The following clip is a film reenactment of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama on September 15, 1963. After viewing this film clip, reflect back over the novel that you read and discussed in class. If you had an opportunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis, what would you say to him about his historical fiction novel, The Watson Go to Birmingham-1963?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 206 of 206I also agree with Olive because even though you were learning about history it wasn't boring neither uninteresting.
If I had an oppurtunity to talk to Christopher Paul Curtis I would ask him, "Was this part of the novel emotional towards you as you wrote it?"
If I Had the chance to meet Christopher Paul Curtis I would thank him for writing The Watson Go To Bham 1963 because I have a better understanding of what was going on in that time frame.I would also ask him a question as of was he effected greatly by this event that happened in that year.
I agree with Akex Thomas And Tya Renolds because Christophet Paul Curtis had to have some type of reason as to write such an inspirational and interesting book lie the Watsons Go To B'ham 1963.
I would ask Christopher Paul Curtis what inspired him to write this story.
If I had a chance to talk to Chritopher Paul Curtis I would ask him wat is his favorite part of his book.
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