Essay Questions
What do you want to be when you grow up and how do you plan to be successful in your chosen career? Your answer should include these things:
The subjects in school in which you plan to do better.
The steps you are going to take to help you get the education you need to be successful.
The success skills that you want to incorporate into your daily life.
The lesson you learned from one of the Alabama leaders that you have read about that inspires you to succeed.
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Alien Invasion: People should be concerned about invasive species because they are destroying our sources of life. According to the text, these animals are eating native animals and plants that help us to maintain life. "Our natural ecosystems are the primary sources of our food and drinking water. Without our ecosystems, we could not exist for long." For example, cane toads eat emerald ash borer beetles which balances the ecosystem and more ash trees are preserved. If these species livede in my area, I would be very concerned.
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