Monday, May 11, 2015

How to Combat Racism?

Based on the films watched in class and some of our day to day experiences, we know racism still exist today. What can we do to combat racism? Remember to respond to at least two of your six grade peers.


Unknown said...

My simple way of combating racism would be to stand up for whoever is being bullied over color of skin.I would do it by reporting those who still tend to be races, and create clubs with the help of my friends, and make a stand to point out how racism will not come to an end unless someone stands up for it and all who are races or act as though they are because of the way they were raised need to understand that skin color does not show how someone feels or acts in their regular lives.

Unknown said...

A way of combating racism is to always stand up for yourself if others dont help .But u should always help someone like in the film barelly anyone helped the lady to stand up to sales clerk (even though it was just an expirment) everyone just saw her ,but didnt help her just because she was a diffrent skin color. I agree with kayla frazier i wouldnt leave someone just their getting bullied just because they are a diffrent skin color , because if i would put myself in their spot i would like others to help me . Like kayla frazier said report it to others like police or someone who could help you and do something about so it wont have to happen to someone else. In my opinon, i am very dissapointed in Barrak Obama he said he was going to stop racism but i see racism still happening , and its not just racism from skin color its from your type of sex also . One time in class our class watched CNN student news , and it said men are paid more in their jobs than women are , and african americans , or any other skin colored person gets paid even less then white females. I consider that as racism and if others dont consider it as racism then i dont know what they are thinking of or what world are they living in. I honestly want to stop racism and make everyone equal and by equal i mean that everyone will be paid the SAME balance in their jobs, not be bullied, and most importantly not be judged by their skin color.One last thing also in CNN student news , in some states they wouldnt let same sex people get married . What i think what everyone should do is send many but by many i mean more than half of the world should send reports about racism , and see if by chance the president will do something about it. I am not saying that the only way people can combat racism is by including the president , i mean that it would just be more helpful . But the easy thing you can do now to combat racism is to , not be scared to stand up for yourself or other people . If you help others im sure that more people will help you . I think the racist person should get in the colored persons shoes , because i am sure that they wouldnt want to feel treated like that.

Unknown said...

My way of combating racism is by telling that person who is being racist that skin color really doesn't matter. When people are racist I tell them that we both are still human beings and that the only thing different about the two of us is our skin tone, I also combat racism by making sure I live my life right so I'm not a stereo-type, also by telling that racism is not right. Some people are racist of how we talk I think your language stands out from how you were raised, you can live in a nice neighborhood and not have correct grammar or you can have correct grammar and live in a nice neighborhood, like I said it is all about how you were raised and how your parents were raised.

Unknown said...

In order to combat racism, you must have self confidence.In order to make a change, it all starts with your determination.Racism still takes place in the United States which means that there is a lot of conflict dealing with racism here. By standing up and speaking up, you can make a big difference. Voice you opinion to others if you know that it is the right thing. The future depends on if you are willing to make a change now and stop racism.Are you going to watch or help make a change?

Unknown said...

I agree with Heidi because self confidence is the first key to making a difference in racism.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vince because stereotypes play a big role in racism and it does not matter where you are live, what you do, or what you look like because we are all human beings which means we should all be treated with the same respect as everyone.

Unknown said...

One way I can combat racism is by standing up against it.Another way I could do this is to increase awareness by posting examples of racism on social media.In the film,the sells clerk was always one of the people being racist,so to me if it was a real life situation I would try to hold a boycott to make sure no one shops at that particular store until justice is done about the racism in it.According to an article I read,race is a powerful idea and an enduring concept invented by society.It has fostered inequality and discrimination for centuries,as well as influenced how we relate to other human beings.Also,I think because of racial profiling,a black person is more likely to be pulled over by a police officer than a white person.Racism is defined as the belief that one race of people is superior to another race of people.Sometimes when a group of people act against racism,it gets
dangerous,and may even become deadly due to the type of situation.
I agree with Kayla Frazier's statement about how people should stand up against racism,because no person,no matter what race,nor skin color should be treated badly.I also agree with Heidi Mendoza because even if people don't stand up for you that doesn't mean you can't stand up for yourself.Sometimes it just takes that one person to stand up and make a difference.

Unknown said...

We can combat racism by not bringing it on ourselves. Ways we do this is by selling dope on the streets , talking "slang" , sagging our pants , and dropping out of our schools . Those are in fact just some ways we , African Americans , bring racism upon ourselves . A way we can stop this is doing whats right , stop the violence , and calm down . When I say calm down I mean dont be so angry as soon as you think someone wants to "bump" . Calm down and tell them " No , I will not live up to the stereotype we have today. " In conclusion , do not act how you see the world is now. Also , if its negative stay out and tell yourself "I will break the stereotype ! " .

Unknown said...

A way of combating racism is to stand up for myself and others when needed. I can stand up for others by saying something like no your not going to make her leave. I think that racism is still going on and it needs to stop , its not us blacks that are starting up the racism. Its the whites just like in the video the lady stated your type , your are starting up racism and us blacks are going to say the same thing when they come into our black stores. Another way of combating racism is saying staying away from the ones that are saying the things like that (your type).

Unknown said...

A way of combating racism is by standing up for what`s right, and not letting it control you, or anyone else. There are a lot of races people in the world. They say stuff to you that hurt you and your culture. Like Heidi Mendoza said racism is really affects you because of your skin color. We as a culture are based on our skin color not our personalities. We need to stand up for our peers instead of being a bystander.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine Brown because racism is really affective when doing it on the social media.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In order to combat racism you must have self-control, self-control is very important especially if you are peacefully protesting. Self-control is when you control yourself no matter the circumstance; for example, back in the 1960’s when blacks were trying to have a peaceful sit-in whites would brutally attack them. These black had enough self-control not to retaliate and fight back, which would make the situation worse. So in order to combat racism you need to have self-control which is hard, but at least you know you are making a change. After you have mastered the skill of self-control now you must stand up for what is right. You must voice your opinion and stand up for what you believe is right, especially racism. Testify why you think racism is wrong, for example the color of someone's skin doesn’t make them a bad person, it just tell what race you are. Doing these things will help you concur racism.

Unknown said...

My way of combating racism is by rather then standing around and watch it happen i will actually help them. I can send letters to the goverment about racism and make racism a law. Some people need to stop living in the past it's 2015 people should have stopped years ago.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

In order to combat racism, you have to stand up for what you believe in. While we watched the video, i noticed that a lot of people had comments and equal rights to say about how the employee treated the customer. One person stood out to me which was the man with the child and wife. He gave his speech about he knew wasn't right and the employee should treat her customers. I can make a connection by saying when my sister was working at her job in Irondale. This white woman (not being racist) came in and ordered her food, but when the lady gave her the money, she laid it down on the counter and slid it over like my sister was a disease. So in order to combat racism, you need to stop proving to them that you are not worthy of their patience or respect. In the modern day of 2015, I see young boys with their pants on the ground. Young ladies with little bitty skirts and shorts and tight pants on. thats just showing them we are not on their level of success. So combat the racism by proving them wrong.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Heidi because racism doesn't just live with skin color it also deals with gender. However, I don't agree when she said Barack Obama said he will stop racism because no one can stop racism. Racism is just a persons opinion and thought. Let them think what they want and don't pay them any mind.

Unknown said...

One way to combat racism is to stand up for yourself and others by simply just saying that what they are saying is not right and you should treat others to way you want to be treated.Based on the first video we watched about the expriement ,some people just don't care. In the expriement over 100 people saw what the WHITE sales lady treated the BLACK customer and less than 20 did something about it. i really didn't really understand the white boy christian in the second video. he was saying that it was okay for he to do what he did to his black roommate, but when Tyra said he sounded like a black man it wasn't okay. in my opinion i think that some people are just honestly scared to say something, but you don't have to be you have o just stand up for yourself and others and maybe your actions will change the world

Unknown said...

I agree with shakria bosha because we do have to stand up for what we believe in, in order to make a difference

Unknown said...

i also agree with vince jackson because we shouldn't be judged by the color of our skin but by our character and we are all huming beings and in my opinion GOD made us for a reason and i don't think that he is impressed by us not being kind to one another

Unknown said...

One way of combating racism is to stand up for what you believe in. If you don't believe in racism, then don't just sit back and allow racist people to mistreat one another. Based on the video (Shopping while Black)showed an example of what we do today. We just sit back and allow racism to take action. I see and hear about multiple killings done by white police officers, but blacks would be lucky if there was justice. The Freddie Gray situation was terrible even though there was justice for his family and him. the way I'd try to stop racism myself is by standing up, starting protest, or report it to someone who actually has authority over these types of things. In my own opinion, racist people should be notified that what they say and do does hurt others. I completely agree with Kayla Frazier because she's right, our skin color doesn't show how someone feels or how they're raised. I also feel that it's partially or fault(blacks0 because we go out in public acting like fools giving the whites a reason to say negative things about us. So therefore we need to first star with improving ourselves. I also agree with Heidi Mendoza because we don't even help our own kind anymore, we have become shellfish and a disgrace to our culture.

Unknown said...

To know what racism is, we first have to know what it mean. Racism is defined as being discriminated against by race, gender, religion and more. Some people have their own way of combating racism. My way of combating racism would be to try and help the person that is being discriminated against. I would also pray for the person who is being racist. Standing up for what I believe in is another way of combating racism. Dr. Martin Luther King faught hard for us to be equal and free of racism. It is sad that us young people have to witness so much killing going on because of racism. Hopefully, one day racism will end and the world would be much better. The only thing we have to do now is continue and pray and do right and abide by the law.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Tanisia Tucher because so people are scared to say anything because their scared that someone will harm them.
I also with Michelle Jones because first you do have to have self confidence to stabs up for yourself and others.

Unknown said...

The way I would combat or stand up for racism would be by being by[helping] that person who is being accused by their skin tone.It is not right at all for someone to judge another by their skin tone.The world has so many big problems happening,racism should not be one of them.Also,we as one can all just check ourselves before speaking and talking about others.We don't know what others are going thru in life.Anything we say or do could hurt someone else's life.Divided we fall and together we stand.I agree with Vince Jackson because he says that he must check himself before his actions which is very smart and thoughtful.I would also like to agree with Londyn Yates because she said take action and don't let it just happen.This act may save one's life.This is how I would combat racism.

Unknown said...

One way to combat racism is to stand up and be against racism.For example when I see racism I'd stop it by saying things like being mean to someone because of their skin tone isn't right.Another way of combating racism is by letting the person know they are being racist because sometimes people don't know they are being racist.One more way of combating racism is not talking to the person who's being racist or not shopping at that particular store.These are ways I would combat racism.

Unknown said...

A way to combat racism is to not let anyone tell you what to do.You should never let anyone tell you you cannot do something because of your race and skin color. Just like in the film because the woman was African American the store manager thought that the woman was coming to steal.Meaning because she was African American they thought she had no money. While this was going on most people just watched and others spoke up and said that was not right on how they treated the lady. So the others who did not speak up were bystanders because they stould by and did absolutely nothing when the store manager was being racist. I agree with Heidi Mendoza because people who are being racist should put theirself in African American shoes to see how it feel to be left out on things or treated like criminals.

Unknown said...

A way of combating racism is by not letting it happen. By not letting it happen you must take a stand. For example,if a hispanic person in particular asked a black person to leave a store because of their skin color i would stand up to that person. I would stand up to that hispanic person by saying that people shouldn't be treated a certain way by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I don't think that it is right to judge a person by their skin color.I don't think so because races hispanic people wouldn't like the situation if it was the other way around.

Unknown said...

My way of combating racism is to stand up for what is right. Always stick up for yourself especially when you don`t agree with what the person is saying. Like in the movies we saw in class African Americans stood up against racism by having riots, peaceful protest, and marches. Now there has been some white officers killing African American Males and not being charged with anything. So I would handle it the same exact way because i don`t want to be judged because of my skin color. I want to be seen as as a person not a "black girl".

Unknown said...

I agree with Heidi Mendoza because i think you should stand up for yourself.

Unknown said...

I agree with Heidi Mendoza because i think you should stand up for yourself.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vince Jackson because as he said you should try to sit down with them and say that skin color doesn`t matter.

Unknown said...

One way of combating racism is by believing more in yourself,and trying to achieve your goals.I say this because some caucasian people think less of African Americans,some of them think that African Americans don't read,are ghetto and won't achieve anything in life.Another reason I say this is because some African Americans act ghetto and do things to get noticed because they feel less of themselves,or believe that caucasian think they are better than African Americans because of their skin color.I say it really doesn't matter what color your skin is because god made you the way you are,perfect in your own way.I aggree with Heidi Mendoza because you should stand up for yourself dont just let anyone bully you do something about it.Its not right for people t get bullied because of what they look like.I noticed that African American are forcing racism on themselves because they do things from a caucasian person's perception.I say that caucasian people shoul get to know African Americans before use their perception.I also agree with Michelle Jones because in order to fight racism you should have self-esteem.Self-esteem is confidence in one's own worth or abilities.All I'm saying is that you shouldn't judge anyone by their skin color because you don't know what they're capable of doing.I say that being racist should against a law,or it should become a law.Racism is not nice or funny even if your a girl or a boy."No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin,or his background or his religion.People learn to hate,and if they can learn to hate,they can be tought to love,for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it's opposite.
"Nelson Mandela

Unknown said...

One day I was looking something up and I saw something it states "I'm not being racist but could someone plz shoot the nigger president...he is a muslim piece of crap...(the person didnt say crap he said another word)he deserves to be killed with the rest of his muslim family.(muslim means a follower of the religion of Islam)

Unknown said...

In order to combat racism is to stand up for what you believe in and don't let anyone walk over you. I say that you should stand up for yourself because it's not fair that you should be treated badly or as if your a criminal just because your black. Another way to combat racism is to stand up for someone else because it's one thing to stick up for yourself ,but it goes to a whole different level when you stand up for another person. Why I say that is because you show that your brave and you care about others. Also it shows that you have power and your just not another black person. Also you can combat racism by making yourself be someone. You don't have to be famous to be someone you just have to be confident. What I mean by that is if you dress nice and act nice then people should accept you ,but then again we have to live with stereotypes.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kayla Fazier because just because the color of our skin doesn't mean we are bad people.People should stand up for people who are getting mistreated and racism will never end unless we are brave and confident.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Jeremiah Williams because self control has a big part on why people sees us of how we are. Why I say that is because some people put themselves as people who don't have home training and are ghetto. You can't blame the people who think of us like that all the time because that's all they see they don't see the kind,nice,and smart people.

Unknown said...

To combat racism, we must do the right thing and say something when something is done or said wrong. If you just watch something happen that has to do with racism, that means that you don't care or agree with it. For example, one of the videos that we watched in class had an experiment in a store dealing with how the workers were treating African Americans. Many people( over 100 ) just stood their doing nothing and less 20 people did something about the situation. People need to start standing up for what's right. People always think it is just the Karkashan race that sit back and do nothing, but it's not all of them , but most of them. Us blacks think that we are going to go through life with no judgment, but we're not. Whites have the title of being racism, but some blacks are that. Blacks have the title of being in prison or jails for so much stuff, but whites don't know that is not all of them because its too many of us like that. Whites can't say it' s just us because it's some of them too like that. We are not so much of being different, but we are similar in ways. We can't stop what people think and do because when something gets to a majority level, what can you do. You can have 10 out of 50 states that are against racism, which there isn't, but is not enough to stop it. It has gone to long with racism in the present and past. If we couldn't stop it then. how can we stop it now? To stop it you have to do what's right not what everybody else thinks is right. To have a racist person change they have to put themselves in our shoes, but do most of them do that no. All blacks don't do this and that, neither do all whites do this and that. Just always know that you can't stop racism from happening because its to strong, but you can stand up for it now in the present. You can always make a change, but not for everyone. I agree with Michelle because self confidence is apart of making a change. I also agree with Tanisia Tucker because her message is similar to multiple of my messages.

Unknown said...

A way of combating racism would be to stand up for anyone who is being discriminated by the color of their skin. I would stand up for anyone by reporting it to the authority, creating different groups about it and try to help the people one on one. I would do this because even though I haven't faced a racist person or problem, I still shouldn't let it go on.

Unknown said...

There are many ways to combat racism. One way is to know what equality means. It means the quality of being fair. It’s not right to judge by the color but by the character of a person. Another way is to know what unique. It means that you are different from everybody in the world. No matter how alike you think you are with your family, you are still different. It’s not fair to judge by color because we can’t control our color but only embrace it. One last way and what I think is the key in combating racism is forgiveness. Some blacks in the world still remember the pain there ancestors felt and don’t forgive. Jesus forgave everybody that put him in the pain he suffered. So the question is, why can’t we? This is how I think we can combat racism as a whole.

Unknown said...

I agree with Vince Jackson and Jeremiah Williams because it's all about self control and being human

Unknown said...

One way that we can combat racism would be to stand for people that are experiencing this, if we don’t stand up for them they will think we don’t care about it and if we don’t say anything about it to the people being racist they will think its ok to do it and keep on doing it. If people would stand up instead of just looking like in the film that person might stop being racist. Standing up for someone could also affect the people around you because it could influence them to stand up for people too. Also there could be other people next to the person you are confronting that are like him, if you stand up they will realize it's not a good thing to do. Another way we could combat racism would be to have people talk about how they feel when people are racist to them. If people talked about how they felt we could convince people to stop doing it. There are many ways to combat racism the problem is not many people are actually doing these ideas.

Unknown said...

A way you can combat racism is to stand up for what you believe is right. If you were the person or victim someone was after you would want someone to stand up for you. I agree with Shakira that even though it is not right you need to doo something about it, although it is not you. All the racism stuff can stop now if we just do and believe what is right. You should treat others how you would like to be treated.

Unknown said...

My way of combating racism is to stand up for that person and by speaking up. Another way of combating racism would be giving that person the hotline number if speaking up doesn't work. To me no one should be treated wrong because the way their skin look. I would send a message to the world and explain why you shouldn't bully people for the way their skin color look.

Unknown said...

Some ways of combating racism would be that, if people of the African American race could come together as a CIVILIZED race. One way we can make this happen is by stopping the division of our own race. By this , I mean , if we could get the younger people to come together instead fighting or "throwing shade" at each other. Another way we combat racism is by educating all African American males and females. If we all become educated , then this could put more of us in jobs across the country. Finally, if our race could overcome some of the stereotypical perception of our people . If we can do this then we can show people that we are better than what people think of us.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kayla Frazier and Heidi Mendoza , because it is up to all races to stand up for themselves and show they overcome any obstacles thrown at them.

Unknown said...

A way to combat racism is by standing up for what you believe in. Just because we have different skin colors doesn't mean we have to be treated differently. People are always going to be racist no matter what people do about it. The clerk in the film said this is more of an upscale store and I don't think you will be able to find anything out of here, so she was basically saying that the black lady couldn't afford the clothes. Meanwhile the black lady was getting bullied by the sales clerk, and some of the shoppers just watched and did nothing about it, but on the other hand some people did stand up for her and said that it was wrong for the sales clerk to say that. Also in the film the sales clerk thought the black lady was coming in to steal something. In this case I think the sales clerk just jumped to conclusions and thought that she was going to steal something. I agree with Jaqius Walker, because you shouldn't let anyone tell you you cant do something, because of your skin color or race.

Unknown said...

In order to combat racism you must first know what it is. Racism is the hatred of a whole race due to their skin color and their culture. I believe that we can combat racism by trying to understand each other's way of life. By understanding each other's way of life we can start to put our differences aside. Sometimes with my friends, we put our differences aside to become closer and we form a bond of brotherhood emotionally and spiritually. This is what we should do to combat racism.

Unknown said...

Although I agree with most of what Micah Burrows said, I disagreed when he said that we can combat racism by educating all African Americans. Educating all African Americans can create more jobs but it won't combat racism. It can disguise that racism no longer exists. When racism is disguised like it longer exists, it gets worst.

Unknown said...

I agreed with Shakira Bosha when she said that no one can stop racism. You can pierce through racism but cannot eliminate it permanently. There will always be racist people in the world no matter what we do.

Unknown said...

I agree with Madison Ashley because if you don't do anything about it your just letting people walk over you and causing them to think it is ok.I also agree with Heidi Mendoza because you should stand up for your self.