Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rasul "Rocky" Clark

Review the link above to find out more information about "Rocky" Clark and his "will" to live. As a result of our lesson today, how has your mindset changed?


Ryan Woods said...

When viewing this 26 year old man struggle, he still has the will to keep going even with only one lung left. He goes back to his old school coaching football for Eisenhower high school. Before he started coaching, he wanted to finish high school but his medical insurance ran out so he didn't have the supply of medicine that was needed his mother had to cut his doses in half because of that he had to immediately get out of high school. So still a will to keep smiling and everyday he wakes up filling no sorrow for himself.

kaitlynmoore88 said...

When I saw the video of Rocky Clark it made me sad because of what happened to him and because this happened to him in high school and he still wanted to finish high school and he went to college. Now I want to be like him if I get into a situation where I end up in the hospital and my life is in danger I would stay strong and be brave just like Rocky. I've also noticed that he could be complaining about being paralyzed but he's not he's staying strong. I hope God will help him through this and I hope he doesn't lose his life because he's my inspiration to stay strong and brave when I'm in a bad situation.

Cortez S.500 said...

After viewing the website and reading Rocky's story, I believe that he is one of the most determined men I have ever heard about in my life.My view of paralzyed people has changed totally changed, but really I just hope that his life will keep putting a smile on his face.

Kayla Gray said...

I think that Rockey is a man of will because after he got paralyzed he went back to high school, finished, and went to college. If that were someone else they would think that they wouldn't have to do nothing, but he is making a difference.

Kiara Stollenwerck said...

Thinking about what happened in that clip today,it makes you want to change your ways about complaining.What this 26 year old went through was tough,true,but in the long run he's making a difference.Think about it.Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.

Jordan Haggard said...

Rocky has a very stong will and heart he is paralized and has one lung and pnuemonia but still always smiles and will not give up no mtter what he belives he will get better and has a very very stong will

Jordan Haggard said...

Rocky inspires me much and his story makes me sad.he is a very talented young man and has no sorrow for his condition

brookehunter said...

Rocky Clark is someone i can look up to because he did things that he wasn't going to give up on what he wanted to do and he wanted to live. Right now he has went out of insurence so he can't get the things he need so he could die.

Cortez S.500 said...

I agree with you Kaitlyn,Rocky Clark has become an inspiration to me as well.

bria berry said...

Rasul"Rocky"Clark was a person with a will to survive. He didn't give up or ues his injury as an excuse. He finished high school and attempted to finish college. His dream was drawing,so he learned how write and draw with his mouth. Rocky Clark always has a smile on his face,most people would seem as if they were sad,but not Rocky he was happy all the time. Some people never know what they have until they lose it,and that's what I learned while hearing about Rocky's story, be grateful for what you have. The thing that amazed me the most was the fact that he has accomplished more paralyzed,than he has before his injury. He is a inspiration to people all over the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Well Rocky has really shown me that if you really have a "WILL"
to do something you keep at it and his will was to live, I very much respect him for it. Another thing is he has shown no sight of complaining, we all complain sometimes, but we are not in the same condition as Rocky and still complain about what we have and we don't. I know I do it all the time. In every picture Rocky is in he is smiling a big smile. That is why I admire him.

Lucas Bonner said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with you Jordan it really is sad because when you are bed written you can not move freely .Just think walking one moment and your life flashing before eyes another.

ejderrico 11 said...

I think that Rocky is the bravest person I have ever seen becuase he was just walking one day then his walking abilities were gone. In a blink of an eye he was bed written becuase of a normal tackle. After all he has been through I don`t think that anyone in Alabama has been through Rocky has been through.

chryshawn parker said...

My mindset has changed because,I see how blessed I am and I always take things for granited. Rocky inspires me.

Arianna Jones 6C said...

Rocky has inspirede and motivated mr.He has shown me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

Anonymous said...

Rocky's insurance policy maxed out and he couldnt get the expensive medicines he needed. He said he felt like he was being penalized for living to long. he had assumed the insurance policy would renew. One of his lungs collapsed and he would have to take a breath when he said something.My mindset has changed in a good way, telling me to stop complaining about pity things and be grateful this devastating ingury didn't happen to me.

oscar gipson said...

When I look at Rocky now I look at myself and see how bless I am that I'm able to move like Rocky did before the big play that changed his life forever. At age 16 Rocky who was tackled really hard and was paralyzed neck down after a play. Today at age 26, Rocky is the coach of his old high school (Eisenhower High School). Rocky shows that he really loves the sport of football, even when he can't play the sport again. I really wish Rocky could have skip that scary day that cause not only him sadness but his family and teammates. If Rocky can do what he do paralyed then I can set my goal higher and try harder to reach them.

Sabrina Azaria Payne12 said...

My mindset has changed, because beyond the point that he is paralyzed, he is making an effort to live. I don’t expect that out of most people. Then when my mom saw the video the first thing that came out of her mouth was, thank God that I am blessed because she has MS short term for Multiple Sclerosis. Rocky really makes me have an effort to succeed all my goals in life, even though he does not know me he really makes me want to push myself and encourage my Mom not to give up when she has a major clinic episode with MS, and it affects her ability to walk fast with a cane .Every picture that I saw of Rocky he was smiling and when I saw that, what popped right into my mind was why am I not smiling. When Rocky smiles it really shows that he is blessed for the little things that he has and he takes his weaknesses and puts them in a better perspective.

Chloe Leftridge said...

Seeing a man be so optimist and calm even though he was in a serious situation made me think about my life. He helped me realize that life is what it is and you have to deal with what ever it is. Also that I should be grateful for what I have. It made me think about all the complaining I have did and the stress that I've caused my mother. I'm going to start being optimistic about every situation I'm in even if it is bad, just deal with it and move forward.

Nasir Dowdell said...

My mindset has changed differently about Rocky.The reason is because Rocky can do things that I can`t do such as draw.Also on the website there was poem written by Rocky himself.Rocky`s will to demiscrate you alot about his personality &character because instead of feel-ing for himself on with his life.

Ian Knapp said...

Waching this video has made me think different about myself. After the video I realized there where many other tasks I can acomplish. I realize how Rocky Clark lost so much and never complained, but most people complain over little things. I stride to be more like ROcky and do everything with a good attude and with all I have.

Ian Knapp said...
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KACY said...

Watching this video I realise that I have a wonderful life and I should be proud of it.For me Rocky Clark is an eye opener. Even after going through many injuries Rocky Clark still has not lost any of his hope or his "Will to Live." My mindset has changed dramatically. When I get injured play in my backyard I would run inside for a bandade, but after seeing Rocky Clark I have nothing to complain about.

laurealchildress2011~ said...
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laurealchildress2011~ said...

My mindset has changed because I didn't really think about how blessed I am to have my body and be able to use it. Rocky has the will to survive, and I should have a strong will to do what I need to do to be successful.

Kaylin Lake said...

i think Rocky is a person of passion and will beacause after being paralyzed he still lives his life with with a big smile on his face.Rocky has found many ways to help him to continue those truely special passions in his life such as art.Rocky actually learned to draw with his mouth. Rocky should be the idol for all kids and adults .

corian broner said...

When I heard about Rocky Clark being paralyzed and the way he said "things just happen",he has changed my mindset because he has the will to live.He wanted to stay alive,so he kept trying and trying to live.So after hearing about that that it is going to help me to motivate myself throughout life.

MaysaCrenshaw said...

I think that Rocky is the symbol of courage and hope. He opens my eyes to see that anything can happen to you at any time. Even on his bed he has more hope and faith than some people could ever dream of. Rocky Clark you rock.

TrinityLaNiyaGroves said...

My mindset has changed after the lesson, because if I were in this condition I wouln'tave been able to keep a smile like Rocky. Rocky is strong in these tough times. Rocky has showed me that if there's a will there's a way.

Anonymous said...

I think Rasul "Rocky" Clark has a big will to live because even after the injury he had he still had the will to finish high school,but his insurance ran out, and he couldn't get the medicine that he needed.His mother had to cut his doses in half,and he had to get out of high school quickly. When he got to college he couldn't finish because he got newmonoa,but I know when he gets better,he will continue to finish college.

Makaila Hicks said...

I have learned so many new things about Mr. Rocky Clark. First of all in class when we were talking about him I already knew who he was from the show will to live. So he was basically no one new to me. Every single day many kids like myself take things for granted. Because I know he would love to walk and enjoy looking at the bright sun each and everyday.So,I decided to help rocky I want to collect money and the following items and send it to Annette Clark 3105 W. Ludia Ave Robbins,Illinois 60472 by the end of november 25,2011:

Deja Motley said...

My mind-set has changed because he show me that we whine and complain when we don't like lunch, but he manges to put on a smile everyday after his tragity 20 years ago.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

My mind set has changed because even though Rocky didn't have the best situation he somehow finds a way to always smile. I get upset when silly things happen to me, but even though this happened to him he is still joyful and trying to help people who are also quadriplegic. I think that everyone should think, act, and believe like Rocky does.Rocky is the bravest person I have ever seen and I am so inspired by his story and how he lives on even when life seemed like it was over. I will never think the same about life because Rocky has shown me how life could be and how truly blessed I am. This is how my mind set has changed.

Anonymous said...

After searching the website i feel like we should not complain. I feel that rocky is trying to tell us that we are taking the life that god did not have to give us for granted and we need to fix really quick. I am pretty sure that the students in 6A 6B and 6C don't want to lose their life so why should rocky? That is why i would like to help makaila hicks in the race for rocky's life!

Martez6B said...

Rocky's will to live has changed my mindset by making me think about what I'm doing. In football, his situation helps me play safer. I go do my job on the field without a care in the world, but now I watch out for my body, when I'm running the ball, by glancing back looking to see if someone's about to tackle me. Then I increase my speed.

Jeremiah Pulliam said...

When I had heard about what has happen to Rocky, It makes me feel like how lucky i am to be able to things that Rocky can't. I agree with Ryan when he says that when you lokk at this 26 year old man and what that he is going through, it show shows you how much will and determination. My mindset has changed to where I will thank God every day just to able to walk for one more day.ALso, I agree with you Corian.

Adriana Zelis said...

When I read and heard about Rocky Clark I was kind of shocked. I never knew that someone could still smile after they lost the use of their limbs. I've completely changed my mind set. Before I heard about Rocky (when I was younger) I thought you could not live without using your arms or legs. I now know realize nothing is impossible. When I heard that his insurance company would no longer pay for his medicine and other things that he needs, I got mad. My oppinion is they thought Rocky was going to die but he hasn't yet so they don't want to give him the things he needs. For me it is nice to know he still smiles.

Charles99 said...

When I saw the video of Rocky Clark I wanted to get up and do something. Even thought I couldn't leave school grounds, I wanted too. I really didn't think Rocky deserved to be paralized,and still he didn't complain.

Delvyn Johnson said...

Watching the video about Rasul "Rocky" Clark made me think about all th things i could have done in order to help myself and others because he was paralyzed and he still was coaching for his high school. That is love for what you do.

Some people today don't love the things they do like he does.
He says "Moma I can't breath.",and we complain about the little things like my arm hurts and he can't fell his arm.

This clip just makes me think about how selfish myself and others are.

Areona6B said...

I have changed by seeing how selfish I am through all of these years because 1 man was paralyzed and had a smile on his face everyday.

Jaelyn Reese said...

My mindset has changed because when I think about what all Rocky can't do I feel so ungrateful. I fell as though I am very disrespectful compared to Rocky.And when I think that Rocky wanted to start school again 9 months after being in that terrible accident. I realized that I am ungrateful of my education,and I am going to go school and get my education joyfully. Rocky is so intelligent and smart. This has really changed the way I think.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Delvyn some people(me) aren't grateful for what they have.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Kaitlyn Moore Rocky has been my inspiration.

deshaun oliver said...

he change my mine because he's going threw all and isn't able to do most things that a most people can do and steal doens't complain

Alexis Brooks6B said...

When I looked at Rocky Clark's amazing story, it made me think about how blessed I am and how his accident could have happened to anyone. It makes me feel like I have a purpose in life like Rocky has his purpose. To me Rocky was and still is a star. He shouldn't feel like half the man he was because he's still a full man just without what he had before. Because he has the guts to keep going on with his life while he has it is what makes him a man. One way he keeps going is, he still draws master artwork and he's not afraid to tell others about what happened to him either. That's what the video make me think.

Amber Foster 6A said...
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Amber Foster 6A said...

My mindset has changed totally. Looking at this video and doing research on him makes me want to cry. I complain about the littlest things. I see that he is not complaining he is praying and having hope and faith on the lord. I know that the lord is good because ROCKY could not be here today. It’s very important now to me that I appreciate what I have and to keep faith and be strong.

M.Jones said...

When viewing the video about Rocky Clark it made me sad. He did not let his conditon stop him of this dreams. He was determined to succeed not matter what he had to do or go thru to achieve his dreams. To me he is a remarkable man. He did not feel sorry for himself and he did not complain. It taught me not to complain about things.

Kaylin Lake said...

Makaila you are a good person for doing what you are doing. You are one of the people that helps Rocky to survive on positive things.God has blessed you with those powers and you are embracing them. Keep up the good work.

Kaneisha Rivers said...

Rocky has changed my mind set in a great way. I now see the things I complain about are not important at all.

Jaidyn Washington 18 said...

When I saw the video of Rocky Clark, he is like role model ,he showed that even though he is paralyzed nothing can't stop him from finishing high school and going to college and also coaching other other football he is still a remarkable man and I will always keep him in my prayers.

Joshhill said...

"Rasul "Rocky" Clark" has inspired me on so many levels. Even though he has lost one lung caused by pneumonia and is paralyzed from the neck down, he still keeps a smile on his face. The conditions he is facing still hasn't slowed him down. He has the will and determination to make something out of his life.

jaylin said...

when viewing this 26 year old man struggle,I realize that I have a great life to live and I have a body to use .

jaylin said...

I also realize that im blessed ,and the things i be complaning abut is not worth it

sidney b said...

Rocky indeed has been very determined. He never gave up, and I am sure his mother was very sad when he finally said ”I’m tired.” Rocky has changed my mindset by making me fell as though I have not been thankful. H makes me feel like I haven’t done right. He never companied at the biggest things, yet I complain over the littlest things.

sidney b said...

I agree with Adriana, because he has a big will. Also, the insurance company thought he was going to be like most people and get up. Did he? No Rocky Clark did NOT give up. He smiles and at least doesn’t make other people unhappy by looking unhappy.

sidney b said...

I agree with Trinity, because if you have hope and don’t give up, you will find a way.

Brooklin M. Ballard said...

Hearing the story of Rocky's life struggles and pain, has brought me to the realization of how selfish and carefree we are about life itself. He is a role model for people both young and old. Knowing that he has gone through all of these things and still came out on the winning side, has given me the reassurance that no matter how hard life seems to get, I can and somehow will come out on the winning side too.
The grass is always greener on the other side!


When i saw this viedo i thought it was really heart touching because he was very strong even though he was disable to to do things he used to could do. Rocky didnt let being parilized bring him down because there is sayin called "Where there is a will there is a way." He is a person i would look to because he is a inspiration to strive for perfection in life

Delvyn Johnson said...

As a student i agree to your idea Makaila because he made a chnge and we need to do the same.

E'shandae Thomas said...

I am amazed at the way Rocky is so positive about the situation he's in. Also, I'm amazaed at the way insurance companies are so tricky to put in hidden clauses and not caring about the way it would affect their customers.

In addition, I would love to help Makaila in behalf of Rocky's needs.

jabranice.moore said...

My mindset change because everybody is in need and I am truly blessed and I complain about how I don't have this and that but I finally realize when I looked at his story and hoe long he has been in this condition my mindset changed a whole lot because I realized I am truly blesswed !

Esme said...

When I saw the video and the website about Rocky Clark, it made me both happy and sad. It made me happy because when I think about it, he was happy to be able to accomplish more things then the average person with no injuries could in their whole lifetime! Also, it makes me feel determined to get a good education, and keep dreaming! But it makes me sad because I know he was in a hard situation, and I want him to keep being determined about life like he's been!
This changes my mindset by thinking about when I complain, my parents tell me,
"There are people in the world who actually have bad problems in their lives, and you are not one of them." It makes me thankful, and even more determined!

darien malone said...

Rocky Clark is a very signifacnt person.He's not complaining;he's living his life without worry.Is just his insurance is very low.Rocky is determind to do what he can to help others and try to have and deo what he can.

Morgin Murphy said...

Saturday afternoon, a 16 year old was living his dream. Playing for a high school football team,as running back. With one tackle Rocky Clark was paralyzed from neck down, not being able to move ever again. But, Rocky was so deterimed he finished school, and went to college. Fortunately, he didn't finish because he's struggling with pneumonia, and his insurance company refuses to pay. It's been 10 years and people are willing to help Clark, and fight for him. Someone even came up with the Rasual "Rocky" Clark Foundation. Rocky only has one lung, and no insurance this is why it's a struggle for him to live with pneumonia. Luckily, Rocky will get the money to afford the right medication to help his needs, and survive.
~Morgin Murphy

Makaila Hicks said...


Tekia Horn said...

Rocky Clark is 26 and very strong. He showed me never to give up. He is very happy and joyful. Rocky didn't let anything stop him he is very amazing. He wakes up every day thinking of positive things. If I were to see him I could not tell what condition he is in. Rocky has an amazing smile that makes everyone around him smile. His mother is very proud of him, because he has not given up. He is an amazing artist exspecially when he drew with his mouth. I will continue to pray for him even though he has all the encouragement and love anyone could ever have!

jabranice.moore said...
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Kiara Stollenwerck said...

When I see this man's drawings, it almost made me want to cry because the thought of not being able to draw and use your hands again is sad.So people, don't be selfish and be selfless.

breannagreen99 said...

Rasul Clark said "I feel like I'm being punished for living too long." My mindset has changed by me seeing someone in a position where it's life or death. What I mean by that is he's lived longer than others expected but if he doesn't receive the help he needs there is a strong possibility he'll die.

Akina Nalls said...

I love Rocky Clark because he has a great will.

Akina Nalls said...

when I wached the video on rocky it made me think about how I complain about the simplist things.

Morgin Murphy said...

Also I researched Rocky's drawings and just looking at the art that he did, you wouldn't even believe someone drew it with there mouth. Rocky has natural talent. A person who couldn't feel their hands, drawing would be the last thing on their mind.

Morgin Murphy said...
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jabranice.moore said...
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Lucas Bonner said...

This man fights every day and has to suffer, yet we sit at home with all body parts functioning correctly. He only has one lung and has been paralyzed from the neck down. He even smiles every day, and I believe that he is an optimistic person.

Anonymous said...

Rocky really has a great mindset. Never upset,and always smiling. He really loves and enjoys life.

Lauren Perry said...

I will never feel Rocky's pain.If I was paralyzed I couldn't smile as much as Rocky. Rocky surprisingly returned to high school and graduated. He went to college, and had to learn how to draw with his mouth. Rocky has been through a lot, and you should be grateful that you are not in the same condition.

Nakiyah McCafferty said...

When watching this I was in shock that this happened to Rocky.This video changed me and made me think different I thought about what if that was me. So,I changed the ways about school.And i'm grateful for my friends and family

Tamaira Jackson said...


Anonymous said...

I think that Rocky is a very talented person that has a will to keep moving forward even in bad times. A 26 year old that is always happy and not siad.Rocky can draw to I mean he can really draw.

Anonymous said...

I think you are right Ryan he dose have a will to live in bad times too.

Anonymous said...

Well dont be sad Kaitly rock is not sad of what happen to him.He dose not want anybody to fell bad for him he wants you happy.

Alexis_Brooks6B :P said...

Rocky Clark is an amazing and inspiring man and he show kids and even adults that if you have the will to live no matter your condition you can. Rocky has the will to live which is why he is alive. He taught me not to take for granted the life you live because what happened to him can happen to you any day and any time.

Naya~Poo said...

The lesson thatyou taught today had abig impact on me and hopefully alot of other students in the 6C class.I need to be gratful for all that I have and take advantage of the abilities that I have.I need to stop being lazy, be more of a responsible student, and do may best in every thing I do. I have alot of things to be greatfull for and should show love to all the teschers that go to schoo land learn to more about becoming a better teacher. Thy o out of their way to do alot of thibgs for us and we should be greatful. Rocky has been a great modivater and wll always be for my school education.

Deja Motley said...

My mind-set has changed because he show me that we whine and complain when we don't like lunch, but he manges to put on a smile everyday after his tragity 20 years ago.