Friday, March 7, 2014

Socratic Seminar

We have been using the "Socratic Seminar" this week to help with our discussion of the novel " The Children of Willesden Lane". How has the socratic seminar helped you and what suggestions would you make to improve it in your class?


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Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has helped me break down the current book that we are reading "The Children Of Willesden lane", by allowing me to talk about it and debate about it. The Socratic seminar has allowed me to get clarification on things that I did not understand the book.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me express how I feel about the book;it helps me understand the book better.
In my class we did the Socratic Seminar and I would say that it needs to be improved on a maturity and a responsibility level. I say that to say most of the students don't read the book,but they wait until we discuss what we highlighted and annotated in class.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The socratic seminars have been very helpful.The seminars have tought me to think on my feet, and to always make a real world connection.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think the Socratic Circle is a great way to get students to talk about any book and give their opinion about a certain book. The Socratic Circle has helped me to express my feelings since, I am not the type of person to shout my opinion. It also helped me be more open minded about what others think. I think to make the Socratic Circle better we could try to let everyone speak before sharing two or more opinionated thoughts; this way everyone can have a chance to speak and not feel left out.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar helped me with the Children of Willesden Lane by paraphrasing, and breaking down the chapters for me so I can better understand the book. It teaches me more about how Lisa had felt leaving her family, and having to make a life of her own. To make the Socratic seminar better I would make it a team vs. team kind of Socratic seminar.

Unknown said...

Like Niesha stated we need to work on our maturity during the seminars.

Anonymous said...

The socratic seminar has helped me tremendously because now i can orally perform R23CI.By orally performing R23CI,I can catch the mistakes of what I may have forgotten to include, such as the connection request or using commentary.I suggest that we do this more often because instead of writing and erasing 50 million times, we can say it. I also suggest that we do this more often because not only is it educational, but it is fun as well and I believe that should persuade anyone to do this more often.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Camron S. I stated the same in my comment. We actually can get feed back on a part of the book we dont understand.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Siminar has helped me in class by it basically being a constructed response in words.It helps understand the book better ,and get to a whole new layer of reading.It also helps with you getting a statement out that could help someone else understand as well.Suggestions that I would make to improve in my class is to speak louder so everyone can hear, and listen to the question carefully so you can stay on topic with your answer.I also suggest when in the outer circle take good notes,because it helps rate the performance better.

Unknown said...

My thoughts on the Socratic seminar is that we try to avoid hostility. A lot of times when we do Socratic seminar, we usually have a lot of tension. Some people try to help bring them in, but everyone talks at once. Some people don't come until someone brings them in. I think it's because their not comfortable around each other. Mrs.Lavender I recommend that we get more practice.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara, when we have socratic seminars we get to state our own opinion on things in the the book we are reading or discussing.

Unknown said...

Now since we have the Socratic Seminar,I think i will start improving very much.It is great having this because it helps me understand more of what I don't know.I can learn a lot from my fellow classmates.We learn how to let other speak and don't do other things to distract them.We learn to work together as a group also.I suggest that it can get better by having a little extra space.The outer circle gets to grade the inner circle on how good they are doing.They have to have evidence of why they give u a good or bad grade.Being in the outer circle is very fun because you get to grade your classmates on how well they are doing but being in the inner circle is more exciting because you get to talk and debate with your fellow classmates.Overall the Socratic circle is the best thing we have ever done in Mrs.Lavender's class.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has been interesting for the past few days. It has helped me learn that I need to improve my debating skills. It has also taught me that if I don't read I'm going to be looking like an idiot inside the inner circle trying to debate with about 12 more people, and I don't know what I'm talking about. Also I need to learn how scan through the book, but comprehend what I'm reading at the same time. To improve my class's Socratic seminar I think everyone should make sure they read before they try to go up there and debate. It has also help me get better with my writing . I am now writing longer sentences, and giving evidence/details in my writing. It has been very helpful to me while I'm reading The Children of Willesden Lane book.

Anonymous said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me in class because I able to give deeper thought on the book. Socratic Seminars let me here my classmates ideas and helped me see some things I in the book I never thought of or saw before. When I tried it for the first time I think we all very well. To do better on Socratic Seminar I think we should connect more to our lives and the real world. Doing this will give much deeper meaning to the topic. I hope we can do this again some day.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle has helped me in many ways. First, it has enhanced my speaking skills. Sometimes when I talk in public, I may stutter over my words and not pronounce words clearly. This isn't a big habit anymore.

Next, I believe that when I go to debate next month, that I will feel comfortable and have a better vocabulary. Lastly, I think that Socratic Circles will help people with "R23CI". During the seminar, we restate the question, use evidence from the text, make connections, and give a conclusion. Because we have a limited amount of time to write, this helps us learn how to write more efficiently.

Some suggestions: We should all be less aggressive when we disagree. Also, we should try to speak louder because the Outer Circle won't be able to hear you.

The Socratic Seminar has helped 6th grade students in many ways.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts when he said that the Socratic seminar helps us with paraphrasing because it does and it also helps us with speaking out loud with what we have to say about the book.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has been interesting for the past few days. It has helped me learn that I need to improve my debating skills. It has also taught me that if I don't read I'm going to be looking like an idiot inside the inner circle trying to debate with about 12 more people, and I don't know what I'm talking about. Also I need to learn how scan through the book, but comprehend what I'm reading at the same time. To improve my class's Socratic seminar I think everyone should make sure they read before they try to go up there and debate. It has also help me get better with my writing . I am now writing longer sentences, and giving evidence/details in my writing. It has been very helpful to me while I'm reading The Children of Willesden Lane book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Camron S the Socratic circle does help you get clarification because you are talking it out with multiple people.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar helps me a lot.When people give evidence I can write it down and study for test.When the outer circle tells when I've done something wrong I can work on it.I suggest we work on working together. Also to speak up.The outer circle can give very good reasons for their grades and etc. That is what I suggest

Unknown said...

The socratic seminar helped me by giving me more information about the topic. I could also learn something useful about our topic that I didn't know before. The socratic circle gives me things such as examples, figurative language, new definitions,etc. This circle helps me shine in a way that I can say what I need to say about the topic. I also have the freedom to agree, disagree, or ask questions about a statement that one of my peers have explicated. Something that I would like to improve about the socratic seminar is that I would enjoy for the inside circle to be allowed to make a statement about what the outside circle has to say. I would also like for the students in the inside circle that have already spoken to give the other students who haven't spoken a chance to speak, and once the students who haven't spoke, spoke then everyone can add on to what they have to say or give their opinion. Another thing I would like to improve is that everyone should be truthful about what they have to say. What I mean by that is that everyone should say what they have to say. If someone wants to disagree then don't be shy to say it just because everybody else is agreeing. Say what you have to say and don't be shy.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar helped me visualize that the holocaust really happened.It also makes me use my critical thinking skills.Basically the Socratic seminar helped go deeper in the text than I actually do.It also trains me to think more than I actually do.Everyone talks at a great voice level.There is no attitude or hostility involved.
there are very great connections added to it.Everybody is also engaged in discussion.This is how I feel about the Socratic Seminar.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vincent and Nie'Sha on their statements about maturity levels because some people have not learned to control their body language.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Vincent the socratic seminars are making you think on your feet rapidly,which improves us on our recall and makes the R23CI feel more natural.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi because the seminars can help with R23CI a lot when writing, using, R23CI

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara because you get to talk with other students about how you feel.

Unknown said...

Joshua Watts can you please clarify how it helped you break down details of the book.

Anonymous said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me break down "The Children of Willesden Lane" and allows me to analyze and connect with the book.It helps me get a better understanding of how the main character does this and how the other characters did that.It helps explain the book through my classmates words.I like the Socratic Seminar,and i hope we continue to do it.

Unknown said...

The way the “Socratic Seminar” has helped me a lot. The Socratic Seminar which is known as the Socratic Circle is a like doing R23CI, but just speaking verbally. I am usually not very good with constructed responses. So the way the Socratic Seminar help me is by get the oral part out of R23CI. Also the Socratic Seminar helps me with my reading skills. It especially helps me with my language skills or speaking skills. To me it seems a little like a debate. I also get to express my feelings about something.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi because the seminars can help with R23CI a lot when writing, using, R23CI.

Unknown said...

Joshua Watts can you please clarify how it helped you break down details of the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Zoe C.and Brandi B. it helps us with our R23CI. Kiara I understand and agree when you say it persuades us to keep an opened mind

Unknown said...

I agree with Vincent because we need to work on making real world connections

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara. The socratic seminar is a great way for students to communicate with each other about a lesson.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has helped me by letting me know how I think and how I use my thought process. It also has helped me because I have figured out that I need to know how to understand and how to get to know the statement a little more better. The Socratic seminar has let me know that I have to know what the statement is and how to find my evidence from the text.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi. Socratic Seminars are definitely like orally saying R23CI!

I agree with Tori. Socratic Circle is like a debate, but without a Crossfire and Rebuttal.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vincent because you do really have to think about what you are doing.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me greatly with breaking down the Children of Willedsen Lane book. It has also done a marvelous job on letting me get clarifications on people's thoughts and mine as well.
I feel as if our class should do more of these things to understand our peers and their thoughts on a situation,whether it be a book or something else.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jousha Watts because now I better understand how Lisa felt during her time in London.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts. When we are doing the Socratic seminar we are breaking down the large pieces of text that we read from Children of Willesden Lane in to smaller pieces of information. It's just like the "Quote of the day". We take the information from the quote, twist it around, and put the information in our own words.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua W the Sercratic circle helps paraphrase and break down chapters so you get a better understanding and feeling on the book.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me understand and comprehend about breaking down things and to proceed step by step. It has also helped by teaching me how to go back and find evidence upon my clarification. The suggestions that I would make in order to improve the Socratic Seminar in my class would just be basic things such as working on knowing who will be next to talk or backing down for other students to have a chance to speak their opinion. The Socratic Seminar in my opinion is actually helping a lot of students in my class by making it easier to understand what we have read. It gives everyone an opportunity to discuss and break down the story.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua L. because all you're doing is giving evidence and commentary just like R23CI.

Unknown said...

The Socratic circle has helped me with my constructed responses. All I need to do is learn how to get my point across without doing a lot of studdering. I understand that my connections have to be a little bit deeper and apply them to the real world more. The suggestions that I have is that we need to do the Socratic Circle more often because I still feel like people need more practice. The next time we will be ready for any statement that Mrs. Lavender throws at us. I also suggest that we need to do constructed responses more. The constructed responses will help us get a better understanding with the Socratic Circle,

Anonymous said...

I agree with Damiesha because the socratic seminars has led me into deeper thought and made evaluate things more, as well as observing details more.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Vincent because the socratic circle makes you think more. It also helps you with R23CI.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tori ,because I fell the same way if I don't read.I would look like a complete fool.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me a lot with The Children of Willesden Lane Book. I feel as though I can express what I feelings, but not just getting writing. Now I get to talk to people and hear what they have to say. I don’t know about others but I’m a visual learner and a listener so when I hear others thoughts, its helps me. Socratic Seminar has also helped me with my constructed responses. When I think of the seminar I think of our constructed response and how we have to restate and make connections. I use the seminar as a guide for me to talk what I’m thinking out first, and then just write I said down. I love the Socratic Seminar I hope that we continue to do it. As a class we have to work on hostile we are towards each other. We don’t need to try to talk over someone, badger them about saying something wrong, or give them mean or rude looks.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Niesha Hicks because the Socratic Circle does help me understand the book “The Children of Willesden Lane” better.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara Gardner. The Socratic seminar does help students express their feelings about the book. Also their own personal thoughts and opinions without hiding what they think about it. It has helped me because I'm kind of shy on the inside, and I don't like to say what I feel out loud to everyone.

Unknown said...

The "Socratic Seminar" helped me because it helped me get a better understanding on the book on that specific topic. I could understand better because I got a chance to hear what other people had to say. I got a chance to prove and clarify what I said. To improve it I think we should set up the desks in two circles, one on the inside and one on the outside. Also I think we should sometimes do a "Socratic Seminar" on stuff that has nothing to do with a book, we could do it on something like the newspaper.

Anonymous said...

I think Rendy is right because if you speak R23CI then you should be able to write it better and understand better too.

Unknown said...

I agree with what you Stated Nie'Sha. The Socratic Circle does help me express myself and Brandi I do agree with you that the Socratic Seminar is very educational.

Unknown said...

Chasen I agree with you because when you are in the inner circle and students are digging into something you dont understand you should take notes. When you are the outer circle the watch the ways of the inner circle and compare it to what you did when you were out there! Fix what was wrong.

Unknown said...

when Autumn said that the Socratic seminar has helped her with her speaking aloud skills and not stuttering when she talks out loud because the more you do something then the better you get at doing it and if you just sit up there and say nothing then you will not improve in what you are lacking. Though when you talk out loud then you will get better at speaking and other verbal difficulties, i think this should be a large improvement on a lot of people. Brand made sense too when she said the Socratic seminar has helped her with the R23CI because it has helped me also with it.

Unknown said...

I agree with Niesha Hicks when she states that we need to improve our maturity level and responsibility .

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Lynum because I don't like to express my feelings but in this I can and nobody can say something mean about my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Brandi, because it really helps me understand R23CI better than before.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Tori Sargent because of how I need to know how to scan through the book as well.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me because it encourages me to speak up. It also helps me to speak with correct standard English. I feel like my class has been doing good with the Socratic Seminar. Though it is our first time being introduced to it,we act as if we have been doing this for a while. The Socratic Seminar is a good way to show if someone has been reading their novels. Personally, I think it is also fun. I try to keep and encourage my group members to keep our hostility level at a minimum level. Having a lot of hostility because of what someone does or says can cause the outer circle to deduct points away from the inner circle. The Socratic Seminar can be used for a lot of things and can also help you with your Everyday Journal.
One suggestion I can make is to avoid hostility. If you feel like someone is doing to much or messing up your score talk with them after class. If you try to talk to them while the discussion is going on,that is not being engaged in the discussion, so points will get taken away. Another suggestion I would make to improve the Socratic Seminar in our class is that you read your book. You can't have a discussion on a book that you haven't read. Reading the book allows you to be engaged in the discussion. If you are more engaged in the discussion you will not have to worry about making a bad grade.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi Barron because when we are doing the Socratic Seminar we are actually using R23CI. We are using R23CI by finding evidence from the text, making commentary on that evidence, and making a real-world connection based upon what we have read and comparing it to real-world experiences.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tatianna because when we have the seminars we get a better understanding of the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara G. because there are many people that doesn't like to talk about what they think of things because of reactions or they're just don't think that their opinion matters in some cases, but this gives them the opportunity to say what they think.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tori because if we don't read before we try to debate with other people we seem as if we are lost. I also agree with Joi because the Socratic Circle helps me freely disagree or agree without anyone getting upset with me because i have a different opinion

Unknown said...

I agree with Tori Sargent because Socratic Seminar does help me with my debate skills . It also helps me with my future job.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Joshua Watts that the Socratic Seminar does help us break down the large pieces of The Children of Willesden Lane. That was a very nice observation.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me a lot with not just the book,but everyday life. I've learned that sometimes I need to let others share their thoughts on a situation,wether it be a book,play,or just a decision on an assignment. This has all shown me how to manage my voice level and how to lead toward resolving a situation,such as an agruement. In conclusion,I hope we continue to use the Socratic Seminars as a tool in a in a group disscussion.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tori when she stated "The Socratic seminar has been interesting for the past few days. It has helped me learn that I need to improve my debating skills. It has also taught me that if I don't read I'm going to be looking like an idiot inside the inner circle trying to debate with about 12 more people, and I don't know what I'm talking about."

Unknown said...

A suggestion I have is that we should do the Socratic seminar on things like out of newspaper's and things on black history or something on that order not just the book Children Of Willesden Lane.

Unknown said...

The way the Socratic Seminar has helped me not only break down The Children of Willesden Lane book, it also helped me understand R23CI better.

Unknown said...

I agree with Zoe Cooper because of how Socratic Seminars do help me with my constructed responses also and of how she related it to having to restate the questions and defiantly make real world connections.

Unknown said...

I agree with Chasen because If somebody has evidence I don't have I want to get it down.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi when she states that the Socratic Seminar has helped with R23CI, because it helps me to write more effectively.

Unknown said...

I agree with Nie'sha when she said that we need to improve our maturity level because when we are up there discussing the book some people are laughing and talking while other's were explaining their reasoning for what they believe.

Unknown said...

I agree with Justin Smith because everybody tries to talk at the same time.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kyndal. The socratic seminars are basically a constructed response,but you're using you're mouth instead of your hands.

Unknown said...

The soratic circle has helps me a lot because when the otter circle tells me what I did wrong I can work on it so I can get better. It also helps some of us with our communicating skills. I also think that we should do this again.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts because when we break down large pieces of information we are just making it smaller and easier for ourselves to understand. Just like our " Quote of the Day", we aren't doing anything new but paraphrasing things into our own words.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara Gardener it has also help me express my feelings in the Socratic Circle. When the your in the inner circle and the outer circle and Mrs.Lavender give you and your group feedback it helps you understand what you did wrong.

Unknown said...

I agree with your statement Joi about letting the inside circle get to respond about what the outer circle has said.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kyndal. The socratic seminars are basically a constructed response,but you're using you're mouth instead of your hands.

Unknown said...

I agree with your statement Joi about letting the inside circle get to respond about what the outer circle has said.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me understand the book, The Children of Willesden Lane, because it gives me someone that is on the same grade level as me to discuss some things I might have not understood. Also it has helped with making a connection to some things because sometimes it's best for some people to discuss for a better understanding. The Socratic Seminar has broken down many things to bring out the purpose and/or the theme of a book. Also I think I'm improving my reading and writing skills and giving details and evidence.
Me as an individual gives an suggestion to use these steps/rules in most situations because there is a greater chance that there wouldn't be an huge conflict when in a bad situation
. As I read the comments I realize that this has helped almost all students in 6A so far.

Unknown said...

I agree with Denzell, as I stated in my comment it does help understand the book better

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me understand the book, The Children of Willesden Lane, because it gives me someone that is on the same grade level as me to discuss some things I might have not understood. Also it has helped with making a connection to some things because sometimes it's best for some people to discuss for a better understanding. The Socratic Seminar has broken down many things to bring out the purpose and/or the theme of a book. Also I think I'm improving my reading and writing skills and giving details and evidence.
Me as an individual gives an suggestion to use these steps/rules in most situations because there is a greater chance that there wouldn't be an huge conflict when in a bad situation
. As I read the comments I realize that this has helped almost all students in 6A so far.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kyndal Williams because it is like a constructed response (R23CI) but you are speaking.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has helped me a lot… Every since this week in the discussions about The Children of Willesden Lane I have been able to comprehend the book a whole lot more now when I am reading it also helps me with my constructed responses using R23CI. At first when I walked in the classroom on Tuesday and saw that the board said “Socratic Circle Wednesday on Chapters 17 & 18 of The Children of Willesden Lane” I got scared because I had never done a Socratic circle and I had no idea how to do a Socratic circle or a Socratic seminar, and I also didn’t read chapters 17 &18 yet. I planned to read the chapters for homework but I forgot to write it down in my agenda. So Wednesday when we walked in and Mrs. Lavender said “Ok class we’re going to have a Socratic seminar today” and I thought to myself man I should have read those chapters!

Mrs. Lavender then said that she knew some of us probably didn’t read those chapters so she said she was going to let us have 15 minutes to read and she would give us the statement first so we would know what to look for. The first statement was “Lisa’s attitude opened doors for her”. So after our time was up she gave us the statement again and asked who wanted to be in the inner circle and who wanted to be in the outer circle. The Socratic seminar is a great way to get people’s opinions on things and I think our class should do the Socratic circle more.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi because I really was missing out on my connections but getting feedback not from only Mrs.Lavender, and hearing what they think helps alot.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Kiara becuase if we don't read the book, how can we debate with other people.

Unknown said...

I agree with you,Autumn.The Socratic Seminars are a great help with learning new vocabulary and they are good as a debating exercise.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joi because in our seminars we can learn things that we didn't know before and we have the freedom to say our opinion

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me become more focuse on my work and how I suppose to do it.The way you a suppose to answer them is a much better way than i would have.The students who always sit their now want be in the circle because it is much funner to do.I can be free and give my opinion and get clarification if I don't understand I have come long way because of Socratic Seminar

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua L. because we have to give evidence when we do the soratic circle so its just like doing R23CI.

Unknown said...

Joshua, can you clarify how team vs. team Socratic Seminars help with how people avoid hostility.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Tyannia when she said The Socratic Seminar helped me become more focuse on my work and how I suppose to do it.The way you a suppose to answer them is a much better way than i would have.The students who always sit their now want be in the circle because it is much funner to do.I can be free and give my opinion and get clarification if I don't understand I have come long way because of Socratic Seminar

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me understand The Children of Willesden Lane better. It's like we are debating about it. It helps tell how I feel about the book to others. I can make a connection with the book. I can also make a connection with my classmates because they can maybe relate to me. We someone disagrees with my answer then I just learn from it instead of getting hostile. It helps me clarify things that I don't understand about the book. Instead I us writing it down on a piece of paper we express ourselves sand tell how we feel. It also helps me write better. It helps all of us in many ways.
I would like make some suggestions to improve it in our class. I would suggest that everybody needs to read the book. You can tell when somebody when some hasn't read by the not being on the topic. Another suggestion is some people need to talk louder and use Standard English. Some classmates need to be engaged in the topic instead of talking to somebody else or just looking around. When you are able to talk you need to talk. Also, they need make sure always have a real-world connection. I really do like the seminar circle.

Unknown said...

I dis-agree with Denzell when he said that the Socratic seminar helped him letting him know how he thinks because he should already know what he is thinking he should have said that it allows him to think aloud better than before.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me understand The Children of Willesden Lane better. It's like we are debating about it. It helps tell how I feel about the book to others. I can make a connection with the book. I can also make a connection with my classmates because they can maybe relate to me. We someone disagrees with my answer then I just learn from it instead of getting hostile. It helps me clarify things that I don't understand about the book. Instead I us writing it down on a piece of paper we express ourselves sand tell how we feel. It also helps me write better. It helps all of us in many ways.
I would like make some suggestions to improve it in our class. I would suggest that everybody needs to read the book. You can tell when somebody when some hasn't read by the not being on the topic. Another suggestion is some people need to talk louder and use Standard English. Some classmates need to be engaged in the topic instead of talking to somebody else or just looking around. When you are able to talk you need to talk. Also, they need make sure always have a real-world connection. I really do like the seminar circle.

Unknown said...

Doing the "Socratic Seminar " is helpful to me because my peers and I get to express how we feel on the statement Mrs. Lavender gives us and debate on how a person is right or wrong. But these's Seminars all ways has this one flaw. And that flaw is "Talking over each other." To make this flaw disappear we can take turns in a line talking. What I mean is I'm saying is that if I'm in the first chair next to the promethean I will speak first. Then the next person beside me will go then the next person beside him/her will go and so on. That will keep down confusion. Also if someone needs clarity or disagrees with something the can raise their hand to let the inner circle know that he/she needs clarity or disagrees with something. The same goes for the outer circle when they become the inner circle. Speaking of the outer circle, in the outer circle they shouldn’t have to write everything down but they can keep up and write important, interesting, or confusing things to them. Lastly the inner circle should

Unknown said...

This socratic seminar has helped me make easier connections in the book.
The socratic seminar helps in many ways I've never even thought of.
I do not have any suggestions to improve the seminar because the socratic seminar is great the way it is.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me to understand how other think of about the book as well as mine. This also let's me know that I'm not thinking of the wrong idea of the book because I have evidence as well as other people agreeing about certain things located in the book.This session has also helped me to understand more about Lisa's life and how thinks and feels just by listening to a statement and disagreeing or agreeing and by listening to other people's comments and feelings about the book.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped a lot because it showed me a lot about what I really knew and what some of my classmates knew to. The Socratic Seminar has helped me in making connections from text to self then,text to text, and also text to world. I been knew how to make connections however, I just wasn't feeling to great about my connections. I think the Socratic Circle has made others fell better to about making connections and also learning how to value time and make use of what we are doing.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has helped me learn how to debate with others without getting mad. I think this could be a way of calming someone down when their mad. It helps a lot with the book because it helps students learn how to break the book down. The Socratic seminar helps me know how to understand the book better and it helps me learn how to listen to my piers when they are talking. To improve my class i would suggest that you do the Socratic seminar with your family or something like it to improve your reading skills and your skills of working with someone.

Unknown said...

I agree with Camron Scott because I was also able to get clarification through the socratic seminar.

Unknown said...

I agree with Nigel Kepple because I also felt like I was viewing this book the wrong way. After hearing a few of other peoples thoughts I thought well maybe im not the only one noticing this or paying attention to that.

Unknown said...

I agree with Cameron Scott because just before the Socratic Seminar, I had questions about the book that has been resolved because of the Socratic seminar.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tatianna G. because I didn't really think about the fact that it does give me someone on the same grade level as me so they think kinda like me.

Unknown said...

I agree with Sydney Bolton because this showed me that I can have a debate and I can learn how to use my resources wisely. I know now how to search for things in order to prove my point through my head not my mouth meaning I don't have to get mad if someone disagrees with me.

DeSean said...

This has helped me so much by hearing others opinion i getting a new understanding of the book this and developing a new opinion separate from mines.

I think we should add two things. First i think we should out rule the no raising hands rule because that is what seems to really cause hostility problems.We should also make it more of a debate so one group of people has a opinion and anther group has a opinion.Both groups try and change the others opinion before times up or they can agree to Disagree


Unknown said...

I agree with Nigel Kepple because throughout the entire seminar, I could get a clearer understanding or clarification about Lisa's life.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jeremy Broner because now that I've heard other people's opinions and I've debated about it, I feel like I have true clarification about the story.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Maryiah Scott because the Socratic seminar helps me to analyze the book. it also makes it more interesting for me to enjoy the book.

Unknown said...
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DeSean said...

I agree with Nigel that it does Help see how others understand the book ,HOWEVER, it doesn't make sure that your understanding is Absolutely correct it is merely a opinion

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The socratic seminar has helped me analyze information and helped me control my stress because I am usually very mad if someone cuts in front of me by speaking before i’m done speaking , but the fact that we will get a group grade helps me not to, and I have to analyze the information to make sure I’m on topic and make sure my connection is on topic, so I get a good grade. One suggestion that I would like to make to improve the socratic seminar in my class is that people shouldn't get mad when others cut in front of them because it will subtract from the group’s grade, and people would get mad at each other and cause hostility instead of avoiding it. Another Suggestion would be that people should analyze their facts and put more thought into their connection, so they don’t make a bad grade on their socratic seminar.

DeSean said...

i agree with Brandi Barron Because i understand i feel also that i can orally perform R23CI it is a way better than having to spend very long period of time on multiple paragraphs of commentary

Unknown said...

I agree with Rendy Cunningham because the Socratic Circle is mainly a Constructed Response in words.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Joi Rodgers because the Socratic Seminar gives us more in formation about the topic that Mrs.Lavender gives us.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me make a connection to "The Children of Willesden Lane". It also helps me with communicating with my classmates and how to state a question correctly. I suggest that everyone should make a connection with the book and use Standard English in order to make a good grade.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me find different ways to understand the book we are reading "The Children of Willesden Lane". At first i didn't understand at first, but now since we started Socratic Seminar, I get it a lot better.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara G because to make the Socratic Circle better we could try letting everyone speak before someone else speaks twice because some people get left out and make a bad grade because people shouldn’t fail when they haven’t spoken, and others have already spoken two or three times. People also get their fact stolen by someone else who has already spoken, so that’s why letting everyone speak before someone else speaks twice is a good idea to me.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle has actually helped me a lot on breaking down the book we are reading. It also helped me better on debating without arguing with people. It required reading the whole book, something I didn’t want to do. This activity helped me engage in the discussion, this actually helped me because this book is interesting.

For my class which is 6C, as a whole we should talk louder. We all should’ve read the whole book, and been had evidence even if Mrs.Lavendar didn’t tell us the evidence until the day of. The day before yesterday which was 3/5/14 Mrs.Lavendar gave us time to find evidence; but Spencer didn’t use his time wisely, so he got in front of the classroom speechless when it was his turn.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle has actually helped me a lot on breaking down the book we are reading. It also helped me better on debating without arguing with people. It required reading the whole book, something I didn’t want to do. This activity helped me engage in the discussion, this actually helped me because this book is interesting.

For my class which is 6C, as a whole we should talk louder. We all should’ve read the whole book, and been had evidence even if Mrs.Lavendar didn’t tell us the evidence until the day of. The day before yesterday which was 3/5/14 Mrs.Lavendar gave us time to find evidence; but Spencer didn’t use his time wisely, so he got in front of the classroom speechless when it was his turn.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandi because I can totally understand R2C3I now I can use it better because, we've been doing the Socratic Seminar. I also agree with Sydney because I used to not be able to talk to others without getting mad and everyone getting fustrated when they are cut infront of. Now thanks to the Socratic Seminar I can control my hostility better.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle Helped me understand how to do my commentary without getting frustrated about doing it because i do not understand but now i do.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara Gardner because it's a great way talk talk about a book and give their opinion ; however if it's at school then it's about thew certain book we are reading .

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helped me with the book "The Children of Willesden Lane" because it helps me better in making connections Like: Text to Text,Text To Self,and Text to World. When using Socratic Seminar it also helps me understand the text more clearer if I didn't understand it when i was reading. The Socratic Seminar also helps me give information to a person who has never read the book before.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar helps me with understanding a book. With the Socratic Seminar I learned more of making connections in the text, and it helps me get involved in the work. The Socratic Seminar helps me to find evidence quicker, and it helps me to learn how to grade things.I think that the Socratic Seminar would be better if I get more active in the work.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Neisha Hicks because there were people in my class that didnt even higlight and annotate yet , but when Mrs.Wattson gave us that book report people started to complain. They were saying that we only had a month to read 200 pages.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara H. when she stated that the Socratic Circle breaks down the book because< the Socratic Seminar does break down the book because, you're getting information out of the book to support your claim but you're putting it into your own words to understand it.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle has helped me alot ever since we started. It has helped me because before we started i had some problems getting evidence from the text and making connections with my evidence , but it really helps me now because i am actually speaking the evidence and speaking my connections;so now i can speak my connections and my evidence from the text then go back and right them down. The Socratic Circle could be a little more helpful is if when we have to do R23CI that we can discuss our real world connections and our evidence.

Unknown said...

The socratic seminar helped me get a clear understanding on the book The Children of Willesden Lane. The socratic seminar also help me express how I feel about reading the book. It also help me state better connections.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me in many ways even though i haven't been apart of the inside circle.Being the observer in the outside circle has showed me in the inside circle I have to pay attention,also I have noticed that i have to know what i am talking about when I be apart of the inside circle.When I do be apart of the inside circle it will teach me how to have conversations with people and it will teach me not to be hostile when I get interrupted because that's usually what I do.I would like to suggest to the people that have and haven't been apart of the inside circle.always have a loud tone of voice when you are speaking,also make sure you never be hostile because it will cost you to loose points for yourself and your circle.

Unknown said...

The Socratic circle helped me focus during the amount of time I have. The Socratic circle has also helped me get better at my constructed responses because during the responses i have to have my real world connection and evidence from the text to support my answer/claim. I suggest you practice doing your real world connections and highlighting and annotating because when you get older and you do these things it will help you understand books better

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle has helped me alot ever since we started. It has helped me because before we started i had some problems getting evidence from the text and making connections with my evidence , but it really helps me now because i am actually speaking the evidence and speaking my connections;so now i can speak my connections and my evidence from the text then go back and right them down. The Socratic Circle could be a little more helpful is if when we have to do R23CI that we can discuss our real world connections and our evidence.

Unknown said...

Socratic Seminar is a good way to learn a lot of things in a book.You have a better understanding once you make connections.The socractic seminar can help you with your everyday journals sometimes.the socratic seminar is very helpful to students.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar really help me to express my knowledge about The Children of Willesden Lane. This was more like a debate and I really enjoyed it. The Socratic Seminar also helps me to connect what I'm reading to life. It also helped me to get more understanding about certain points in the book.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Amber W. the Socratic Seminar does need to get more active in our work when we are reading our novels because, if we the reader do not understand what's going on then we the reader by using the Socratic Seminar can break the book down for the person who doesn't understand by putting it or stating it in our own words.

Unknown said...

I agree with Justin Sharp because we should get more practice so that people call other people out so that everyone speaks because some people speak twice and some don’t speak at all. People are hindered from making a good grade when this happens to them. We should also get more practice because some people can’t control their temper when someone interrupts someone and the person gets mad, the people begin to cause hostility which takes away from the group grade.

Unknown said...

I do agree with Stephen Gipson because the socratic seminar does give us a better understanding about The Children Of Willesden Lane; and you make good connections about the book as well

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts because it also helped me break down the chapters. It will also help me on the test too!!!!

Some nobody said...

The Socratic seminar help helped me to understand the story, and quotes about the story better. I wouldn't say that I have any problems with it in order for me to want it improved, so all I have left to say is that it has given me a better understanding of "The Children of Willesden Lane".

Unknown said...

I agree with Vincent Thomas because the socratic seminar also helped the concentrate and help me make better connections.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara because talking about a book is a good way to learn more about something, and with a book I can give my opinion about something in the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kenyah Hooks because the socratic circles helps me out with my constructed response,because I wasn't really good at making connections but doing this activity can help me a lot when I listen to examples and give examples also.

Unknown said...

I agree with Sydney Bolton because usually I get mad when people cut me off and i don't get to tell everyone what i have to say, but during the Socratic Circle you have to make some adjustments with your attitude

Unknown said...

I agree with Kyndal Williams because it does helped me with Constructed Response on the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts because the book helped me paraphrase the book better and memorize chapters.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kiara Gardener because the Socratic Seminar is a great way to get students to give there opinion. One reason it is great because it is a grade.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has really helped me.It's a great way to help students to say what they think about the statement that is being made.You either agree or disagree with the statement.The Sacratic Seminar has helped me talk about what I think about the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Paige Pettway because on some chapters I couldn't really understand how they related to the book,but when i dicuss it with other people I get a better understanding sometimes.

Unknown said...

I agree with Niesha the sacratic seminar can help you express how you feel about the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Niesha the sacratic seminar can help you express how you feel about the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tracey Young because i don't talk really loud and that is one thing i have to do during the Socratic Circle so everyone can hear me

Unknown said...

I feel as the Socratic Seminar has really helped me in breaking down the book as well as looking for connections to the real world making it easier for me to read and make annotations.

Unknown said...

Well the Socratic circle has help me to become less shy. Then it helps students like me explain why i think that the answer is so. some of the improvements i would like to improve is avoid hostillity, because in my class there are some people who will mumble and roll there eyes. so that is what i think my class should improve on.

Unknown said...

I agree with Joshua Watts because breaking down chapters is a easier way to help understand the book. I know this because I do this to help me with my chapters.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tracey Young because i don't talk really loud and that is one thing i have to do during the Socratic Circle so everyone can hear me

Unknown said...

I think that the Socratic Seminars have been a major help in class, because not only does it help in class, but it also let's you know what your classmates are thinking and it'll also let your classmates help if you mess up in what you're trying to say after you say it.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rendy the sacratic seminar is a great way to get out a statement that can help someone else.

Unknown said...

I agree with camron scott because i like to explain why i think that this is so and i like to to hear others people reasons why

Unknown said...

I would like to agree with Cameron Scott, because in the Socratic Seminars you're able to talk about what you've read and relate it to yourself.
I also would like to agree with Niesha Hicks the Socratic Seminars can let you express how you feel about the book and why you feel that way about the book.

Unknown said...

I agree with kiara garder because i don't like to shout out opinions so lets me express my opinions.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has given me a better understanding of the book we are currently reading "The Children of Willesden Lane",and it has also given me a better understanding of how to word what I am saying better.My suggestions are to extend the time to about 15 minutes so everyone can speak at least twice and do the Socratic Circle more often.

Unknown said...

I agree with Stephen Gipson cause it did help me paraphrase the book better and get an better understanding. I also agree with Kristian Willams to because it help you realize what is going on in the book. The socratic circle helps a lot.

Samuel Howard said...

I agree with niesha hicks because I was able to express how the book made me feel and what I got from it

Samuel Howard said...
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Unknown said...

Camron Scott I agree with you because that's was a Socratic Seminar is it is kinda like a Debate going back in forth but in a certain way this is from Antwion Walker.

Unknown said...

Sam Howrad I agree with you because what we are doing now is like a Socratic Circle

Unknown said...

A Socratic seminar is kinda like a debate agaist the inner circle agaist the outer circle the inner circle kinda spread there opion and the outer circle tell the inner circle what they did wrong or not

Unknown said...

I agree with Cameron Scott because he does have a point.The Socratic Seminar helps you breaks down the book.It also helps you to debate about the book.You also get to clarify about what you read about.

Unknown said...

I agree with antwoin because it is like we are debating in the Socratic circle.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kenyah Hooks because it helps me with my constructed response also.

Unknown said...

I agree with Julian Jones because that is a good idea to talk in a line

Unknown said...

I agree with Zavier because Socratic Seminars help me make better connections.

Unknown said...

I agree with Nigel because with the Socratic Seminar, I can better understand what others think about the book The Children of Willesden Lane.

Unknown said...

I agree with Chasen but he could have worded his statement differently for better identification on his explination

Unknown said...

I agree with Cameron but he didn't get me to understand what we should change.

Unknown said...

The Socratic seminar has helped me get a better visual of everything that Mrs . Lavender has been talking about in class. It is very helpful to know even more about the book because we are digging below the surface when we do the Socratic Circle.The Socratic Circle helps us so much.It helps us with R23CI. and it help us understand the text more than we thought.The Socratic Circle helps us later on when we have to go to 7th and 8th grade. The Socratic circle helps us get out of the comfort zone of staying on the surface we are digging below the surface and evaluating our text. Thank you so much Mrs . Lavender for letting us do the Socratic circle.

Unknown said...

I agree with Camron Scott because the Socratic Circle does help you clarify things you did not know in the book. plus it does help you break the book down.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vincent Thomas because it does help you make real world connections.

Unknown said...

I agree with Chasen because if we don't know what we messed up on we won't get better.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped with the book Children of Willesden Lane because as Mrs.Lavender or Ms.Watson gives us an assignment on the book I will know the answers about it because we have already debated about it and have gave reasons of why we think it is this.I agree with Antowin because the people that are in the inner circle are debateing against each other.I agree with Vicent because the the seminar has been very helpful

Unknown said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me feel better about the book "The Children Willesden Lane" because I had to make real world connections with Lisa and I did make some connections. So, therefore I understand better about Socratic Seminar's now that we went over it and I have experienced it.

And I agree with Joi Rodgers because when she said she have the freedom to agree, disagree, or ask questions about a statement that one of my peers have explicated.

I also agree with Tracey Young because you have to participate and also talk loudly.

Anonymous said...

The Socratic Seminar has helped me by understanig how to use it in my speaking. The Socratic Seminar allowed me to make good statements and judgement to my big sister.

Unknown said...

The Socratic Circle helped me because now I can analyze information about the text. Now I can understand what I am reading and breaking the chapters down so I could get the general message.

I agree with Joi Rodgers because you can agree, disagree, or ask questions about a statement that one of my peers have explained

I agree with Machiah Henderson because the assignments that Mrs.Lavender and Mrs.Watson give the classes help with the chapters and to know the general message.

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