Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Millionaire in the Making

What are your thoughts about Damon Williams and the decisions he has made as a youth? Do you see yourself investing in something? If so, what?


Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I think that Damon Williams is very smart and advanced.I think the decision he has made took a while to decide. I also think that he thought about how he could help him and his mother.Yes, I do and I would invest in Jordan's because Michael Jordan has and makes millions of dollars a day so of I invest in that one day I can be worth as much money as Damon Williams.

Tyler Tolbert said...

I think Damon is very mature and intelligent. It is very good to know what young people in the world are doing. I see myslef investing in a lot of things in about 5 years. I would invest in things such as shoes,clothes,video games,and furniture. I know Damon's mother is proud to know what he's having a great life. Hopefully, if i become really good in invessting my mom will be proud of me too!!!! Tyler T. =)

Anonymous said...

I think that Damon Williams is smart to get inside the investing business this early in his age.I would see myself investing in electronics and being a millionare.
If Damon can make a decision this tough in his youth,he can make more decisions when he is older.I wish Damon a happy and sucessful life. Denzil O.

Jordan Haggard said...

I think Damon Williams made good choices as a kid, but sadly it seems he had to grow up quick. I think that Damon's hard work in school and stocks helped in his investing alot. I feel he is a lucky person too, because he basicly already has a career and it's working out great. He is like they said, a millionaire in the making. Am i interested in investing? No,I plan to be an engineer.

Anonymous said...

I think Damon Williams made good desicions in his youth because he listened to his mom and her advice about investing money. Yes I do plan on investing in something.I plan on investing in my college fee.

Anonymous said...

My personal opinion of Damon is that, yes he is he is very well experienced and it probably took time to get where he is but if he is 14 then he started at about my age about well...look where he is now.Which is telling me i have a chance at investing,and will maybe worth as much as him, or even more. If I were to invest in something,it would probably be clothes.

breannagreen99 said...

I think Damon is very intelligent for a 14 year old boy.He's invested in the stocks while not ostracizing being a teenager.Do I shut out the thought of investing,no but right now I enjoy academics,basketball,and being 11.

Joshhill said...

Damon Williams is a very imtelligent young man. By investing now at young age, he will have a lot of money in the future. Maybe I should start investing now.:)

Kaylin Lake said...

Damon Williams appears to me as a very studious young man. The statement "learn from your mistakes " must work because being in debt made damon worth a lot of money. at the age of fourteen he is smarter then some adults. Oneday im going to be worth even more then him!

Makaila Hicks said...

Wow Oh Wow Damon williams is a wonderful example for our generation today.Because most kids today either are dead or pregnant.And this young man is really making a difference they said he make 50,000 a week that's enough to by 15 pairs of shoes maybe.But atleast he's investing at a yoing age and not dealing drugs or other things.Someday I'm going to be like him except I'm going to be a singer.


Rebecca Rubio said...

I think that Damon Williams is very intelligent because he has learned how to manage investing at such a young age.It gives me the example of how I could also achieve something at such a young age.Although I don't plan to be an investor, I do intend to be a photographer and specialize in nature.

E'shandae Thomas said...

I think Damon is very mature and logical as a young man. His mom taught him well,owning 42 stocks in NIKE products. I don't think I could choose, but with my experience the GOOGLE stock is about $600 worth.

Tekia Horn said...

Damon is a very smart person.He took what his mother said and put it the test.It is good to see someone who has so much money and use it wisely.I could maybe see myself like that,but then i can't.I know it could be hard to start.Overall it is very amazing and it shows that anyone can do anything!

oscar gipson said...
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darien malone said...

I think Damon Williams is very intelligent to save up and invest his money wisely. He is a excellent rolemodel to kids every where!!!


i think damon made the right decions by listing to his mom and becoming an excellent youth. I wold invest in shoes, and clothes because my style is fresh and i like to look neat and not messed up. I think i will take damons advice and become more advanced.

deshaun oliver said...

He is a very smart young man and knows a lot about school and basketball one day i could maybe be just like him and talented in many things

oscar gipson said...

My thoughts about Damon Williams as a youth is that the he has maked something out of himself, rather than walking the streets and selling drugs. Yes I would like to see myself investing in Apple products. The product that I would invest in is one of the Apple's laptops named Macbook.

Kayla Gray said...

I think Damon is a very intelligent person for his age. I know his mom is very proud to know that her 14 year old son can invest in things.

Jalyn Robinson said...

I think that Damon is a very intelligent and maturee person for his age and he have made a good decision in investing in Nike Products and I don't plan on investing at the moment. I sure do hope that I will be just sucessful as Damon when I get older and make lots of money.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

damon Williams has really excelled in saving money. this shows that he really wants to get the things that usually he did not have enough money to get. that is what i call saving and {then] buying. he gets the things he wants because of his investing.

sidney b said...

I think it is smart of Damon to invest. He is very smart and when he grows up will have a lot of belongings. When I grow up I will probably invest in cloths and food. Unique foods that are a lot of money. I think Damon's mom is very inspiring to him. She teaches him well And he is doing well.

Jaidyn Washington 18 said...

I think Damon inspires other people to be better ,yes I see that I can be better in school so I can make that type of money.

jaylin said...

i think that Damon is smart and ingellent and can accoplish what ever he set to do.Damon can be a millionaire in the making.

kaitlynmoore88 said...

Damon Williams is very clever. I think the decision he made he had to think thoroughly through before making the decision. I think he thought about how he could help hiself and his mom. Yes,I would and I would invest in being better in school so that I can get to higher goals.

chryshawn parker said...
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chryshawn parker said...

I think Damon is very wise for his age and made a good decision by investing in stock. His mother was a big influence in his decision on saving money. Yes,Ido see myself investing.

Anonymous said...

I think that he shows everyone from the youth to the elderly can can be successful in things like this here. He is a great influence to everyone..

Joshhill said...

Correction.....Damon Williams is a very intelligent young man. By investing now at a young age, he will have a lot of money saved in his future. Maybe I should start investing now. :)

jabranice.moore said...

i think taht damon williams is a normal kid but also a hard working kid i think the decisions that he made in his child hood were aesome decisions i find my self investing in technolgy i am gogin to give it my all and had effort !!!

tgrissom said...

I think that Daman is a intelligent,dependable, and outgoing person. I feel that his level of maturity came from a strong support team. Yes, after doing research and carefully reviewing the facts of investing, I think it is a great idea for everyone. Good Luck in your adventures Daman.

Taylor A. said...

Damon is a very smart young man who has already set goals for him self.He has big dreams that he is already working at a young age to reach them.Instead of Damon buying uneccesary things he saves his money and use it wisely.Before watching this video i never thought about investing money but after this video i think i would invest my money into drums.

Kiara Stollenwerck said...

I think that Damon is a talented and gifted young millionare. He takes pride in what he does and believes he can do it. I would like to be a millionare and work very hard to get there.Like Damon, I would Teach young chidren to never give up and do your best. And like Damon's mother, i'd want my mother to be proud of me too.

Deja Motley said...

I think Damon Willams is very smart. His mother is pretty cool, too. I mean, teaching how him to invest at such a young age. How many people do you know that invest and make $50,000.00, at the age of 14? I think I'm try and beat it after all I've got 3 years to do it. I think I'll invest in Daycares and stores like Wal-mart or TodayCare.

Delvyn Johnson said...

I agree with Tyler Tolbert becuase I too think that he is very mature and intelligent. He is very determinating becuase a normal tennager could not be able to do all that like doing homework and doing those stock. Then,on the side he is an actor and a model.he also plays basketball and is very skilled.

Ryan Woods said...

I do see him making a huge impact on the youth, and my opinion Damom William is his a smart, educated, and well invested person, and that gives me a spark. His well success in his industry and I well wish I could do the same.

MaysaCrenshaw said...

I think that the young man is smart. I f I were to invest into something I would invest into a store like Macy's. This video has shone me that I don't always have to buy each new nail polish that comes out.

breannagreen99 said...

Damon is very significant.He's invested in stocks at only 14 years old and he doesn't ostracize being a teenager.I think Damon is very independent because he doesn't need to ask his mother for money to but what he wants and needs.I wouldn't mind having that much money when I'm 14.

bria berry said...

I think Damon made good decisions on what to do with his money(for a 14-year-old).I see myself investing in something that is useful and I don't know what specificly,but it's going to be something useful.

bria berry said...

I agree with Jordan and Rebecca because I think Damon did make good decisions especially for a 14-year-old,I'm honestly still shocked over the fact that he's only 14!!!

Nasir Dowdell said...

My thoughts about Damon Williams and his decisions he made as a youth were important and wise.If I would invest in something it would be Converse and Ralph Lauren Polo.The reason I say Converse and Polo because both brands have a good amount of buyers.I also agree with Mikayla and Rebecca.

TrinityLaNiyaGroves said...

I think that Damon William's decisions as a youth are very smart. He is making a lot of money that can help him get what he needs and wants. I see myself investing in Jordans because Michael Jordan makes millions and I love Jordans and I think that Michael Jordan is one of the best basketball players ever.I also think investing in stocks for shoes that a lot of people want is a very bright idea.

Jaden said...

I think he is cool and smart for learning how to invest from his mom.Yes,I would invest in Jordan's because Jordan's are cool and stylish shoes

Jaelyn Reese said...
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Jaelyn Reese said...

I think that Damon is really smart and he thinks about what he is doing. He wants to be able to provide for himself when he gets older. He is very very smart for his age. I might invest in Barbie dolls, because they are worth a lot of money.

Jaelyn Reese said...
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Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Kaylin Lake he seems very studious.

OliviaLewis26 said...

I think that Damon Williams was very intelligent for making those types of decisions.I would invest in Nintindos because they are very popular and new types come out each year.

Destiny Reid said...

I think that Damon Williams was very intelligent for making the choices he has made. He probably wanted to be independent and help out his mother financially. I don't see myself investing in anything right now because mentally I don't think I'm ready for that kind of responsibility.

Isaiah Rouse said...
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Isaiah Rouse said...
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Martez said...

I think Damon is a cool and clever dude. Also,the decisions he's made as a youth are great because it benefits him and he gets 10 pairs of Jordan's every year. I do see myself investing in something,but it depends on the future. In the future, there might be new things that I can invest in that would give me a lot of money in a week or so.

Cortez S.500 said...

I think Damon is a very intelligent and caring young man for the things that he did.When I get older there is a 99.9% chance that I will invest in helping people with cancer and things of that nature.

Esme said...

Damon is very smart. He is very advanced for his age. I think he will be successful when he is older as he is already successful!

laurealchildress2011~ said...

Damon is a very intelligent boy. He has invested in stocks,and it has got him alot of money.His decisions have prepared him for the real world.I think that I will probably want to invest in stocks or something to do with technology.At the time I just want to live my life and have fun before I have to work.

Anonymous said...

I think that Damon Williams is a very smart and intelligent.I also think that as Damon Williams grow older,he will become more succesful in his life.

kobebelcher said...

I think Damon Williams is a very smart boy.He has earned fifty thousand dollars by his mom teaching him about investing.His shoes are very stylish and cool.One day I will try investing in jordans and video games,etc.I wish I had the money like Damon James

M.Jones said...

I think Damon is a smartnand intelligent young man. He took his mom's advice and he understands the value of a dollar. I would like to invest in stocks for my college education . When you put your mind on something you can achieve anything.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kiara and Cortez because Damon is both intelligent and takes pride in what he does.

Adriana Zelis said...
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Adriana Zelis said...

I think that Damon made a smart choice to start investing at a young age. If I were to start investing in something now it would be college. College mostly because it is kind of what pathes the path to our future.

Isaiah Rouse said...

Damon is very intelligent because instead of playing he invested in buying a piece of Nike. Now he gets 10 pairs of shoes a year and is worth fifty thousand dollars. I will invest in the company Adidas because many famous NBA players advertise for Adidas. The more people buy things from Adidas, the more the stock price may increase. With money I can make, I would be able to buy lots of things I want.

corian broner said...

I think Damon Williams has made some good desisions as a youth.Now he can make lots of money.I also think it's good to know about debt now before you get older.I think that because I want to be like him and be a famous person. I want to make millions and millions of dollars.

Lauren Perry said...

I think that Damon is an intelligent teenager because a lot of kids ask their parents for an electronic,etc and they will say,"Do you have some money to help buy it?"So he can actually buy it himself.I don't see myself investing in anything,but Damon is very clever.

Jeremiah Pulliam said...

I think that Damon Williams is Very intelligent. Yes,I do see myself investing in Apple and Nike.

Jeremiah Pulliam said...

I agree with you, Corian. I agree with Curtis also.

Rebecca Rubio said...

I agree with Adriana and Cortez because like Cortez said Damon Williams is very inteligent and caring.Also like Adriana said and it was very smart of Damon to start investing at such a young age, besides it is a very good idea to start investing in college, Adriana.Good thinking!

SabrinaPayne12 said...

The thing that I think about Damon Williams is he is pretty much like an entrepreneur. He works very hard for his accomplishments. I also think his mother is very inspiring and she supports him in every little thing he does. In the video it was a time that Damon’s mom was going through debt and she does not want Damon’s to make the same mistakes that she did.
2. I do think i see myself investing in something and i might be investing in making myself two or three companies and i might have a volleyball team along with that. I guarantee you i will be successful by that and I will do my work and study and be very smart.

Areona6B said...

Damon Williams is going to be a successful millionaire. I think he should teach students all of what he knows so we can be just as successful as he shall be.

breannagreen99 said...

I agree with you Laureal and Sabrina because he's very smart and successful.Even though I can honestly say I might or might not invest in stocks in the future for right now I''m enjoying being a kid.

Esme said...

Damon is starting off to a great life! He's doing awesome. Damon is very smart at a young age. I think we could all learn something from him! Even though I do't think I'd be interested in stock marketing, I still learned a lot!

E'shandae Thomas said...

I agree with Sabrina because he's so remarkable and only 14 years old. I also agree with Lauren, he can buy anything with his own money. Personally I think that he sets an example to be responsible and independent.

j.mac said...

This video helps me think about what I want to do when I have to choose a career.

j.mac said...

I think Damon Williams has his whole career right in front of him.This video also helps me think about what I want to be when I choose a career.I also would invest in something because later in life it could become something.

Chloe Leftridge said...

I think that Damon was a very smart intelligent kid. He is also very lucky to have a mother like his mom. She taught him how to invest in things like he is now. If he didn't have her he would not be where he is now. If I was to invest in something I think it would be in clothes.

bobbirodgers99 said...

Damon is extremely smart and way ahead of his time.The decision he has made are very mature and will get him further in life.I wish I would have thought of that before because I would have saved hundreds and could help my mom out with the bills. In the future, I can see myself being very successful in my career and my investments of money.

t.adams said...

I thik he is very smart to be worth 15million but i dont see myself investing in a copany

Nakiyah McCafferty said...

I think that Damon Williams is a very smart person and mature.I see my self investing in alot of things in about five years.I woukd invest in things such as school and more.But Damon is like an entrepreneur.

Amber Foster 6A said...

I think Damon Williams is very smart for what he is going now. He is a responsible man. Damon is making a good future for him. His mother should be very very proud of him.

SabrinaPayne12 said...

I agree with pretty much everyone because he is like an entreprenuer and all.Damon and his mom sets great examples for kids and maybe adults,but the only thing is about Damon he needs to clean up his room a little bit more.I also think that Damon is a hardworker because he was outside in the snow playing basketball because i know that would not be me it really takes alot of courage,strength,and compassion.

Esme said...

I also agree with Sabrina that she agrees with almost everyone because he's bright, intelligent, advanced, and more but he might not always clean his room. I'm sure ALL OF US don't clean our rooms sometimes!

jasmine arnold said...

I think Damon is a very smart and clever person. If I knew about stocks I think I'll be doing the same thing. By the time he is 25 or older it is a possible chance he wil be a milionaire. I guess that is why it is call "Millonaire in the Making".

oscar gipson said...

Damon Williams is a good role model for todays kids.

KACY said...

i think damon williams is a very intelligent and skillful person. one day i hope to invest in shoes, and video games. damon williams is a very good kid and his life shines brightly ahesd and i hope mine and everyone elses is to!!!

oscar gipson said...

I agree with you Kacy. Damon Williams is doing something with himsef.

Anonymous said...

I honestly think Damon is a very,very intelligent young man. I think he is a very risk-taking boy to investing in buissness.I would see myself investing in clothes, shoes, jewelry, and teaching.If he makes major decisions like this, i know his mom will be proud of him when he makes greater decisions in his adulthood.

Josh.Stanton2-5 said...

Damon seems to be very intelligent. He has made a great decision but i think it took him a while to decide if he really wanted to. I can also picture myself investing in stuff like that in about 7-10 years. I would also try to make my own clothing line. I could bet that my mom would love to see me doing things like Damon is doing.

Kaylin Lake said...

I agree with you tyler tolbert because i also see myself investing in things when i get older. It is very unusual for the youth of this generation to invest their life into inteligent things

L.Lavender said...

I have enjoyed reading all of your post. I feel as though this video has opened your eyes to the many possibilities that are out there for you all. Continue to think big and strive for the best! Damon is an example of someone who is dedicated and determined. I see these characteristics in many of you. I can't wait to see all the wonderful and positive things you all are going to do this school year and years to come!

Isaiah D, Walker said...

I think Damon is a very smart kid. I think he had to be a little skeptical of the company's he invested in,but in the long run he turned out for the best.

ejderrico 11 said...

I think that Damon Williams smart and anvance. He is like a roll model to all kids and how his mother helped him in his advancement. Actually if it wasn`t for his mother he would not have been a million dollar maker.

Jennifer said...

Wow! He's very intellectual for his age. More people his age he to take the road he took instead of crime!!!

Deja Motley said...

I think Damon Willams is very smart. His mother is pretty cool, too. I mean, teaching how him to invest at such a young age. How many people do you know that invest and make $50,000.00, at the age of 14? I think I'm try and beat it after all I've got 3 years to do it. I think I'll invest in Daycares and stores like Wal-mart or TodayCare.