Monday, August 15, 2011

Brain Teaser!

There is a man who lives on the top floor of a very tall building. Everyday he takes the elevator down to the ground floor to leave the building to go to work. Upon returning from work though, he can only travel half way up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way unless it's raining! Why?


Nefertiti Williams said...
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AlexisBrooks6B said...
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Anonymous said...
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Esme said...

Maybe the elevator runs on water

E'shandae Thomas said...

When did a car get into the question? I thought we were talking about an elevator!

Cortez S.500 said...

I disagree with all of you!!!!!!!!!! If it is raining and he uses his umbrella he can't use the elevater because the water will drip and it will mess up the elevater.

Cortez S.500 said...

Except for E.Thomas

Isaiah D, Walker said...
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Anonymous said...

Maybe bcause the other half is under constuction at a certain time.

Makaila Hicks said...
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bria berry said...

I agree with esme because I think the only way that would be possible is if the elevator ran on water.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I think the elevator goes all the way down,but doesn't go all the way up because when it doesn't rain the stairs are dry so you don't need to use the elevator,but when it rains the stairs aren't dry so he uses the elevator.

Makaila Hicks said...

Maybe the Elevator can only go a certain distance of miles,and is onl in use when it's raining,or any other emergencies.Where does the car come in just asking?

Mikayla Davis 6B said...
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laurealchildress2011~ said...

I agree with Bria and Esme because you said he only goes half way if its not raining. But you did not say if he goes farther with the rain.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I think esme and Mikayla Hicks may be right I just can't choose which one

gwoods said...
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Makaila Hicks said...

hey mikayla davis you spelt my name wrong.But anyway if you think about it they said the lift doesn't go all the way up so it may not go all the way up because it's not raining.And my name is spelt Makaila Hicks.I don't care that you spelt it wrong I'm just saying.And eitherf answer you pick is fine the both sort of means the same.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

I didn't mean to spell your name wrong. I think both are right.

Makaila Hicks said...

cool Miakyla Your a brilliant girl You can come up with a answer!

TrinityLaNiyaGroves said...

he lives on the roof of rhe building and elevators don't go all the way to the roof and if he went to the roof when it was raining hewould get soaked

gwoods said...
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Jordan Haggard said...

Well I think the man is a sort man or midget, so he cant reach the top floor button because of his sort height just halfway. If it is raining though, he will have an umbrella. With the umbrella's legnth and his height he can reach the top button and get to the top floor.

Mikayla Davis 6B said...

Thanks Makaila Bye

TrinityLaNiyaGroves said...

you have to really think about the possibilities of this questionn

Jordan Haggard said...

Sorry I ment short man and short height

Jordan Haggard said...

That riddle was fun

gwoods said...

I agree with corteze because no one wants to get inside an elevator that run off of water. They would not want to get wet or fall.The water would eventually start to drip and the person in the elevator would slip and fall

breannagreen99 said...

He doesn't walk when it's raining because most likely he wants to ride the elevator to prevent from getting wet.

Chloe Leftridge said...

I agree with Cortez because the elevator will get messed up and the man would of got stuck in the elevator because the water got onto the wires in the elevator. So he had to walk up the stairs.

Arianna Jones 6C said...

Maybe the elevator can only travel up halfway.

SabrinaPayne12 said...
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Arianna Jones 6C said...

I disagree Trinity.:( Why would he live on the roof.

Destiny Reid said...

I think that maybe the elevator runs off of water.

SabrinaPayne12 said...

He probably wanted to excercise or the elevetor probably does not get all the way to the floor or level because it is occupied most of the time because it is not raining and when it is raining mostly everybody wants to stay inside.

M.Jones said...

I agree with Jordan because the could be short

Lauren Perry said...

The lift may be powered by water so it will need the rain to go up all the way to the top.

Chloe Leftridge said...

I agree with Jordon, the man was too short and he couldn't reach the top number and had walk the rest of the way up but when he goes to work he can reach the bottom number.

sidney b said...

I too agree with esme. the elevator most not have enough water to take him back up. The elevator might be taken down by gravity though. That is why he can go all the way down. Water must take it up.maybe. that is what i think so far.

MaysaCrenshaw said...

I think thet the man is elderly and can not walk all the way up the stairs. so he sits in the chair and and rides on that moveable chair. -Maysa

sidney b said...

I partially agree with jordan . He maybe short and when he goes down he can reach the bottom floor number, but what if he had a rain coat and not an umbrella.

Nasir Dowdell said...
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Jennifer said...

First let me just say that a car has absolutely nothing to do with this. Second of all the way half of you guys said,"maybe he doesn't want to take his car to work" is making it sound like you are saying that he takes the elevator to work. Now think for a moment and ask yourself does what I typed really male sense? It would have been like you said that you saw aliens!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that i think about it I agree with Jordan he might just be a short person. Oh by the way I didn't to put bcause, I meant because.

Cortez S.500 said...

I agree with Jordan, but I'm still going with minds along with Jordan's.

Areona6B said...

Maybe he takes the lift half way up the building and walks the other half to get exercise. Or, the lift only goes half way up.

AlexisBrooks6B said...

I think the umbrella would drip in the elevaotr would get stuck

Cortez S.500 said...

Yes it would Alexis,thank you.

Nasir Dowdell said...
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Lauren Perry said...
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Nasir Dowdell said...

Maybe the man is very,very short,and when it rains he can use his umbrella to press the buttons.

Lauren Perry said...
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Makaila Hicks said...

nasir this is makaila think about the lift doesn't go all the way up maybe because it only goes so far but when it rains you can then use the elevator.


i agree with cortez because thwe elevator can also get stuck in the water

Chloe Leftridge said...

Come on, the man is short if you just think about really hard he could be short.Also it makes sense because the rhyme said he went half way up if he was short he couldn't go all the way up by elevator because the number was to high so... HE HAD TO BE SHORT!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that when it was not raining the man walked and when it was raining he used the elevator. i agree with you mlauren it is not gravity powered and it is not a regular elevator. Although it might mean that when it is raining it gets its power. this riddle requries alot of thinking.

Don't let this riddle fool you. If you read the third sentence it will help.

Also the man probably uses the elevator when it's raining because it is powered on water and it probably goes alot faster than walking up flights of stairs. Stairs often hurts people's legs. i know it hurts mine. :) :p

Anonymous said...

I think that it rains at least once a day and since the elevator runs on water, it fills up the tank half full and they have already constructed the stairs but, they are still constructing the roof of the stairs.

oscar gipson said...

I think the lift use energy such as water to work. So that maybe why the man had to walk the rest of the way to the top floor.

OliviaLewis26 said...

Maybe He is too short to reach the button so he only goes half-way and uses an umbrella to reach the button?

bria berry said...

I think the man might have been too short to reach the high buttons so only on rainy days(when he had his umbrella)could he reach the top buttons.

t.adams said...

maybe the elevator doesn't go up to top floor

Esme said...

I've been thinking about if his job has something to do with this...

t.adams said...
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darien malone said...

Maybe the elevator has a glicht most of the time

sidney b said...

Ok I completely agree with that the man is short. Mrs. Lavender said it had to do with something he is holding when it rains.

Esme said...

Maybe he's a construction worker, and he's working on the building... I don't know... Maybe the lift isn't the elevator, maybe it's one of those crane thingies that they use to get up hight to work on the tall buildings...

Nefertiti Williams said...

Maybe the man is short.That's why the man can't reach the top button because he is short.Maybe it is raining and he needs a umbrella.

oscar gipson said...

i agree with you Nefertiti maybe he is short. So when it rain he can use the unbella to reach the top

KACY said...

maybe the LIFT only has a certain amount of string that pulls it up.

Kaylin Lake said...

i believe that the man is short and can't reach the elavator button that takes him to his floor.Although if it is raining the man will have his umbrella which he will use to press the button to get to the top floor.

msproveit said...
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Chloe Leftridge said...

Well you guys if you just think the man could be short because if he rode the elevator HALF WAY up and walk the rest of the day but when he goes to work he rides the elevator the whole way if he is short when goes up he is only tall enough to reach half way.Please think about it will make sense.

Esme said...

I STILL THINK that either the lift is powered by water...or >>>> the lift is the crane that lifts the builders to the top floor of the building... because maybe the man's work is being a construction worker!

SabrinaPayne12 said...

I also think that he was probably trying to carry something in the elevator and it probably did not fit so he had to take the stairs

breannagreen99 said...

I agree with Jordan...maybe the man is short and can't reach it unless he has his umbrella to press the button for him.

breannagreen99 said...

But when he's leaving he is already on top and just have to press the down button

Anonymous said...

I agree with Trinity.

Anonymous said...

like i said i agree with trinity because maybe he on the top floor and would have to walk so yes i agree with trinity

laurealchildress2011~ said...

Maybe the man is short and he cant reach the top floor button.When it rains he uses the Umbrela to hit the button to get home.

Isaiah Rouse said...

The man who lives on the top floor can not reach the button that represents his floor. He can only reach half,so he has to walk up the to his room. When it is raining outside he can use his umbrella to reach the top button and can ride the elevator to his floor.

mikaelah freeman said...

Maybe the elevator is in a type of building that you have to use another side of the building and the other side might not have an elevator.

mikaelah freeman said...

I think bria and esme are right because I think my answer is dead wrong.My second choice is to agree with bria and esme.

Makaila Hicks said...

yes Now i believe the man was short and couldn't reach the elevator buttoms so when it's raining he brings and umbrella and presses the button to go up.So i agree with bria berry and jordan thanks you guys!

Makaila Hicks said...

yes Now i believe the man was short and couldn't reach the elevator buttoms so when it's raining he brings and umbrella and presses the button to go up.So i agree with bria berry and jordan thanks you guys!

jasmine arnold said...

maybe he walks half the way up the stairs for exercise and he does not walk up the stairs when it is raining because the stairs are wet and slippery and he may fall down

chrisfells1 said...

does the man hate getting wet

Martez said...

I agree with kaylin and isaiah.The man can't reach the top floor button.Therefore,when it's raining, he can reach the top floor button with his umbrella.

Martez said...

Chris-I dont think it's because the man hates getting wet

Isaiah Rouse said...

I forgot to add one more thing. The man is to short to reach the top button in the elevator.

Lauren Perry said...

Friends and fellow classmates the man is not too short. A lift is not a regular elevator.The lift runs on water.

Tyler Tolbert said...

i think its generated by water

Chloe Leftridge said...

Well even if the lift is on water the man still could be short because there are still levels on the lift and we don't know how many levels there are on the lift so...I still think the man is short.

jabranice.moore said...

maybe he is afraid of heights and don't want to take the elavator because he may live on a very high floor !

Anonymous said...

I think that when it rains it damages the elevator which causes him to take the lift and walk the rest halfway.

jabranice.moore said...

i agree on part of what you said cortez because he can use his umbrella !

Jaelyn Reese said...

Maybe the man wants to walk half the way for exercise,or the elvator can only go a certain distance.

jaylin said...

maybe it got broke while he was at work or its acertain time it shut down

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Makailah Hicks the elevator probaly doesn't go up all the way.

Jaelyn Reese said...

I agree with you Esme it could run on water.

jaylin said...

maybe the lift goes half way when its over heated but it cant get over heated when it rains so that makes it go all the way.

oscar gipson said...

i argee with you jaylin maybe it dose go half up when it gets over heated

Jaelyn Reese said...

Which Jailyn are you.

kobebelcher said...

maybe the elevator runs on water

Tekia Horn said...

maybe the elevator does not run in rain.

brookehunter said...

He is too shrot and can only reach half of the numbers

brookehunter said...

the man is to short to reach all the bottons

Adriana said...
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brookehunter said...

the man is to shrot to reach all the bottons

Adriana said...

because on rainy days he takes the elevator and not the lift.

bobbirodgers99 said...

the man only goes only half way when its raining because the elevator probably runs out of oxygen due to the water

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE,PEOPLE,PEOPLE the elevator does not run on water. Really ask yourself does what I am saying MAKE SENSE. That is why I say his height is the problem,and he can only reach halfway because he is only half size.


oscar gipson said...

i agree with u alex ir the man is short than maybe thats why he reach half way

preston said...

why would he walk in the rain wait a minute is it even raining because if the elvator gose halfway up that mean it must run on water

Esme said...

I agree with Adriana! It makes since! Since a lift and an elevator are not the same things.

corian broner said...

The man is too short to reach the top buttons, but when it's raining, he uses his umbrella to reach the top buttons.

Esme said...


Rebecca Rubio said...

I think that the elevator could only go up until a certain point at a certain time.Maybe that is why the man had to take the lift when he came back from work.

chryshawn parker said...

There is no indication that the man catches the elevator from the top floor of the building he lives in.
The reason why he can only travel half-way up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way, I think, is because he walks half-way down to catch the elevator to get to the ground floor.

Jaidyn Washington 18 said...

The man probably wanted to excercise on his way up to his apartment after getting off the elevator halfway.

Jaden said...

he is in a treetop

Jaden said...

Correction, he is a window washer

Joshhill said...

I believe that the man is a short person and can only reach the lowest button which is the button to the ground floor. Though on a rainy day, the short man has his umbrella to help him reach the highest point which is his floor. This draws to a conclusion that on a sunny day the short man can only reach a certain point, but on a rainy day an umbrella comes in hand.

E'shandae Thomas said...

I agree that the man is short and uses the umbrella to get to the top floor, but its stupid not to carry one every day!

MaysaCrenshaw said...

I think that the man is a builder, and he takes the elevator undergroud to bulid something. The elevator only goes half way because it takes him to the surface, and he walks to his building.

brookehunter said...

the man is to short to reach all the buttons he can only reach half of the buttons

brookehunter said...

the man is to short to reach all the buttons and can only reach half

Chloe Leftridge said...

Wait,i'm getting confused...ok I still agree that the man is short and he walks up the stairs after going half way through the elevator but what I don't get is the sentence says "has to walk the rest of the way unless it's raining! Why?". So I think that some of us are just answering part of the question. If he walks the rest of the way UNLESS IT RAINS what does he do? See that is what i'm trying to feagure out. I might be wrong...but that kind of caught my attention. We might of already answered it though. (???)

Chloe Leftridge said...

People are saying he has a umbrella but it says unless it rains that kind of means that he probably didn't have a umbrella."UNLESS IT RAINS". Hmmmm?

Arianna Jones 6C said...

what does short have to do with it? :<

Arianna Jones 6C said...

I agree with you Lauren:)

Kaneisha Rivers said...

I think since he is short he's not able to reach the top level numbers on the elevator wall,but when it rains he can use his umbrella to reach the buttons after he uses it to keep him dry on his way to work.

Kaneisha Rivers said...

The man is short so he can't reach the top level floors so he has to use his umbrella when its raining to reach those certain numbers.

Arianna Jones 6C said...

I agree with you Corian Broner.

Arianna Jones 6C said...

I agree with you too Myreon And Jordan

Chloe Leftridge said...

Well that is a way to think about maybe the did use the umbrella to reach the other levels of the elevator.

Isaiah D, Walker said...

I think that when it rains the elevator gets jammed and ask up and only go a certain length , or it runs on water.

Kaylin Lake said...

chloe the story or riddle says that if it isnt raining than he has to walk and if it is raining he uses the umbrella.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well everyone should know the answer by now, if not keep guesing.

trinitygroves said...

ok i agree with anyone who said the man is short he can only reach half of the buttonsand when it rains he will have an umbrella to reach the top buttons with

and besides whoever talked about my first answer my brother typed that and and anyone who knows me knows that i cant stand my brother

Anonymous said...

I also agree with anyone who said the man is short and uses his umbrella to push the buttons.

Chloe Leftridge said...

Oh didn't see that thanks for telling me that.

oscar gipson said...

i think the man is just short and that it

gwoods said...

the man takes the stairs when it is not raining and takes the elevator when it is

Josh.Stanton2-5 said...

maybe the lift is out and he has to take the stairs to get up to his apartment

gwoods said...

Maybe the elevator doesn't go up to the top floor or maybe he is just too short to reach the elevator buttons.
The man uses an umbrella to tap the buttons to go up.

Deja Motley said...
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Deja Motley said...

My awnser is... You can't ride a lift in the rain!(Remember they mentioned lift instead of elevetor)

Well, they said he rides the 'elevator' down but takes the 'lift' back up. If it's raining, you can't ride a 'lift' because it's on the outside, when it rains, he doesn't walk the rest of the way.

L.Lavender said...

I have enjoyed reading all of the interesting answers. Thanks so much for your hard work! The correct answer to the riddle is as follows: The man is too short and can only reach halfway up the elevator buttons. However, if it is raining, he will have his umbrella with him and can press the higher buttons with it.

Esme said...
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jadenperkins2020 said...

The man is too short and can only reach halfway up the elevator buttons.If it is raining, he will have his umbrella with him and can press the higher buttons with it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is a short person and cant reach all the buttons but he can reach half of the buttons.

ejderrico 11 said...

The man is short if he needs his umbrella because when it rains he has his umbrella he can reach all the buttons.

Deja Motley said...

My awnser is... You can't ride a lift in the rain!(Remember they mentioned lift instead of elevetor)

Well, they said he rides the 'elevator' down but takes the 'lift' back up. If it's raining, you can't ride a 'lift' because it's on the outside, when it rains, he doesn't walk the rest of the way.

August 23, 2011 8:35 PM

Deja Motley said...

My awnser is... You can't ride a lift in the rain!(Remember they mentioned lift instead of elevetor)

Well, they said he rides the 'elevator' down but takes the 'lift' back up. If it's raining, you can't ride a 'lift' because it's on the outside, when it rains, he doesn't walk the rest of the way.

August 23, 2011 8:35 PM