Starting middle school can be quite exciting yet scary at the same time. Please share your thoughts about starting the new school year as a middle school student at WJC.What are you expecting from your teachers and peers? What are your goals for the school year?
REMEMBER: Complete your response using formal language (no texting forms) and complete sentences!
Starting middle school is a new chapter in my life. What I am expecting from my teacher Mrs.Lavender is for her to help me learn new things that will make me a better person. What I am expecting from my peers is to get to know them better and hopefully become friends.
i am expecting knew knowledge and adven tures from my teachers. I am hoping and expecting my peers to become friends.
This year is really going to be different. A step up from elementary school feels spectacular. Of course we have the basics since kindergarten like, have manners and obey instructions the first time, but I have my own set of school year goals. So, I will have to be a role model for younger children and keep my grades up. Plus, I expect challenging questions and activities from our teachers.
I am expecting to learn everything I can and have the best experience in 6th grade from my teachers and my peers. I hope to become friends with all my classmates and other six graders.
My goals for this school year are to receive A’s in all of my classes, and be a leader not a follower. In addition, I am going to be a very nice person and become a whole new me.
At first I was scared to go to middle school,but now that I know more about my classmates and my teacher so I'm not scared any more.I am expepting more information from my teachers and to make friends with my classmates.My goals for this year are to try hard and be the best I can be.
My expectations from my teachers are to teach me everything that I need to know and to make learning fun. My expectations from my peers are to help me when I need it and to make new friends.The expectations that I have for myself is to enjoy this school year and to be an "A " honor roll student by doing my best.
i agree with you
Adriana. I am agree with yuo because i think that we are going to have a lot of knowledge and adventures when this school year is over.
Eshandae middle school is definity different than elementary school people are expecting more us now.
I agree Bria middle school is scary but you have to be willing to get used to it and have a reasonable goal so you won't get let down. :)
I think next week will be fun because Mr.B (band teacher) is making us do a performance in the band room in front of the whole class to our favorite song by our favorite performer.
_wish me luck_
Starting middle school and this being my first year at W J Christian was a little scary but exciting. I am looking forward to learning new things and meeting new friends.
I am not that excited right now to do that performance but it will be fun then so I am looking forward to it ( I think ).
I am excited about school..!!
I am expecting Mrs. Lavendar to teach me new things about the work we do in the 6th grade. I am expecting to learn more about my peers and their personalities. My goals for this middle school year is to make good grades and improve my knowledge for the future in the 7th grade.
Starting Middle school was very scary because I didn't know anybody except Lucas but I made new friends yesterday and the first day of school like Taylor,Chloe,oscar and Nasir and thats just the start. the only thing that im expecting is just a good education. This year is going to be harder because Im being taught pre Ap and at my old school they bascially didn't teach me anything I still dont know how to write in cursive, And for goodness sake Im in the sixth grade. so I know its gonna be hard so friend and classmates please help me out.
Hello,Everyone today was my first day i didnt come wendsday but it was very fun.To me middle school is my wonderful chance for inprovement.I love my teachers,and my peers are just wonderful!Plus we get cooler electives,and much cooler classes (AP rocks!)
My guestions are ...
what are your favorite classes,teacher ect, and why?
hello,today was my first day at school and ive found that my favorite class is science,and my favorite teacher is the lovely Mrs.Lavender.So under my comment tell me your favorite teacher and clss i'd love to hear your thoughts.Who know we may even havethe same opinion.
I'm actually very excited on starting middle school.I really like my teachers.Actually, I was expecting the teachers to be a little bit more strict.But they turned out really nice.From my peers I was expecting them to be as friendly as they already are, I'm hoping I can get to know and be friends with everyone.My goal is a little bit like Chloe's, to make straight A's.I hope everyone can achieve their goals this year.
To me starting middle school at W.J.C was like a maze. The first day I did not know where to turn or what to do, but at the end of the day I solved that maze. It was all worth it. I liked W.J.C., the first day was hard getting to know people and opening my locker, but now I'm good and I'm going to go foward with the rest of the year. I think that my teachers expect me to be my best, and I'll try my hardest. I think my peers expect me to be respectful and helpful. I'll learn more and will not be disruptive or distractive.
i agree with you eshandae. I agree with you because even if we do already know the basics we still have to be the bigger person and challenge ourselves. My expectations are to challenge myself and when i do i'm hoping it will make me smarter and more outgoing than i was before.
I'm really excited about starting middle school! It's so much fun, I have great teachers and great classmates! I'm looking forward to a year of learning and fun! I expect to learn A LOT this year. It's fun knowing that we're not kids in Elementary school anymore, we're middle schoolers! Hope the rest of you are having as much fun as me! HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!
I'm excited about the performance Mr.B's making us do also! I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!! I wish everyone luck!
i agree esme, although, i might get a little frightened even just standing in front of the class.
Sixth grade should be adventurous for me.I expect that my teachers will prepare us bigger and better things. I was kind of scared on the 1st day of school because I thought I wasn't going to know anybody.
I am happy and excited about starting middle school. It is different, but I like it. I am happy that our class is caring and a good bunch.
I wish everyone a good school year like esme.
This year I am expecting to learn knew knowledge and to have a good relationship with all of my teachers.Also,I expect to make very good grades this school year.
Im so nervous for the performance I have to do
im nervous to
I am ready for my middle school. I know that my three wonderful teachers will teach me new things. My peers will strive to be their best and so will I. My goal is to be the best I can be and learn new lessons.
I am ready for my middle school. I know that my three wonderful teachers will teach me new things. My peers will strive to do the best of their abilites and so will I. My goal is to be the best I can be and learn new lessons.
my expectation is to make this a better year.:)my success is waiting for me
mrs.lavender is the best
Well I am in Mrs.Cammack's class and this year hopefully I will learn many things and have many accomplishments.I have made so many new friends like chloe leftride and many more to come.I really love the idea of band instructor Mr.benyon teaching us the package of responsibility on using our flash drives.And he also gave us a wonderful assignment,we have to pick our favorite entertainer and upload one of their favorite songs ,then sing it.Well Mrs.lavender all I can say is I love you and your doing a mighty fine job.Thank you
i have a lot of expectations for this school year.i want to do more than just meet people. i would like to work on cursive writing and more on narritive i am exited about the perfomance in band as well!
my first day was awesome.Ilike all of my teachers and i've met som new people and saw some old friends.
I love Mrs. Lavender. She is an awesome teacher. She will be listed as one of my favorites. :)
At first I thought middle school was the last place i wanted to be,now i realize it's not that bad.I get along with my classmates and my teachers so there should be no issues.I am ready for this school year as a sixth grader at WJC!!!!!!!!!:)
every elementary grade is a different book but each year of middle school is one gigantic chapter book. You have look forward to something much more advanced.
I expect my peers to help me when i need help and let me help them when they need help.
I expect my teachers to sometimes be serious but sometimes make learning fun.
I'm also ready for Mr.B's class performance i have everything half way done,so if anyone is nervous you shouldn't be because I think us as a class is going to have fun:)
I'm seriously excited about our performance by cymphonique miller. I can't wait. It's going to be amazing.
Mrs. Lavender is my fav teacher to Im going to start calling her Mrs. Lav just in case i dont feel like saying lavender. She's a nice teacher though.;)
I think Mrs.Lavender is the most coolest, funniest teacher ever i love her. I think that i am going to have good school year. SHE IS MY FAVORITE TEACHER! I love you Mrs.Lavender!
Entering middle school is like a new chapter in my stories that I like to write in my spare time. I will have to think things through in my stories so they make complete sense,just like for my school work. My expectations for this year are to meet new people since the school didn't place me with my close friends from Princeton. I also plan to make straght A's or A's and B's.
I agree with u Chloe
Mrs.Lavender is my favorite teacher but she drew a cup today that looked more like an upside down mexican hat our answers to her question in class were very mean. Mrs.Lavender is still awesome you rock Mrs.Lavender
Mrs.Lavender is my favorite because she is nice and a so far she seems like a reasonable teacher...Does anyone agree
i agree with you Breanna.
hey chloe is mrs.lavender awesome but shes not the best artist
I agree with u as will breanna MrsLavender is the best.
i really like all my teachers, i wonder who wj christian is?
I want to know as well, who else wants to know? By the way WJChristian please reveal yourself!!!
I love my new middle school
Ok trinity i know she is not the best artist but she is the best that she could be and that is all that matters.oh and hi trinity.
Yes who is WJ Christian???
Wj.christian tell us please. We are dying to no!!!!!!!!!!
Hey KK
I think I know who WJChristian is.
Cortez please tell...... PLEASE!!!!!!!
I think Cindy is because WJChristian said they didn't come on the first day, and neither did Cindy.
Whose class is Cindy in?
If she is she is if she isn't the search continues. Anyway goodnight.
I don't know
See you Monday Alex
starting middle school is a challenege. i am expecting that my teacher teaches me all the steps. my goal is to get to know my peers and do my best at what i do.
I was really scared on the first day. But i concured my fear and school was a blast.
Breanna I definetly agree with u.
Ps Plz dont judge me if I spelled something wrong lol
I agree with Taylor, middle school is a challenge.For one thing, I have to agrre that Mrs. Lavender is my favorite teacher above all!And, about the assignment dancing or singing in front of the whole class,I AM SO NERVOUS!I don't like dancing alone!I hope I don't do horrible.I hope nobody get's a bad grade, especialy not me!
i love mrs.lavender she is so alsome and i am glad that she is my homeroom teacher
Thanks to all of you for responding so promptly to my question and the responses of your peers. I'm glad to hear that many of you are excited about middle school, and you are setting goals for yourself. The first three days of school were quite tiring for me after being off work for two months, but I think I'm getting back into the swing of things. You all are a great group of students, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the school year. I'm elated to know that so many of you think fondly of me "right now", and I hope you continue to feel this way after I have pushed you extremely hard to do your best. Remember to stay focused when blogging (stay on the topic of discussion). I'm looking forward to seeing all of you early Monday morning as you walk through my door with an OPTIMISTIC attitude!
Oh promise me I'll walk in in that classrom with an Optimist attitude ready to learn.
Mrs.Lavender we will always be fond of you are AWESOME!.
Oh I hope everyone had a good three days of school because I know I did.
You're a GREAT teacher Mrs. Lavender!!!!!! I can't wait to come back to school! SEE all of you there! I HOPE!
I love school so far!
I love ALL of our teachers:Ms.Turner, Ms. Cammack and of course wonderful Mrs. Lavender!!! This is a really cool school I'm glad I decided to come here! YEH!!!
yeah, mrs. lavender we will come in with a optimistic attitude. even if we don't feel good that day you always know how to cheer us up with impressive teaching and a big wide smile. i love you mrs.lavender. your the best. at the same time i'm also nervous about mr. benion's class assignment. i hope to see everyone on monday. and remember, don't be sacred because this is only the begginning of this school year. we will have much more fun. ps. i hope i make alot of new friends, especially, since i've went to this school ever since kindergarten. have fun!:) (:
sorry i did not mean to put sacred. i meant to put scared.
I agree with you oscar. Middle school is a new chapter.
who is WJ Christian
When I first started middle school I was terrified! I couldn't get my locker open (I still can't but I'm Trying), I thought the classes were going to be difficult, and I thought all the teachers were going to be mean. I expect my teachers to teach me everything I need to know and help me when I need it. I'm also expecting my peers to be friendly and outgoing. I know I'm Going to make a lot of friends and excel in all of my classes. My goals for this school year is to have many friends, work hard, and give everything my best without giving up. I love Middle School already. Especially music, Mrs.Lavender's Class, and Ms.Cammacks.
hey kk
I agree because on the first day I was nerves and shy ,but after a couple of minutes I started to open up. om the first day i had trouble with my loker but know i am doing great.Do you know who is WJ Christian?
Starting middle school at WJC is very exciting to me! I expect for the teachers to continually teach me even though i know that that will not be a problem. My goals for this school year is to stay an straight A-B Honor Roll Student. Another one of my goals are to stay quiet in class and behave!
Sabrina Payne I am expecting an exciting, great,and educational school year. I hope I have an awesome, encouraging, motivating, impressive, and inspiring teacher,so I can achieve my goal as getting all A's on my report card.I want to assist W.J.Christian volleyball team since I am in the 6th grade.Next year, I want to be on W.J. Christian volleyball team.Some of my peers are on W.J.Cristian volleyball team.When I get in the 7th grade,I am going to be right there with them.My main goal is to learn things that are challenging to me so i can be successful in life.
Is anyone else anticipating the other questions for the blog because i can not wait.
I know the first day can be scary but you have to overcome that fear and get on with your life. Does anyone agree?
I hope everyone reaches their goal I know I will try
I agree alex
Does our assignment for Mr.B's class performance need to be on our flashdrive someone please answer my question because my flashdrive is acting stupid
Yes it does need to be on the flash drive.
hey maysa this makaila i'm in class with you my locker's next to yours.I just adore Mrs.Lavender and your a wonderful friend.Because when I first arrived at W.J. christuan I knew no one.But now I know you,Kaila,Kayla,Amber and many more.So thanks but I'm scared about the assignment Mr.benyon gave us I have stage fright.How do you feel about the assignment Maysa.
Thank you for calling me a friend. I am kind of nerves about the project. I think you are a great friend too. I hope to see you Monday.-Maysa
Does anyone think Mr.Benyon will allow us to bring an ipod if we can't get it on our flashdrive...someone please answer
P.S. Thank you alex for responding to my question
Starting middle school was very scary for me because i was going to a new school and also a new enviroment what i expect from my teacher's and peers are the best this school year my goals are to make all a's this year !
Starting off middle school was very scary for me but the three day's i had with my teacher's and classmate's made me feel better what i expect from my teacher's and peers are help and my goal are to make all a's this year !:)
Hey Maysa thanks and don't be nervous at all about Mr.b's assignment you'll do good.I'm just worried because I have to sing Beyonce's ego,the problem is I can sing but I'm scared.Hopefully We all do good.So see you later Maysa good LUCK!
I'm sure everyone will do GREAT! I'm going to dance to Lady Gaga and Beyonce's telephone... I am excited but kinda scared at the same time...!!!
who class are you in esme.hill682 and are you a boy or girl I'm trying to see if I know you.
I'm in Mrs. Lavender's class I'm a girl. I've got brown curly hair.
Cool I'm in Mrs.Cammack's class I love Mrs.Lavender she so's sweet,special,patient,and loving.
I don't mean to say that I don't like Ms.Cammack or Ms.Turner, but Mrs.Lavender is my favorite teacher because she is so nice and joyful.I like all of my teachers really.I've gotten to meet some of my classmates and they all seem really nice.I hope that I get a good grade in Mr.Bensons class.I hope that everyone gets a good grade.
Yeh she is and I love ms. Cammack too!
I agree with breanna and esme
I agree with breanna and esme because I love being in mrs.lavender's class
I also agree with alexis because I am excited about middle school
I agree Mrs.Lavender is the best and I love the way Mrs.Cammack says HELLO!! :)
It's so funny LOL
I agree Arianna jones6c I'm in Mrs.cammack's homeroom class.When we don't be listening she be like Hello,Hello.
Middle school is a new stage of life and it gives up a feeling that you are growing up.In the future of this school year, I can see most of my classmates and I getting along with each other.In Mrs.Lavender's class,I expect to have tons of laughs and challenging work. My teacher,Ms.Turner is very nice,and I have a feeling that we are going to be very, very organized and on top of things things this school year. Ms.Cammack, my math teacher,talks really fast so,I have to have my mind and hands ready for her class.For this school year(2011-2012),my goals are to make the A Honor Roll, study harder,and try my best.
I know,laurealchildress2011,I was ready for middle school but I also was a little nervous.
I could't get my locker open either, Destiny Reid, until we were about to go to electives. I was in a TOTAL RUSH!
Starting middle school for me at first is scary. But when you meet new people it is not scary anymore .
I agree with you Jeremiah, middle school is very scary at first.But like you said, when you meet new people it really helps.It helped me that I already know some people that attend W.J Christian.By the way I think I know who W.J. Christian is.
Yeah there aren't suppose to be any anonymous posts!
Anyways I love sixth grade so far, I just hope it doesn't get too advanced even for a gifted program.
Right now I am really scared to be starting middle school.I am expecting to learn better and new things from my teachers.From my peers I am expecting for them to set the example for us.
I agree with you Taylor Brown my goal is to get to know my peers also.
I agree with you eshandeathomas00. I really love sixth grade so far.
Starting middle school is like getting more closer to the top of the mountain.I am expecting to learn in a more advance way.I am also expectg to learn about my peers. I hope they are very nice.
I hope I can learn from them and also become a better person.
I think sixth grade is the best. it is fun, more challenging,and all my teachers are the best! p.s W.J Christian if your out there please tell us who you are so we can find out who is commenting.
I am expecting myself to be successful and to let my colorful side show.The assignment from Mr.Ben will surely make that side of me come out. I'm just trying make the shyness of me run away, because I'm ready to shine this year!
Stating a new school was scary for me.But when I got to know my teachers and classmates better I was not scared anymore.What I am expecting from my teachers is more information.I want to make friends with all my classmates.My goals for this school year is to make the A Honor Roll.
Please tell us who is W.J Christian, Rebecca
I think this year will be difficult but we will all get through it
This school year will be fantastic because you can meet new friends and also new teachers. My first week of school was awesome saw some new and old faces and today I still don't know who they are. My two days with Mrs. Lavender and all my teachers have been great.I think sixth grade is a combination of the past grades, and future grades(7th&8th). That's because sixth grade reviews and informs.
I agree with you Chloe but when you said whole new me do you mean changing yourself to fit in or what?"I am going to be a very nice person and become a whole new me."
Since we are in middle school people expect more from each and everyone of us.
Sixth grade is important because that we are being a role model for the elementary schoolers.
Last week on the first day of school I was very nervous and excited at the sametime. But I soon became very relaxed in my new enviroment. I am looking forward to the teachers to teach us all that they can to prepare us for the future and the road ahead.
Delvyn what I meant was that I was going to be a better person than
I was in 5th grade. Also that I would work harder in my classes and pay more attention in class, and etc. that is what I mean by "whole new me".
W.J.Christian is Jalynn Charley in Mrs Cammack's homeroom class
This year is new and I expect a lot of things.
I agree with all of you. Starting middle school at WJC is exciting yet frightening. Sometimes I always thought about what kind of impression I was gonna make on the teacher. But once you get in custom to being around the teachers which we all love it will seem as if we've b there for many years. Good luck to my fellow classmates and friends that i will hopefully get to know. Have a great year.
I am excited about being in middle school. I'm hoping to continue to make the honor roll like I did in the grades before. I'm also excited about being able to play basketball when I get in the seventh grade.
Starting this middle school was an unqie expirerence for me. Meeting new faces in a strange way. a couple of my goals are: by the 8th grade I have liked to played before going to high school.
I think this year is going to be awesome. I'm having alot fo fun in my classes. Some of the lesson are
difficult, but I get help from classmates and teachers.
i think my school year will be a great school year. i hope i will have nice teachers witch I do.
I am scared i am not going to make A/B honor roll but at the same time im very excited. I am excited because im making new friends so suddenly!!! I am going to learn brand new things and i might just have the best year i ever had!!
I am execited about this school year. I can`t wait to see all my friends from last year. I also hope that all the teachers are nice as my sister described.
I think this year is going to be awesome. I'm having alot fo fun in my classes. Some of the lesson are
difficult, but I get help from classmates and teachers.
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