write this novel.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis i would say has the 1963 church bombing inspire you to write this book or you felt that since this happen you should write about it. As I watched this clip I was suprised and curious of what was going to happen.Christopher Paul Curtis I just want to know what inspired you.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curis I would ask him," What inspired you to write " The Watsons Go To Birmingham- 1963" and what was your biggest fear about the bombing?.
If I had a opporunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis about his novel The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963 I would ask him ,How did he feel about writing The Watsons Go To Birmingham?Also did he think that his novel would inspire people today?
if i had an oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis i would thank him for even writing the book because it showed me that im lucky to not even be in the bombing. it also showed me that,the little girl who was killed in the bombing could have been me and history can repeat itself everyday.
i agree with naya~poo and kaylin lake
If I Had The Opportunity To Talk To Christopher Paul Curtis I Would, Ask Him Did The Bombing Of The Church Effect His Emotions. I Would Also Ask Him Who Inspired Him To Write This Novel. I'll Thank Him For Writing A Novel, Were Kids Can Understand The Importance Of Life. This Is Another Question I Would Ask Chirstopher P. Curtis To Answer , How Was It Like Living In 1963 ?
If I could talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him why he decided to write about segregation. I would ask him if he had any personal connections with the church bombing.
I agree with Nasir, because he must have some sort of inspiration to write the story.
I also agree with Nefertiti, because Christopher could have had a fear about the church. Maybe he knew someone who was in the bombing.
I agree with Cortez and Adrianna because I think that he did great with the Watson family, but I would also like to know what inspired him.
If I had the opportunity to speak with Christopher Paul Curtis I would talk about how much I appreciate him writing this book. I would tell him about how this book has taught me so many things about the history that has occured in time. I would also thank him for writing a book about past history and putting it in a way that is interesting to read.
Thanks for all the interesting comments. I'm glad to know that this book has made such an impact on the lives of young people. ******Don't forget to finish your thinklink practice probes and complete the extra credit essay! Enjoy your last few days!
If I had the chance to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him does the bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church still haunt him today? I would also say thank you for teaching me about the past so that I could try prevent history from repeating itself.
If I had the oppertunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him how did the bombing effect him and his family. I would also ask how did this time period change his life.
If I had an oppertunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask why he wrote historical fiction about the bombing of the 16th Baptist Church and what inspired him to create The Watsons Go to Birmingham- 1963. I would even ask him how he created the characters in his story and if they were inspired by friends or family.
If I had the opportunity to meet Christopher Paul Curtis i would ask im what was the big impact for the whole story?
i also agree with alex thomas and maysa!
If I had an oppurtunity to talk with Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him how was he inspired to write about this historic event in his book. I would also ask him was he affected by this bombing in anyway, when it happened. He really inspired me the whole time I wad reading this book.
I agree with Morgan Murphy when she said ,did the boming effect his emotions.I also agree with Makaila when she said that Christopher Paul Curtis was a great inspiration.
If I had an oppotunty to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him if he was raised in a family like for him to write about a story like the Watsons? I would also ask him if bombing happen during his childhood?
I agree with Curtis's comment, what really did make him write about the past bombing?
typo......If I had an oppotunty to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him if he was raised in a family like the Watsons for him to write about a story like the Watsons? I would also ask him if bombing happen during his childhood
I agree with Jordan Haggard, what did make it imnportant to write about the Watsons?
If I could talk to Mr.Curtis I would ask him how was he came up with the idea of making the book in the perspective of a young adult. I would also thank him for showing my peers and I what happened during this era.
If I had the oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him " What is the significance of this piece of text and how does it sppose to make a difference?".
I would answer those questions my self and tell him and discuss how it is important to me.
This reflects back to Makaila Hicks and the importance and Kaylin Lake and her thank-yous.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would definitely tell him he has an awesome writing ability and his book really had some good informational piece of text. I would ask him who and when was he told about the bombing and inspired him to recall it in the story? I would also like to ask him where he got the character’s name from. I would really like to know what his point of publishing this book was.
If i had an oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I'd tell him thank you for writing such a book because for a long time I never had a full understanding of the bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church(though I had heard about it hundreds of times.)
I agree with both Alex's quote and Esme's quote. What effect he got from the bombing, he wanted to share with other people.
I agree with Esme because i wanted to know,What was his big emotional about the bombing.
I agree with Curtis because it this story was very interesting and I want to know, What inspired him to write a very amazing story.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christorpher Paul Curtis, I would ask him was he around when the bombing ocurred.I would also ask him what made him write "The Watsons go to Birmingham".
I agree with Curtis because most people wouldn't write historical fiction stories about events that happened long ago.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis,I would ask him,"Was he around when the bombing happened?" If he answered with a yes, I would ask him, "What inspired him to write him a book about the bombing?"
I agree with you charles because it is kind of scary. It could probably still haunt him.
I disagree with Delvyn Johnson because how does he know what perpective adults read with.
I also agree with Jordan Haggard because Christopher Paul Curtis did make the casual and regular dispite all the racist things going on back then.
I also agree with Cortez because that is a wonder about who made him wright about this.
I agree with you Esme becuase there were other emotional tragedies in Birmingham that he could have written about in this particular type of book.
I also agree with Cortez because I think Mr. Curtis would have seen an old friend who went through the experience of the church bombing and he probably felt that this friend might have wanted him to write a book about that particular event.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, i would tell him how much of an impact his book had on me.I would also tell him how his book also made me realize how the bombing made the families with loved ones in the church feel like the world was falling appart.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him what made him write the book in the first place and if he had an emotional break down or stated to tear up while he was writing the book.
I agree with Brooklin i didn't know much about the bombing until i read this book.
I agree with Alex because any other person could have written a story just for the fun of it but it took Christopher Paul Curtis to write the story from the heart
I agree with you Ian because I did not know much about the bombing either.
If I had the chance to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis would ask him how the incident affected his personal life. I would thank him for making the book that taught us the history does and will repeat itself.
I agree with Kiara,and I agree with Sabrina.
If I had the oppurtunity to meet Christopher Paul Curtis I would say why did he write something so terrible in his book.This makes me feel compeled to find out.
If I had an oppurtunity to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him did the racism or bombing most likely inspire him to write "The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963".
I agree with alex because Christopher put the bombing in his book and wrote a fiction about a fictional family.
I agree with Kiara because the book was amazing to me.It blew my mind.It was fantastic book
Probably so Gerryon because the book was kind of emotional but may have been a lot emotional to others. Thats just my opinion
If I was able to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him “What inspired him to make a novel about a fictional family that goes to a tragedy during the year of 1963?” The reason why I’d ask this is because the novel explains when the bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church take place. I agree with Esme completely because why would he choose that event in African American History. I also agree with Curtis because What made him to make a book about Birmingham, Alabama in 1963.
I agree with Chloe and it also taught me what happened in the older years before I was born.
I agree with Isaiah I wanted to know what made him wright about a event like this.
If I had an opportunity to speak with Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him, ''What inspired you to make the Wastons leave Flint and go to Birmingham.'' I also agree with Ja'Kendric because, almost all authors have a story to tell as to why they wrote their novel. I agree with Chloe also because this novel helps my understanding about the 1960s.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Chris Paul Curtis, I would ask him why did he (Kenny)just stood there in the living room thinking about how much trouble Byron was in for slamming the door instead of running to see if Joetta was in the church when he found out about the bombing.
Jedi Houser agrees with Padawan Jeremiah's brilliant question about Christopher P. Curtis's display of the fictional family "The Watsons".
Jedi agrees with Padawan "N.Poo" about her question toward the purpose of the novel.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him, when the bombing killed those four innocent girls did you feel that it was important that the people in our future today needs to know about how it affected African Americans and also to show how we were treated even after and before the incident took place?
Tekia Horn
I agree with alex becuse i wonder if it effect him and if did how
I also agree with Alex because that is a thought that you should take in conclusion."Did the bombing really have an effect on his life?"
I agree with alex thomas because if he was affected so much did he have to go put his words into a fictional character to explain that day.
I agree with Cortez because I would also ask Christopher Paul Curtis "what or whom inspired him to write this book about a very important time in history?"
But if i had a opportunity to say something to Christopher Pual Curtis i would say why did u kenny and his family for this book
I agree with Cortez, what or whom inspired him to write The Watsons Go To Birmingham.
I also agree with Alex because Christopher Paul Curtis could have done research about the bombing in 1963 to write a full novel about it.
I agree with mikayla davis because it may have bein hard to write the book with so many sad emotions and memories going through his head, and now that he is calmed down would he like to change anyhting.
I agree with Darien, the suspense in the clip had me thinking what next even after the clip was over.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him how did he feel when the bombing occured,and did he know somebody that was effected by the church bombing? I also would ask him if there was a specific reason to make the book.
If I were allowed the oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask what made him think to write his novel, "The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963", in a childs point of view. I would also ask was the main family in the story supposed to a version of his family.
- I Agree With Gerryon De'angleo Because, Thats A Good Question To Ask , And I Would Also Want To Know If Christopher Paul Curtis Had An Emotional Break Down While Writing "The Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963" !
I agree with Alex because Mr.Curtis maybe had a family member tell him about the bombing and how the experience was.I also agree with Cortez because I also would want to know who inspried him to write the book.
If I were allowed the oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask what made him think to write his novel, "The Watsons go to Birmingham-1963", in a childs point of view. I would also ask was the main family in the story supposed to a version of his family.
If I had the chance to speak with Christopher Paul Curtis I would thank him for teaching me all about th 1960's and about how The Watsons experincing Birmingham all the way from Flint.
I agree with Cortez because i would want to now who inspired him to write. I also agree with Makalia Hicks because I think that Byron need to change.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him what made him write the book and why. I would also thank him for writing such and informing me more about the bombing than the little things I knew about it.
I agree with Princess Gabby because I would also want to know what made him write the book.
I also agree with Alex Thomas because what could affect him so bad about the bombing that he had to write a novel about it.
I agree with Adriana because I ewould also want to know why and how he chose to write about this era instead of something else. I also agree with "Naya~Poo" because I want to know, if it did affect one of his family members,how did it inspire him to wrte about the fictional characters "The Watsons"
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christipher Paul Curtis, I would ask him "What made you want to start writing remakes of historical stories for young readers to understand life back then?" Also I would ask him what gave him the idea to write "The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963".
I agree with Alex if the church bombing was that powerful enough to make a person write a story based on it I’m guessing that the church bombing effected many other people as well.
I agree with Kacy because I would also like to know how the incident affected his personal life.
I also agree with Josh Hill because I would want to know what made him write this book. Was there someone in his family who was around at the time of the bombing?
I agree with Amari because it would be interesting to find out how he felt about the bombing
I agree with Kaylin Lake because of that book I would have never known so much about yhe bombing.
If I had an oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would congratulate him on his journey as a book writer.When I was in third grade he actually came to our school and talked to us about his books and how he chose to become a writer.He said at first he didn't even think about being a writer,but he knew he had the ability to write nice children stories.When he was in his early twenties he had a girlfriend who lived a little far.One day on his way over to her house his car broke down,so he tried calling,then his phone bill became too expensive and he didn't pay.Finally,he tried writing so that's how he truly discovered his talent.
I agree with Gerryon because the events he wrote about that happened in Birmingham in 1963 were very emotional because September 15,1963 apart of alot of people died with those four little girls.
I agree with Maysa.Kids back in the 60's had to fight to get what they wanted and needed.They knew that they couldn't be disrespectful towards their family and the people around them because family was all they had.Now,kids are rude,disrespectful,and a waste of time even if they're being taught right from wrong.My generation doesn't have to fight,everything seems handed to us.I have taken a huge life lesson fron"The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963".
I agree with Kaylin Lake's statement because if the bombing did effect it would take will power in order to pull all of the emotions from that day.
I agree with Breanna Green. We kids these days don't have to fight for their needs or wants. Kids back then would be doing significant thing with their time. Some even would go and participate in boy cots. I try to do significant thing with my time besides homework and karate. Some of the things that I do are read a book. My nickname is bookworm. I f you went to Princeton you know what I mean. Like this Christmas break I read two books, and started a third. The kids back then had to grow up before their time because there was no easy way for black’s period. Even if there were their parents would not let them give up ion themselves. Even if they had no one to tell them to do what was right. They wanted to better themselves. They took pride in their work and in life. I hope that the behavior of later generations will not worsen.
I agree with Alex, because it really seem that the bombing really effected him so much that he had to write a book for it.
If I had the oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would first compliment him on his magnificiant novel. Then I would ask him the purpos of him writing this novel,if he was born at the time when the situation happened,if it had an impact on him or any of his family members if they were around hwen the situation took pace.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him," What did you think about after you published this book and how did you think the readers felt after reading it?
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would tell him how much I enjoyed reading his book. I would also ask him if the church bombing had any other effect on him besides the fact that four little girls were killed during the bombing.
I agree with you Curtis T. because I would also like to know what made him write this book in Birmingham, Alabama 1963? Was it the stories that made him do it, or the teaching?
I agree with Adriana Zelis, because Mr.Curtis is a brilliant man and I feel like he was thinking outside the box when he wrote The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963.
I also agree with Isaiah Walker, because I wonder the same thing.
I agree with what Alex said because not only would I like to know what effects the bombing had on Christopher Paul Curtis, but also how big of an effect the bombing had on him. I also agree with what Esme said because I would also like to know what made Christopher Paul Curtis the most emotional about the church bombing.
I also agree with M.Jones,Maysa crenshaw,and Breanna Green because I think kids in the 60's had love and respect for their families and knew that was all they had. And they never took their families for granted. Now and days kid out age are rude, inconsiderate, and complain all the time for little reasons that are not reasonable. Kids 0f our generation should have a big reality check very soon.
If I had the oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis,I would first compliment him on his magnificaint novel. Then I would ask what was the purpose of the novel,was h born when the situation happened,did the situation have an impact on him or any of his family members is they were around when the situation took place? This is Janaya Regal but the computerputs me in as "Naya~Poo".
I do agree with Kiara Stollenwerck because that was very thoughtful fo him to let people know that history can repeat itself. I also agree with Kalin Lake it does tell that we really need to be greatful fo all the things that we have now and the freedom that we have because they wnt threw all those things help us have the freedom that we have today that they didn't have. Again this is Janaya Regal but the computer put me in as "Naya~Poo"
If I had an opportunity to talk Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him how did he write an amazing story that took me back in time to the Civil Rights Movement that it made me fell like I was really in that dark time in history?
I agree with you Kiara, because the book was so amazing you have to thankhim for writing the book like you said.
I agree with Amari, because it has to be some kind of reason because his family or friend may have had to face the Civil Rights Movement.
- I Also Agree With Makailia Hicks When She Said Christopher Paul Curtis Was Thinking Outside Of The Box. Mr. Curtis Was Definitely Thinking Outside Of The Box, He Created A Fictional Family To Explain To Kids How The Southern States Were, In 1963 !
If I had an opportunity to talk to Chirstopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him what made him write the novel "The Watson's go to Birmingham -1963". Also I would like to ask him was he there when the bombing took place and if so did it change your life?
Lastly I would wont to tell him his book is very good and I had an amazing time reading it.
I agree with Morgin Morphy when she said it helps you remember the importance of life is
If I had a chance to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him the few questions that I don’t already know about his book. I would ask him more about his planed family trip to Florida (which is what the book was originally going you be about) and the inspirational poem about the bombings in Birmingham in 1963. I would also ask him what inspired him to make up such interesting characters in the book and, what was it like to have his father risk his life every day when he was a young child when he was in the civil rights act.
I also agree with Alex Thomas about did the situation with the bombing really effect him so much that he had to write about it.Also I agree with Adriana
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him,"Did you write the book about the bombing in 1963, because you felt as though you were apart of it, and that you wanted other people to experience your feelings, and the effection that you that was put upon you and others during the time of the bombing?
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would tell him that the book was humorous and educational. The way he mananged to put a happening in history into an interesting story shocks me. Also, I would ask him if the story was about him when he was smaller.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him if one of his loved ones got injured in the bombing and if that was the reason for him writing the book.
I would also like to agree with breanna green.
I agree with Brooke because if he was there when the bombing happened, then it may make the book a little more interesting to think about.
I agree with Tekia because he wrote the story to explain to society now what was going on at that particular time.
I agree with Nefertiti. I'd wonder what was his BIGGEST fear of the tragic event.
I agree with Oscar because Christopher Paul Curtis made it seem like a really bad time in that time in history.
I agree with Lucas because if Christopher Paul Curtis did have someone to be taken by "the wool pooh" then that may be the reason that he wrote this book.
I agree with Kiara because I appreciate Christopher P. Curtis for writing a book that enlighten young people about history in a way that was understandable.
To clarify my last post, I mean't that if the author could have been around at the time of the bombing to write the novel with very accurate and meaningful information, but the author could have also done research about the novel as well.
I agree with Adriana Zelis because, children somtimes listen to inspiring things when it comes from another child because, it really touches their heart and makes them think about it very hard when it comes from another "child."
I agree with Mikayla Hicks because without his writing ability there would not even been a book, with all of his passionate feelings he put into it .I also agree with Kiara Stollenwreck because a book like the one that Mr. Curtis has wrote is very phenomenal and what was so special about Birmingham because there are other bombings worldwide. I would like to ask Christopher Paul Curtis why he keep wrote READY! AIM! FIRE!
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him was the church bombing so bad the only way for you to get throw it was to write a fictional story explaining that this was a very importent time in history and history can repeat it's self
If I had the opportunnity to talk with Mr. Curtis I would asked him what inspired him to write this book and if it was the bombing that inspired him to write the book, what was it about this event that touched his life that motivated him to write such an inspirational story.
I agree with Alex Thomas because, how could he write a book with such strong feelings if he did research on it, because if you go through something like that theres no over coming it.So he had to go through what they went through because now that I have read his book I now look at my life diffrent, and my ancestors, because I now have some like of an idea of how they felt, but I don't have a complete idea because I was not there.
I agree with Alex thomas and Kiara Stollenwerck because they are both talking about younger generations and if we keep doing what were doing then it could start affecting are everday lives
I agree with Kiara Stollenwerck because,I wonder why did Christopher Paul Curtis want to write The Watsons Go to Birmingham 1963 in a childs perspective. I also agree with Alex Thomas because I wonder if the bobming affected him in any form of fashion.
If I had the great privilege of holding a conversation with Christopher Paul Curtis, I would tell him how honored I am to have read his magnificent creation. Inspiring and intriguing, The Watsons Go To Birmingham-1963 is my new favorite book. I would compliment his genius side,like Adriana, to write from the perspective of a child. How scared people were back then.
If I had an pportunity t talk to CHRISTOPHER PAUL CURTIS,I would ask him what made him write "The Watsons Go to Birmingham-1963" and did it have a impact his life.
I agree with Kayla Gray. This did help me on only the little things i knew about.
I agree with lucas because he did make it seem like there were struggles back then and very hard in the 1963"s.
I also think, like Gerryon, that Christopher Paul Curtis wrote this story from the heart. Nasir, I totally agree with your statement. How did Mr. Curtis pull a family, in which some characters change, and write an inspiring novel like that? It is amazing, I hope I have some talent like Mr. Curtis.
I agree with Kaylin Lake about her commenmt. The book does help to know that there was someone out their in the world trying to help us.
I agree with Brooke Hunter ,and Morgin because it do teach you about life how it change from then to now.
If I had the opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him why did he go backt to 1963 to talk what at the Sixtenth Street Baptist Church? Was it to tell his version./I agree with Kiara ,becuase he took it apon hiself to write. Oh and I also agree with Alex On the same thing
If I had the opportunity to talk to CPC, i would asked him how did he know how to put the words in the book The Watsons Go To Birmingham 1963 so that the younger generations could understand what he was trying to explain.
As Mikayla and Tekia put it, CPC must have had a hard time trying to write the book with all the sadness. He might have had to stop a couple of times to control the emotions.
I agree with Kaila Warren because this story had a big imoact on me and inspired me to change my ways.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis then I would tell him thank you for putting what happened in the '60's in a simpler form so that younger children can understand.
I agree with Kayla Gray because that is something that I would like to know. I also agree with Deja Motley because that too, is something that I find interesting and would like to find out.
If I had the chance to speak with Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him how it felt to experience the bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963. I would also ask Mr. Curtis if the bombing caused any mental trauma to him personally and how badly was the community affected by this tragic event.
I agree with Tekia when she said she wanted to ask Christopher Paul Curtis does he feel that people today should care and give more awareness to the issue of the bombing of the church and the four innocent girls dying.
I also agree with Alex Thomas. I would like to ask Christopher Paul Curtis did the bombing result in him having to write a book based on the bombing in 1963.
If I had the chance to talk to Christopher Paul Cutis I would ask him what possessed you to write a story like this relating to kids and young adults also staring the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing?
Also I would ask him how was the feeling of seeing the church bombed?
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, I would ask him, "Are you in any relation to any of the four girls that died in the bombing to write about it?"
I agree with Alex because maybe Christopher Paul Curtis wants the younger generations to learn events from the past so they won't always be bored with it because for me history is a boring subject.
I also agree with TGRISSOM because maybe Christopher Paul Curtis thought that it was good to share his feelings about the bombing with the people who read his book.
I agree with Alex because I wonder if the situation bothered him so much that he had to write about it.I also agree with Isaiah because I wonder why did he write about a time that happened long ago.I would also ask Christopher Paul Curtis "did he want teach us about what was happening in the 1960s".
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him what gave him the pasion to write about the 1960s.
I agree with Alex that the bombing effected Christopher Paul Curtis so much that he had to write a book about it.I also agree with Kaylin about thanking Christopher Paul Curtis because he puts the events where kids can understand.
I agree with curtis because I would like to know what made him write sudh an inspiring book.
Soon I saw the video, it reminded me about the story. I'm still wondering why Kenny just stood there.
(Waiting for Netflix to load)!!
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would say that he wrote a great book.This book can teach us history about the 1960s.I would ask him did the bombing effct him that much that he had to write about it in his book.
If I had the oppertunity to speak to Christopher Paul Curtis I would comment: I have really enjoyed your book it kept my attention while informing me about 1963. What was your inspiration to get an idea of this historical fiction story? I agree with Naya It does make me wonder if he was born around the time of the bomming or was anyone that was his friends or family affected. I also agree with Arianna Jones: What made him come up with the idea of ploting the story around a child's perspective.
I would ask him if one of his family members or someone he knew was involved in the bombing of the Sixtheenth Street Baptist Church. If there was one of his family members in the bombing I would see the reason he would write a book about that frightful day in history.
I agree with Isaiah the book was both entertaining and informational. So what did give him the idea.
I also agree with alex but the only thing else I wonder is what would make someone write a book about something they are possibly afraid of.
If I had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him did the people in his family not appreciate each other like the Watsons or was he greatly affected by the bombing of the church and one of his friends or family get hurt. I would ask him did he wright the book to help his family understand that they needed each other and how effective it would be if they almost lost a love one. I would also thank him for showing me how blessed we are to not be growing up during the time of segregation.
I agree with Alex because was he affected so much that he had to write a novel with a family that almost lost their love one.
I also agree with Tekia, did he write the novel to show people in the future how bad people were treated and how people sacrificed their life for us.
If I had a chance to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I woul ask him how did it feel to see all the hate sginsinst your people. I also ask did this day make you write "The Watson Go To Birmingham 1963". I agree with Kiara Stollenwreck and Kaitlynmoore88.
I also agree with Alex because writing a book like this had to have an emotional toll on him.
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