Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brain Teaser #2

There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?  Good Luck:)


Amber Foster 6A said...

In order to do that from my understanding, you have to put the two jugs itself in the barrel.

Isaiah D, Walker said...

I really do agree with Amber because it does make sense to put two jugs in the barrel.

Isaiah D, Walker said...

For myself I should just put both th jugs in the barrel together.

Kiara Stollenwerck said...

I kind of don't agree with Amber,but I think that you could use sugar in one jug and salt in the other.:)

Delaney Howlett said...

If you colored one of the waters, you might be able to tell which water came from which jug.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I would put food coloring in one and leave the other one plain,then put both of them in a barrel.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I also don't agree with Amber, because in the brain teaser it says you can't use the jugs.

Anonymous said...
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E'shandae Thomas said...

I agree to dis agree with all answers because the regular water will just make the uncolored water a lighter color, but I think maybe you can freeze it some kind of way in different colors.

chrisfells1 said...

I say put the jugs in the barrel because in order to detremine which is which you have to take them out of the water filled barrel

Anonymous said...

I would put food coloring in one jug and then put another color of food coloring in the other jug.

Anonymous said...

I agree with amber because you could put the jugs in the barrrel by itself.

Areona6B said...

I agree with Mikayla that I should pour food coloring in one and leave the other plain, but with the plain jug you won't know if it went down because it will blend in with the color.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Eshandae because maybe you could freeze the water in different colors.

Areona6B said...

I also agree with Curtis 1 answer when the colors mix you will know the water is in the barrel.

kaitlynmoore88 said...
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Anonymous said...
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kaitlynmoore88 said...

I agree and I also disagree with Amber because how would you tell the difference between the jugs? I would color one of the jugs and put them into the barrel.

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with kaitlyn becsue it says how will you know which water came from which barrel so in order to do that you will have to color code the jugs

Anonymous said...

i would put the jugs into two different barrels

Jalyn Robinson said...

I agree with amber because you can't put both jugs in the water and tell them apart so its just best to put the jugs in the water itself with the water inside the jugs of course!!!

jabranice.moore said...

you could also use a hose pipe !

Jalyn Robinson said...

Ok I had to reread the brain teaser. It says you can't use the jugs, so now I disagree with Amber. My father said there is no possible way you can lol. I kind of agree with my father because its just going to get mixed up no matter what. You could pu sugar in one and salt in one and its just going to taste like salty,sweer water. Like the m&m's with the pretzels lol!!!!

Jalyn Robinson said...

But my father just said u could use a hose pipe so he agree's with Jabranice!!!

Chloe Leftridge said...

My answer is that you freeze both of the waters and them put them in the barrel. you could still tell them apart since they will be frozen.

Jaden said...

put one jug of water into a pail, then place the pail in the barrel and pour water around the pail.

Nasir Dowdell said...

First, freeze the jugs of water.Then, take the plastic away leaving only the blocks of frozen water.Finally, you can see which water came from which jug.Also, I would use food coloring tell the difference.

Chloe Leftridge said...

I disagree with you Jalyn because I really don't think it's necessary to use a hose pipe.

Deja Motley said...

I think you can put the water in a barrel without using dividers or moving the jugs by,first putting oil in one jug and mixing.Then using a tube,the same one they use to steal gas stick 1 end in 1 jug suck the other and it will start to flow into the barrel then take the other end and do the same.You can tell them apart because the oily water will float on top of the plain water.

Esme said...

I agree AND disagree with Delaney because I do think you could add color to it. BUT: when the water mixes in the barrel, then you wont be able to tell the difference! So I'm pretty sure your going to have to do something else to the water also...

breannagreen99 said...

You could put blue food coloring in one jug of water to tell the difference.

Esme said...

Okay, I think I have it. What if you color the water, then freeze both jugs of water... When they completely freeze, cut the jugs open, get out the colored ice and non-colored ice and put them into the barrel together.

Cortez S.500 said...

I disagree with everyone!!! You will have to poke a hole in one of the jugs, and then let that water go into the barrel. Get a yard stick and measure the water level inside the barrel. Write that measurement down,poor out the water, and dry up the inside of the barrel. Complete that process with the other jug, and that how u tell which water came from which jug.Oh yeah, remember to label the first measurement "1" and the second one "2".

Esme said...

I disagree with you Cortez, because I'm pretty sure you have to put both jugs of water in the barrel at the same time.

Cortez S.500 said...

Well you might be right Esme, but it didn't say say that in the
brain teaser.

Esme said...

Actually it kind of did. It said put all of this water into the barrel.

MaysaCrenshaw said...

Maybe you could do what Amber said put the two jugs in the barrel. then you will always know which water is from each jug

MaysaCrenshaw said...

You could also put a differant drawing on each jug so can tell which jug is which

corian broner said...

You can cut a hole under the one upside down through the table and then you can cut a hole through the one standing up through the table and the jug and let the water run into the barrel.

Makaila Hicks said...

Well,you could dye one jug of the water with food coloring to have a distinct color of which one is which .For example you could die one jug a bloody red and leave the other jug of water clear or another color like purple or green.

NefertitiWilliams12 said...

I agree with Delaney because you can tell which watar was in which jug.

KACY said...

i disagree with you kiara because the sugar and salt would mix in with the water, so since sugar and salt look the same you would't be able to tell which ones which.

KACY said...

i dusgree with you amber because you can't use the jugs.

Josh.Stanton2-5 said...

fill the dotted container up to the dotted line then fill the regular container all the way up and less will come out of the dotted container

sidney b said...

I agree with Esme,because you could tell them apart and get all the water in the barrel.

sidney b said...

I indeed think you need to freeze it because if you just put coloring in one jug, then when you put them both in the barrel the coloring would mix with the other uncolored water.

sidney b said...

I disagree with Cortez, because how do you tell the water apart then?

Esme said...

I disagree with you Cortez because when the water is all in the barrel, how would you know the difference???

Anonymous said...

I agree with everyone who said that we can put sugar in one and salt in the other because you can tell the difference by tasting. And I also disagree with everyone who said that you can put food coloring in each of the jars because I don't think you can color code the water.

SabrinaPayne12 said...

I agree with Curtis Thomas I would put food coloring in one jug and a different color food coloring in another or a preferably a red in one and green in the other. I would also freeze it like Eshandae said. If you could not change the color with the food coloring maybe you can use Kool-Aid shake-em-ups and freeze each of them and you will know which jug by taste and color. You can enjoy and taste the one that unthaw first.

Anonymous said...

You would have to put the 2 jugs in the barrel together or pour the water on a table and let it drip into the barrel

Martez6B said...

You can just let the water stream down into the barrel.One jug of water colored,the other regular.

Jalyn Robinson said...

I didn't say use a hose pipe I said my father did. So chloe you disagree with jabranice and my father. I agree with you though, it is unnecessary to use a hose pipe.

Can somebody please tell me the website for the wiki website please!!!!!!!!!!!

Kayla Gray said...

I agree with Mikayla Davis because if you put food coloring in one of the jugs, left one plain, and froze the both of them you could tell them apart.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I think you could just put food coloring in there to tell which one came from which.To get it in the barrel you could just slide the jugs over and pour them into the barrel.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Makaila Hicks, that you can put food coloring in there to tell which is which.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Kiara Stollenwerck because you could put sugar and salt in there for tasting.

Adriana Zelis said...

I don't agree with Amber either. I like Kiara's Idea but how could you tell which had sugar and which had salt? I think you would have to color the water. That way you could color code the water.

MichaMaze6b said...

you could add different colors to the water in the jugs then put them in the barrel

M.Jones said...

I think that it would be impossible to tell which water came from the two jugs. If you use food coloring for each jug, the colors would run together.

MaysaCrenshaw said...

Kacy if you disagree with Amber on using the jugs to divide the water, then what do you think we should use? If we can not use the jugs then maybe we can just put the water in two different barrles because the question did not say that we could not use two different barrels.Then you could put food coloring in the two different barrels so that you can tell which barrel is which.

bria berry said...

I agree with Curtis T. and Breanna G. because you could just put food coloring in one of jugs of water,but I don't agree about the freezing part because if you freeze it you won't be able to get it out of the jug.

Kaylin Lake said...

Well,I think that you should just place the jugs themselves in the barrel.

Cortez S.500 said...

Now that I think about it,it is impossible for you to tell which water came from which jug if I can't use a divider or the jug. When you put food coloring in one and not the other it will mix with the other water to make the color lighter, and if you put food coloring in both it will make a different color. And the freezing idea,I'm not trying to shoot somebody's idea down, but it makes no sense because how would you get the ice out.

Jalyn Robinson said...

I agree with cortez because its impossible.

ejderrico 11 said...

I disagree with Amber and Isaiah because the brain teaser said " Not using jugs or dividers ". I think you should use seperate barrels.

Anonymous said...

I think it is impossible because water is water and all water looks alike.

breannagreen99 said...

Bria and Myreon both have a point...You can't freeze it because the only way to get it out of the jug is to let it melt again...And Myreon i agree because the colors may run together

chryshawn parker said...

I somewhat agree with Eshandae Thomas when she states "you can freeze it some kind of way in different colors", but I strongly disagree with everyone who says you should put food coloring in the jugs and put the water in the barrel. Just think about it, if you put food coloring in the water and put the jugs of water in the barrels the colored water would turn the rest of the water the same color. In order to make the water the color of the food coloring you used water to make it that color, and if you add more water to the colored water it would just turn the rest of the water the same color.

Jaidyn Washington 18 said...

You just put food color in in each jug or you can label it.

Rebecca Rubio said...

I very much agree with Sabrina, Myreon,Bria,and Breanna.All of your ideas are brilliant!But I mostly agree with Chloe.You could put artificial food coloring in the water that is in the jugs,freeze them, then cut the plastic jars open to get the water out,and put it in the barrel.I do disagree with you Breanna that the only way to get frozen water out of ajug is to melt it.

Delvyn Johnson said...

Place the jugs themselves in the barrel.

I agree with Amber because that's the only way to get it in there.

Charles99 said...

Charles Sims 6A\Freeze the water in one of the jugs.

Destiny Reid said...

You could freeze each jug in a different color, using artificial food coloring. Then, let the water melt and pour them in the barrel. That way, you'll be able to see which water came from which jug; but at the same time I agree with Myreon. It would be impossible to tell which water came from which jug because the water would mix causing the colors to blend.

laurealchildress2011~ said...

You would have to measure the amount of water you will need to one jug. After that you will need to fill up the jug. Lastly,you need to cut a hole in the jug with a pair of scissors.

jadenperkins2020 said...

you can use two separate barrels for the two jugs of water

t.adams said...

i say that if you put food coloring in the water,put it in ice trays but over flow it a little and put it in the freezer that way all of ti will be stuck together

Kaylin Lake said...

I also agree with amber foster because that would be the simplest way to complete the task.

Kaylin Lake said...

I agree with chloe also becasue i dont think it is necessary to use a hose pipe Jabranice

Jennifer said...

You could put one jug of water in the barrel then dump the barrel out then put the last of the water in the barrel. It didn't say it all had to go in at once.

darien malone said...

I think Amber had a very intelligent answer, why not just put the jugs of water in the the barrel.

Jaelyn Reese said...

But Mrs.Lavender said without using jugs or dividers.

Jessica Thomas said...

I agree with mikalya because it does say without using the jugs so I say you cant do that unless u put the water i to differnt barrals.

Esme said...

I think you can freeze the water because: if you food color the water, then freeze them in the jugs, when they freeze, just cut open the jugs... You don't have to let it melt again!

TrinityLaNiyaGroves said...

I agree with esme If you put different color food coloring in each jug and freeze it you'll be able to tell them apart


i agree with amber because she is right because you cant use one jug you have to use both

Isaiah Rouse said...

I agree with Corian.You can cut a hole in the table and let the water fall from the table into the barrel.

Amber Foster 6A said...

If my answer is wrong my second choice would be what Maysa Crenshaw said because, it didn't say we couldn't use two barrels.

Brooklin M. Ballard said...

I agree with Amber Foster and Isaiah Walker because puting food color in it will blend the colors and it will be a pale blue color.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chryshawn food coloring isn't such a good idea.

Joshhill said...

Freeze the water in the jug first until it's ice. cut out the water in the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug depending on the sizes and shapes of the jugs.

KACY said...

Pour the water from the first jug into the barrel then freeze it. Then just pour the water from the second jug in so that the water from the second jug will sit on top of the frozen water from the second jug.

tyler tolbert said...

I agree with Amber but I think you should put a sticker on the 1st and 2nd stickers.

Tekia Horn said...

when you pour the first jug of water in the barrel mark the level of water in the first jug,then when you pour the second jug of water anything that is over the mark belongs to the second jug

Tekia Horn said...
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Tekia Horn said...
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Anonymous said...

Personally i think that the only way you can do it is two put the water in two different barrels and label them, basically thats the onlyn way to do it.

Lauren Perry said...

The water would have to be frozen and be different colors because if it is not frozen then the colors will blend.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Lauren because when you freeze the water the colors will not blend and be separate.

chryshawn parker said...

I also agree with Myreon when he says ,"If you use food coloring for each jug, the colors would run together".

Arianna Jones 6C said...

I agree i would freeze both of them as different colors.c

Nakiyah McCafferty said...

You can do one of two things. Number one would be to use two seperate barrels or number two would be to place dye in the different jugs and freeze the water so that you will know which jug the water came out of...

Esme said...

I agree with Arianna, you should freeze the water.

superstarn6b said...

I think you could put sugar or another spice to tell which water was which one by how it tasted.

L.Lavender said...

You all have some of the most interesting responses I have ever read! The answer is to freeze the water in each jug, and then remove it. So congratulations to Chloe Leftridge for being the first person to get the correct answer! You all have done an awesome job. (Great Thinking)

Anonymous said...

I say you freeze one of the jugs then put it in the barrel. Then you get the other jug and put it on top of the frozen water in the barrel

Deja Motley said...

I think you can put the water in a barrel without using dividers or moving the jugs by,first putting oil in one jug and mixing.Then using a tube,the same one they use to steal gas stick 1 end in 1 jug suck the other and it will start to flow into the barrel then take the other end and do the same.You can tell them apart because the oily water will float on top of the plain water.