This blog has been created for students in my language arts class. I will post questions concerning text and activities completed or introduced in class. Students are to respond to my questions and other questions from students. Please give a response to each of my post and at least two posts from other students. I look forward to communicating with you this school year!
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Pigman Discussion Questions
Why is the novel narrated by John and Lorraine, in alternating chapters? How would the book be different if John were the only narrator? What about if it were only Lorraine?
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine in different chapters because they're telling the story from different point of views.The story would be different if only John narrated because John doesn't give full details about everything and the story would be different if only Lorraine narrated because the story would be a little boring.
The story would be different without 2 narrators in alternating chapters because the novel would be about 1 character only if it was only 1 narrator. If John was the only narrator the novel would be stupid, but if Lorraine was the only narrator it would be boring.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because they take turns telling the story, like John tells the first chapter and then Lorraine tells the next, and they keep going in the same pattern. The book would be different because John doesn’t all ways tell the story the real way it happened. Also if Lorraine was the only narrator the story wouldn’t seem interesting because she reads a lot of books and she’ll make seem not so fun.
This book is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the book sounds better with two narrators so you can hear both of the narrator’s point of view. If was just John or Lorraine narrating the book would be just totally boring and uninteresting.
The novel is narrated the way it is because without both John and Lorraine narrating, you won’t get all the important details to help you understand the story. Say for instance John told the story from his point of view, he would probably leave something out then if Lorraine told the story she would leave out something to.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine in a patterned way because they are writing the story by their opinion. If John says something like “Let me get off the typewriter before she as a heart-attack.” Then Lorraine would go to the next chapter and say she wasn’t going to have a thrombosis. If the story was only from John’s point of view, the story would be about crazy things because John has a strange personality in the first 5 chapters. If the story was only from Lorraine’s point of view, the story would be about educational things and how she cares about John’s life when he smokes and drinks.
The story would be different if John was the narrator, because there will be nothing talking about friendship or how Lorraine prospective was about John. The story would be about John and Lorraine would not be in the story until John told about her. If Lorraine was the narrator she would have talked more about herself and how ugly she is instead of talking about John. If there was just one of them as a narrator the chapters wouldn’t go back and forward to different characters.
It is told by John and Lorraine because they felt different things that were in the story. They are also telling the story different the story from a different view. lorraine doesn't tell a little of the story John does. Loraine teels the whole story from beginning to the end. loraine called a man on the phone, and his name was Mr.Pignati. They call him the the " Pigman" because he collects pigs.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because the author wants the reader to read from different perspective, so you can see what they are both thinking and doing. The book would be different if John was the only narrator because there would be mostly action in each chapter. The book would be different if Lorraine was the narrator because there would in-depth details.
I like how the chapters alternate because if you really pay attention to what is going on you can tell that they are telling the same story because they are telling what they feel. If it was told by one of them alone, you would not get the same emotion you do get when you are reading this story. You may get some emotions but you will not get the full picture. Paul Zindel chose the perfect way to tell the story.
If John was the only character of the story, the whole story wouldn't be told. If the Lorraine was the only character in th story, eveything would be told. Then the story would be written by only one of them,.
The book was narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they were very close to Angelo Pignati. The book however would have been different if John was by himself because John is a funny person that is always weird! I think, like it said in the story, that John will probably twist everything around. I am not trying to be mean or anything but Lorraine was a very boring narrator and I think if it was only her, the story would not be as interesting. So if I were to choose who should narrate the remaining of the story I would go for interesting *which of course is John*. Ex. of John narrating* Ex. of Lorraine narrating* don’t laugh it’s the truth!
The novel is narrated by both John and Lorraine so the story would have two differing personalities. It also helps the reader be able to look at some of the important events from two different points of view. If the story was written by just John, the story may seem to be twisted subliminally, as said by Lorraine in chapter two in comment to what John typed in chapter one. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine, there is a chance the story may end up being too sweet or too compassionate, since too much of nothing is never good. The way the story is narrated is perfect and should not change.
Then it would not have alot of the funny wrting in it. Beacuse if it was just Lorraine then it would not have alot of the funny wrting that it has in there.
I agree with Jordan because John does tell the first and Lorraine does tell the next. I also agree with him because if the story was narrated by Lorraine’s point of view, the story would be very uninteresting/boring.
Hello, fellow students I just tryed to post a picture of my expressions on John and Lorraine narrating, it did not work out. So please disreguard and do not attempt to do the same.
It was narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters so we can see different point of views and more expressed feelings. If John were the only narrator the story wouldn't be as clear to understand. If Lorraine were the only narrator the story would be very sad and heartbreaking.
I agree with Kendra because John is a very odd boy who only cares about drinking and smoking,but Lorraine is smart and cares about the important things.
The book is narrated by both john lorraine because they both experienced the same things but tell it in thier own way. If john told the story by himself he would probably left out some important details. if lorraine told the story it wouldn't be as funny.
I think if just Lorraine told the story it would be boring,because the story was very interesting with John talking about how he set off bombs and how he would try to make the substitute angry.However if just John was in the story it would be more exciting than it already is.The story would have to have more things John did that were interesting or funny. In fact if it weren't for John I wouldn't like the book at all.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because it gets the reader thinking what will happen next. Basically, if John told the story you would not all your details. For instance, he was telling about angering people, talking about people, and doing uncalled for things. If Lorraine told the story it basically is about Mr. Pigman. That would not be to exciting now would it not? It should stay the way it is, because it is a lot better.
I STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry because if John told the story it wouldn't make sense because, he doesn't just talk about the Pigman he goes all over the place!!!!
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are 2 of the main characters.This book would be different if John was the narrater the book would be from his point of view or from his perspective.I think it would be from his point of view because John and Lorraine are two different people.If the book was just Lorraine narrating it the story would probably be the same.I think it would probably be the same because Lorraine is basically already telling the story.
The story is told by John and Lorraine, because Lorraine tells the story straight up but,John adds a little more sugar to the Kool-Aid.If the story was just told by John there would be some things we didn't know, and if it was just told by Lorraine we would know everything.
The story would be different if John was the only narrator because he twist things up subliminally.I agree with Jordan and Joy because the story sounds a lot better with to narrators
The novel is told by John and Lorraine, because they are taking turns telling the story. They are telling the story from different perspectives. If John told the story it would be different, because he doesn’t really tell the story the way it really happened. If Lorraine told the story, it would be boring because she does not have personality.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are telling the story from different veiws. If John was the only narrator then the story would be only about his life and not Lorraine. If Lorraine was the only narrator the story would be only abouut her life.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are showing you how both of them feel about other people. If John was the only narrator then we would only be able to know what he thinks and we wouldn't know so much about Lorraine. If only Lorraine narrated then the story might only be about how she was depressed before Mr. Pignati and also how she was a little sad after Mr. Pignati died and we wouldn't know so much about John's feelings.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine, in alternating chapters so that all of the details would be told and the reader wouldn’t become bored or lost. If the novel was only told by John some of the important details would have been left out of the story. If it was only told by Lorraine the reader would most likely become bored.
John and Lorraine narrated this novel because they wanted to tell the story from there prespective. The book would be different if John told the story from his prespective because he would tell lies and twist things up like Lorraine said. If Lorraine only told the story from her prespective then she would tell the truth and would act more mature than John.
The noval is narrated by John and lorraine,because they can take turns telling chapters from there perspective.If John was the only narrater thenthe book would be more immature.If Lorraine was the only narrater then the story would be more mature.
The reason why its narrated by John and Lorraine is because it tell you how they felt during thoughout the story. If John narrated the story he would have told lies. If Lorranie narrated the story she would show how mature she was in the problem.
I agree with Taki,because John smokes curses,drinks,and lies.If he does this,this means that the story would be full of fibbings,and he would be doing all kinds of bad things in the story.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because it is in a different view of each character`s eyes and how they see it. If John was the only narrator the story would be mostly on how he sees and feels about everything and how he likes to do cool things. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine the book would be about how see feels about John and his smoking and drinking and her sadness about the Pig man.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they are taking turns writing each chapter.The novel would be different if John was the only narrator because he probably wouldn't tell it how it is because in the story he tells lies ,and I agree with almost everyone who commented if Lorraine narrated the story it would be boring and uninteresting
The Novel Pigman is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the narrator wanted the reader to know that there was more than one character involved in the story. In my opinion,the book would not flow if John was the only character in the story. If their was only Lorraine in the story,the book would be filled with too much emotion, and not enough explaining what happened to the Pigman. Overall, the book would be boring and wouldn't make any sense.
"The Pig-man" is narrated by Lorraine and John because each chapter is told from their perspective. If only John told the story just from his perspective, the story would have been all about his likes and/or dislikes. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine, the story would have been all about her personal feeling and/or experiences.
I strongly disagree with Jemar Hardy because in the story, your not just reading it so you could be entertained, but because you are trying to learn a moral from it. What I am trying to say is that you're not trying to look for "funny" writing, you're looking to find a moral or the basic subject out of the story.
John and Lorraine are taking turns telling the story in different chapters because their telling their own point of view of the story.The story would have been different if John were the only narrator because he tells it from a funny or hilarious point of view and the story would have been different if Lorraine was the only narrator because she would have gave lots of details and it would have made the whole story boring.
I STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry Bowers, first because "boring" isn't the proper word for this situation. I also STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry because inappropriate behavior should never be amusing to any reader. Now from Henry Bower's comment, I know that he finds inappropriate behavior amusing. In conclusion, I know that he still would have to read the book for a grade so it wouldn't matter if regardless if he loved the book or not.~~ Sincerely, My opinion>
The novel is narrated by John & Lorraine in different chapters because it’s giving us different points of view If John was the only narrator the novel would be different because John doesn’t give all the facts &,if Lorraine told the novel it might be boring but I have not read chapter with him narrating.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because the author wants the reader to read the story from two perspectives. If the story was only narrated by John, he would probably leave out details or say things that is not true, since he tells lies. Also, the story would be different if lorraine only told the story because it would be boring, since she is so sweet.
I agree with Taki C. because Lorraine does act more mature than John and would tell the truth about " The Pig-man", but it is best that they both tell the novel.
The novel is narrated by both characters, because if it was narrated by John; then in the novel it would be all about doing stuff that he know was wrong to do. Like John smokes, lies, drinks, and curses so the book wouldn't be able for children to read. If Lorraine would've narrated the novel; then she would of been doing everything right. She wouldn't break rules like John always do.
The novel would be very boring if only Lorraine was telling it, because all she do is read books and try to learn all the facts so she can be right,instead of having any fun in her life.
The novel would be very different if John was the narrator; because Johns' life is exciting and interesting unlike Lorraines'. John always break rules, so he makes the story come alive. Lorraine would bore everybody to death if she was the narrator throughout the whole novel.
The novel would be different if the story was only told by John, because John would have a different point of view than Lorraine. The reason why they both tell the story in different chapters is they both want to share their experiences with The Pigman.
If the story didn’t have alternating chapters going back and forth with different characters in the story the whole book would have been out of place because when you have one main character then you don’t get to hear the other side of the story .
The story is narrated by both John And Lorraine because the author wants tom give you different points of views for different things. The story would be rt going ino different if John narrates it because we wouldn't have full details of what he is talking about. The story would be different if Lorraine narrated it because she would start talking about one thing for the whole capter and it would be BORING!
The author made Lorrain and John narrate different paragraphs because there were two different stand points. If John were to narrate the whole story then he wouldn’t know what Lorrain thought or felt. If Lorrain were to narrate the whole story then it would be the same thing.
I agree with JaylanA. 6A. John and Lorraine actually take turns telling how they feel and what they see. The story would be different if only John told the story because then the story would be bad, but if Lorraine was the only narrator, the story would be uninteresting. I also agree with Javen May.
The story is told in John and Lorraine's perspective because the book wants you to see how a teenage boy, and girl's mindset is. The story would be different if only John told the story because you would only know about John's life. The story would be different if only Lorraine told the story because you would only know about her life.
I disagree with Camron Sims simply because of the fact that the two did not go through the same things. Tat was the point of the two telling the story in different chapters so teen boys and girls to to connect with what is going on.
I think the author let John and Lorraine tell the story in alternating chapters so you could see both of their points of view. If John was the only narrator you would get a negative outcome because John shows no compassion. If Lorraine was the only narrator you would get a positive outcome because Lorraine shows compassion.
I think the author did this because he wanted to show two sides of one story. If John only wrote the story it would be negative words in every chapter and he would have spelled them out, but with Loraine it would have been more thoughtful and meaning and not hurtful and rude
I agree with Kourtney because Paul Zindel (the author) created the story in a way that the details make an image in your head that builds upon each word.
The story would be different without 2 narrators in going at each other chapters because the story would be about 1 character only if it was only 1 narrator. If John was the only narrator the story would be be dumb, but if Lorraine was the only narrator it would be boring.The story is told by John and Lorraine, because Lorraine tells the story straight up but,John adds a little more sugar to the Kool-Aid.If the story was just told by John there would be some things we didn't know rthe kool aid would not taste rigt.But if lorriane told the story the kool aid would be just right.Thats like making kool aid without the sugar.I mean you know that kool aid would be nasty without the sugar.
I agree with Jaylan A. because when Lorraine was narrarating the story,it was boring and dry, but when John was narrarating the story was very exciting.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because there are different point of views from which the story is told. The book would be different if John were the only narrator because he wouldn't tell us everything that Lorraine told us and the story would probably be about drinking , smoking , and all the other things that he does. If the narrator was only Lorraine then the story would not be funny or interesting.
I agree with Makenzie because if only John told the stor he would probably leave something out and Lorraine probably would also. The reason they are not leaving anything out when both of them are narrating is because John reminds Lorraine of some things when she is typing and Lorraine reminds John of some things when he is typing.
The novel Pigman is narrated by both Lorraine and John because there is different point of views from which the story is being told. The book would be different if only John told it because he would talk about drinking and smoking , and all the other things he does, but if Lorraine told the story it would boring.
41I agree with Amiya Poole because if John told the story it will be all about him, but if Lorraine told the story it will be boring and about how she feels about John smoking and drinking.
I agree with Parrish Wells because if John told the story it will be all about him smoking and drinking , but if Lorraine told the story it will be boring and about how she feels about John smoking and drinking.
I disagree with Kendra S. and Amiya P. simply because they said a perfect student but no one in the world is perfect because everyone lies and we all know that we have our moment when we really just be mean to someone for no reason.
The novel "The Pigman" by Paul Zindel is written by John and Lorraine because you would want to get both point of views of the story. If you don't get both point of views the book would be totally useless.
I disagree with Henry Bowers 100% because the book would not be boring if Lorraine only told the story. Just like I said if only one character told the story the book would be useless.
The book is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the book is about their experience with Mr.Pignati. They both have different point of views about the times they spent with The Pigman (Their nickname for Mr.Pignati). He taught both of them different lessons and if it were just in one person perspective there wouldn’t be a great story. If the story were just in John’s point of view it would probably be a little bit more rebellious. It would have a lots more action which as now Lorraine keeps the action to a minimum because she know how crazy John thinks. If the story were in Lorraine perspective it would be more mature teaching kids the danger and cautions of being an American teenager. In my opinion, the book is perfect in both John and Lorraine perspective because it has adventure and maturity.
I also agree with Aniyah J. because John does state that he likes action and Lorraine states that she likes reading and I'm sure some of the books she reads have many in-depth words.
The novel is narrated, by John and Lorraine, in alternating chapters so each of them could the story in thier own point of veiw.The book would be different if John was the only narrator by them never meeting the Pigman because Lorraine was the narrator when she met him. The book would be different if Lorraine was the narrator by us never knowing John and how he became the Bathroom Bomber.
The book is narrated by Jhon and Lorraine in different chapters so that they can show how they both think and feel. The story would be different if Jhon was the only narrator because there wouldn't be many facts. The story would be different if Lorraine was the only narrator because there would not be many exciting moments in the book.
I strongly disagree with Terrell Adams because the story isn’t narrated in Larraine and John point of view just because it’s narrated by two people. I think he didn’t explain his answer enough. All he gave me was bread and meat I would like some lettuce, tomatoes, or ketch-up.
If it was in Lorraine’s point of view it would be a told from a person that is very anti-social and a goody two shoes. If it was told in John’s point of view it would be told from a person that doesn’t give a care about what people think of him. It would be different because some people can relate to Lorraine and some people can relate to John.
jaylan is right though it will be boring to just lorraine narrated because she always get off topic and start saying stuff educational without any action except for the part when she said a blue eye pyramid exploded and then a big cat starting biting on the archeologist wife whenhe turn the lights on the cat was gone
The novel that is narrated by John and Lorraine are in alternating chapters because they are both telling the story in their own point of view. The book would be different if John narrated the book by himself because John seems very childish for his age, but on the other hand if Lorraine wrote the book by herself than the book would be more mature but less interesting.
john and lorraine is both narrating this because they would like to tell the story from both point of views but if they didnt it would be kind of boring.because you can be hearing the same kind of thing and over again
I think it narrated by John and Lorraine because they both are telling from another point of view and how they saw things happening.If John was not narrarating then it wouldn't tell you how Lorraine saw it.If Lorraine was not narrarating then it woulnt show how John saw things.
John and Lorraine are both narrating the story because in different chapters John is telling his perspective and Lorraine is telling hers. The book would be different if John told his point of view because he would tell more details and Lorraine would tell less details because in the story it tells that Lorraine isn't a out-going person and it doesn't say that John isn't.
The story was alternated between the two of them because they both have different point of views, and it really, liven the story. If John was not in the story there would be not story line because it bout two best friend it can’t just be about one best friend ,it stays the same for Lorraine.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine because, they both have diffrent feelings about the subjects,and they belive they both should express theirselves.If John was the only narrator we would probably only know the negative side about every subject instead of the actual truth.If only Lorraine did all the narrating she would tell about all the weird things that have happend to her with lots of back stories.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they were both with the pigman and are telling it from a different point of view. If John was the narrator, it would be uninteresting. If Lorraine was the narrator, it would be boring.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine because they both add a different outlook to the situation .John has the more selfish thought of it without thinking about what he said .Lorraine is thoughtful about what she says trying not to make anyone feel bad. If John narrated the chapters we wouldn't know how everything happened, instead we would just know what he thought was funny .If Lorraine narrated the chapters it would have lots of back stories on how the situations started.
The Pigman is narrated by John and Lorraine in alterating chapters because their being told by their own perspectives. If John was the only narrator then you wouldn't know what Lorrain thought of John or the Pigman. However, if Lorrain was the only narrator you wouldn't meet her mother and never know how she felt about the Pigman or John.
I think. That. It was made the way it was because it shows more than one point of view. If john was the only narrator their would be no feminine side of him and Lorraines romance
I disagree with Deshauna because John isn't feminin in our previous reading. However, I do think their friendship is going to build into something stronger.
I think if John was only the narrator the story would be very boring and plain. And also as you could see as you read John would say something and Lorraine had a different opinion about it. In my honest opinion if Lorraine was the only narrator the story would be stale and a bit confusing because sometimes John would explain more or add on to what Lorraine just said.
Lorraine and John are alternating chapers because its giving different points of views.with only john you will not get alot of information.If Lorraine told the story it would be long and unineresting.
The novel is written in alternating chapters because Lorraine and John is telling their own story. If john was telling the story their wouldn't be anything about the pigman. If Lorraine was telling it she would put details in here about the pigman.
I agree with Morgan Mauldin because the story wouldn't be so expressive with only John narrating and if Lorraine only narrated then it would be depressing and uninteresting.
The pigman is narrated by John and Lorraine. The chapters alternate because they change narrators every chapter. John and Lorraine have a different thoughts about everything. If John wasnt in the story than I think the story would not be interesting to me. I think if Lorraine was only in the story it would be sad and depressing.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine so that we can hear different points of views from each character. The story would be different if John narrated it because we wouldn’t have full details about things. The story would be different if Lorraine narrated it because she would talk about random stuff and the story would be boring.
The author told the story using both John's and Lorraine's point of view to show how each character felt about each other, and anout the difficult dituations thst they had to deal with. If the story had been told by only one person, I don't think it would have been as interesting.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine in different chapters because they're telling the story from different point of views.The story would be different if only John narrated because John doesn't give full details about everything and the story would be different if only Lorraine narrated because the story would be a little boring.
The story would be different without 2 narrators in alternating chapters because the novel would be about 1 character only if it was only 1 narrator. If John was the only narrator the novel would be stupid, but if Lorraine was the only narrator it would be boring.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because they take turns telling the story, like John tells the first chapter and then Lorraine tells the next, and they keep going in the same pattern. The book would be different because John doesn’t all ways tell the story the real way it happened. Also if Lorraine was the only narrator the story wouldn’t seem interesting because she reads a lot of books and she’ll make seem not so fun.
This book is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the book sounds better with two narrators so you can hear both of the narrator’s point of view. If was just John or Lorraine narrating the book would be just totally boring and uninteresting.
The novel is narrated the way it is because without both John and Lorraine narrating, you won’t get all the important details to help you understand the story. Say for instance John told the story from his point of view, he would probably leave something out then if Lorraine told the story she would leave out something to.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine in a patterned way because they are writing the story by their opinion. If John says something like “Let me get off the typewriter before she as a heart-attack.” Then Lorraine would go to the next chapter and say she wasn’t going to have a thrombosis. If the story was only from John’s point of view, the story would be about crazy things because John has a strange personality in the first 5 chapters. If the story was only from Lorraine’s point of view, the story would be about educational things and how she cares about John’s life when he smokes and drinks.
The story would be different if John was the narrator, because there will be nothing talking about friendship or how Lorraine prospective was about John. The story would be about John and Lorraine would not be in the story until John told about her. If Lorraine was the narrator she would have talked more about herself and how ugly she is instead of talking about John. If there was just one of them as a narrator the chapters wouldn’t go back and forward to different characters.
It is told by John and Lorraine because they felt different things that were in the story. They are also telling the story different the story from a different view. lorraine doesn't tell a little of the story John does. Loraine teels the whole story from beginning to the end. loraine called a man on the phone, and his name was Mr.Pignati. They call him the the " Pigman" because he collects pigs.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because the author wants the reader to read from different perspective, so you can see what they are both thinking and doing. The book would be different if John was the only narrator because there would be mostly action in each chapter. The book would be different if Lorraine was the narrator because there would in-depth details.
I like how the chapters alternate because if you really pay attention to what is going on you can tell that they are telling the same story because they are telling what they feel. If it was told by one of them alone, you would not get the same emotion you do get when you are reading this story. You may get some emotions but you will not get the full picture. Paul Zindel chose the perfect way to tell the story.
If John was the only character of the story, the whole story wouldn't be told. If the Lorraine was the only character in th story, eveything would be told. Then the story would be written by only one of them,.
The book was narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they were very close to Angelo Pignati. The book however would have been different if John was by himself because John is a funny person that is always weird! I think, like it said in the story, that John will probably twist everything around. I am not trying to be mean or anything but Lorraine was a very boring narrator and I think if it was only her, the story would not be as interesting. So if I were to choose who should narrate the remaining of the story I would go for interesting *which of course is John*.
Ex. of John narrating*
Ex. of Lorraine narrating* don’t laugh it’s the truth!
The novel is narrated by both John and Lorraine so the story would have two differing personalities. It also helps the reader be able to look at some of the important events from two different points of view. If the story was written by just John, the story may seem to be twisted subliminally, as said by Lorraine in chapter two in comment to what John typed in chapter one. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine, there is a chance the story may end up being too sweet or too compassionate, since too much of nothing is never good. The way the story is narrated is perfect and should not change.
Then it would not have alot of the funny wrting in it. Beacuse if it was just Lorraine then it would not have alot of the funny wrting that it has in there.
I agree with Jordan because John does tell the first and Lorraine does tell the next. I also agree with him because if the story was narrated by Lorraine’s point of view, the story would be very uninteresting/boring.
Hello, fellow students I just tryed to post a picture of my expressions on John and Lorraine narrating, it did not work out. So please disreguard and do not attempt to do the same.
It was narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters so we can see different point of views and more expressed feelings. If John were the only narrator the story wouldn't be as clear to understand. If Lorraine were the only narrator the story would be very sad and heartbreaking.
I strongly disagree with Javen because if John told the story it would not have been stupid.In other words it would have not made sense.
I agree with Kendra because John is a very odd boy who only cares about drinking and smoking,but Lorraine is smart and cares about the important things.
The book is narrated by both john lorraine because they both experienced the same things but tell it in thier own way. If john told the story by himself he would probably left out some important details. if lorraine told the story it wouldn't be as funny.
I think if just Lorraine told the story it would be boring,because the story was very interesting with John talking about how he set off bombs and how he would try to make the substitute angry.However if just John was in the story it would be more exciting than it already is.The story would have to have more things John did that were interesting or funny. In fact if it weren't for John I wouldn't like the book at all.
I disagree with Myranda because it's just a book and all the things John does makes the book a little more interesting than it already is
Like what Makenzie siad, without John and Lorraine narrating you would not get all the inportant information of the character
The book woul not be the same because of the the way Lorraine has her share of the story
The same thing for this,The book woul not be the same because of the the way John has he share of the story
I agree with Heny because John and what he does do makes the book more interesting.
If John would of just told the story the story would be very very interesting,but it seems perfect with another person's view like Lorraine.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because it gets the reader thinking what will happen next. Basically, if John told the story you would not all your details. For instance, he was telling about angering people, talking about people, and doing uncalled for things. If Lorraine told the story it basically is about Mr. Pigman. That would not be to exciting now would it not? It should stay the way it is, because it is a lot better.
I also agree with Camron Sims because the story woudn't be funny with Lorraine just telling the story.
I STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry because if John told the story it wouldn't make sense because, he doesn't just talk about the Pigman he goes all over the place!!!!
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are 2 of the main characters.This book would be different if John was the narrater the book would be from his point of view or from his perspective.I think it would be from his point of view because John and Lorraine are two different people.If the book was just Lorraine narrating it the story would probably be the same.I think it would probably be the same because Lorraine is basically already telling the story.
The story is told by John and Lorraine, because Lorraine tells the story straight up but,John adds a little more sugar to the Kool-Aid.If the story was just told by John there would be some things we didn't know, and if it was just told by Lorraine we would know everything.
The story would be different if John was the only narrator because he twist things up subliminally.I agree with Jordan and Joy because the story sounds a lot better with to narrators
The novel is told by John and Lorraine, because they are taking turns telling the story. They are telling the story from different perspectives. If John told the story it would be different, because he doesn’t really tell the story the way it really happened. If Lorraine told the story, it would be boring because she does not have personality.
I disagree with Elijah, because the story would have been more simple and precise if there was only one narrator.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are telling the story from different veiws. If John was the only narrator then the story would be only about his life and not Lorraine. If Lorraine was the only narrator the story would be only abouut her life.
I agree with Sha’Warren because, the narrator wanted to express two different perspectives. After all the story is really interesting!!!
I also agree with Kenneth D. because if John told the story we would be reading over twnety subjects.
The book is narrated by John and Lorraine because they are showing you how both of them feel about other people. If John was the only narrator then we would only be able to know what he thinks and we wouldn't know so much about Lorraine. If only Lorraine narrated then the story might only be about how she was depressed before Mr. Pignati and also how she was a little sad after Mr. Pignati died and we wouldn't know so much about John's feelings.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine, in alternating chapters so that all of the details would be told and the reader wouldn’t become bored or lost. If the novel was only told by John some of the important details would have been left out of the story. If it was only told by Lorraine the reader would most likely become bored.
John and Lorraine narrated this novel because they wanted to tell the story from there prespective. The book would be different if John told the story from his prespective because he would tell lies and twist things up like Lorraine said. If Lorraine only told the story from her prespective then she would tell the truth and would act more mature than John.
The noval is narrated by John and lorraine,because they can take turns telling chapters from there perspective.If John was the only narrater thenthe book would be more immature.If Lorraine was the only narrater then the story would be more mature.
The reason why its narrated by John and Lorraine is because it tell you how they felt during thoughout the story. If John narrated the story he would have told lies. If Lorranie narrated the story she would show how mature she was in the problem.
I agree with Taki,because John smokes curses,drinks,and lies.If he does this,this means that the story would be full of fibbings,and he would be doing all kinds of bad things in the story.
I agree with James M. because John will be more immature.
I agree with Taki C. because he would twist things up>
I agree with kendal,becausejohn makes things seem more interesting than Lorraine.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because it is in a different view of each character`s eyes and how they see it. If John was the only narrator the story would be mostly on how he sees and feels about everything and how he likes to do cool things. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine the book would be about how see feels about John and his smoking and drinking and her sadness about the Pig man.
I agree with James Muhammad because Lorraine is a little boring and John is all that in a bag of chips.
I agree with Kourtney because they are tell the same story but in a different way of how they see it.
I agree with Jordan E. because Jhon and Lorraine both help each other tell the story in the right way.
I meant John in my last comment
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they are taking turns writing each chapter.The novel would be different if John was the only narrator because he probably wouldn't tell it how it is because in the story he tells lies ,and I agree with almost everyone who commented if Lorraine narrated the story it would be boring and uninteresting
The Novel Pigman is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the narrator wanted the reader to know that there was more than one character involved in the story. In my opinion,the book would not flow if John was the only character in the story. If their was only Lorraine in the story,the book would be filled with too much emotion, and not enough explaining what happened to the Pigman. Overall, the book would be boring and wouldn't make any sense.
I agree with Tayma L. because Lorraine does only tell about her feelings,and the book would be filled with only depression.
"The Pig-man" is narrated by Lorraine and John because each chapter is told from their perspective. If only John told the story just from his perspective, the story would have been all about his likes and/or dislikes. If the story was only narrated by Lorraine, the story would have been all about her personal feeling and/or experiences.
I strongly disagree with Jemar Hardy because in the story, your not just reading it so you could be entertained, but because you are trying to learn a moral from it. What I am trying to say is that you're not trying to look for "funny" writing, you're looking to find a moral or the basic subject out of the story.
John and Lorraine are taking turns telling the story in different chapters because their telling their own point of view of the story.The story would have been different if John were the only narrator because he tells it from a funny or hilarious point of view and the story would have been different if Lorraine was the only narrator because she would have gave lots of details and it would have made the whole story boring.
I STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry Bowers, first because "boring" isn't the proper word for this situation. I also STRONGLY DISAGREE with Henry because inappropriate behavior should never be amusing to any reader. Now from Henry Bower's comment, I know that he finds inappropriate behavior amusing. In conclusion, I know that he still would have to read the book for a grade so it wouldn't matter if regardless if he loved the book or not.~~ Sincerely, My opinion>
If Lorraine was the only narrator in the story, then it wouldn't have all the right details like how John thought of what happened
The novel is narrated by John & Lorraine in different chapters because it’s giving us different points of view If John was the only narrator the novel would be different because John doesn’t give all the facts &,if Lorraine told the novel it might be boring but I have not read chapter with him narrating.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because the author wants the reader to read the story from two perspectives. If the story was only narrated by John, he would probably leave out details or say things that is not true, since he tells lies. Also, the story would be different if lorraine only told the story because it would be boring, since she is so sweet.
I agree with Taki C. because Lorraine does act more mature than John and would tell the truth about " The Pig-man", but it is best that they both tell the novel.
I agree with Joy Swann because it is sometimes better to her the story from two perspectives, so you can get more details about the whole book.
The novel is narrated by both characters, because if it was narrated by John; then in the novel it would be all about doing stuff that he know was wrong to do. Like John smokes, lies, drinks, and curses so the book wouldn't be able for children to read. If Lorraine would've narrated the novel; then she would of been doing everything right. She wouldn't break rules like John always do.
The novel would be very boring if only Lorraine was telling it, because all she do is read books and try to learn all the facts so she can be right,instead of having any fun in her life.
The novel would be very different if John was the narrator; because Johns' life is exciting and interesting unlike Lorraines'. John always break rules, so he makes the story come alive. Lorraine would bore everybody to death if she was the narrator throughout the whole novel.
The novel would be different if the story was only told by John, because John would have a different point of view than Lorraine. The reason why they both tell the story in different chapters is they both want to share their experiences with The Pigman.
I disagree with tamiya, because the writer can tell it was more than one characters in the story by the writer just mentioning them in his novel.
I agree with Zaryah, because the writer does want you to see the story between two point of views.
If the story didn’t have alternating chapters going back and forth with different characters in the story the whole book would have been out of place because when you have one main character then you don’t get to hear the other side of the story .
I agree with Zaryah C. because if John would be the only narrator, the book would probably only be filled with lies.
The story is narrated by both John And Lorraine because the author wants tom give you different points of views for different things. The story would be rt going ino different if John narrates it because we wouldn't have full details of what he is talking about. The story would be different if Lorraine narrated it because she would start talking about one thing for the whole capter and it would be BORING!
The author made Lorrain and John narrate different paragraphs because there were two different stand points. If John were to narrate the whole story then he wouldn’t know what Lorrain thought or felt. If Lorrain were to narrate the whole story then it would be the same thing.
I agree with JaylanA. 6A. John and Lorraine actually take turns telling how they feel and what they see. The story would be different if only John told the story because then the story would be bad, but if Lorraine was the only narrator, the story would be uninteresting. I also agree with Javen May.
The story is told in John and Lorraine's perspective because the book wants you to see how a teenage boy, and girl's mindset is.
The story would be different if only John told the story because you would only know about John's life. The story would be different if only Lorraine told the story because you would only know about her life.
I agree with Myranda because the story wouldn't be as clear if the two told the story by themselves
I disagree with Camron Sims simply because of the fact that the two did not go through the same things.
Tat was the point of the two telling the story in different chapters so teen boys and girls to
to connect with what is going on.
I think the author let John and Lorraine tell the story in alternating chapters so you could see both of their points of view. If John was the only narrator you would get a negative outcome because John shows no compassion. If Lorraine was the only narrator you would get a positive outcome because Lorraine shows compassion.
I think the author did this because he wanted to show two sides of one story. If John only wrote the story it would be negative words in every chapter and he would have spelled them out, but with Loraine it would have been more thoughtful and meaning and not hurtful and rude
I agree with Kourtney because Paul Zindel (the author) created the story in a way that the details make an image in your head that builds upon each word.
The story would be different without 2 narrators in going at each other chapters because the story would be about 1 character only if it was only 1 narrator. If John was the only narrator the story would be be dumb, but if Lorraine was the only narrator it would be boring.The story is told by John and Lorraine, because Lorraine tells the story straight up but,John adds a little more sugar to the Kool-Aid.If the story was just told by John there would be some things we didn't know rthe kool aid would not taste rigt.But if lorriane told the story the kool aid would be just right.Thats like making kool aid without the sugar.I mean you know that kool aid would be nasty without the sugar.
I agree with Jaylan A. because when Lorraine was narrarating the story,it was boring and dry, but when John was narrarating the story was very exciting.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine because there are different point of views from which the story is told. The book would be different if John were the only narrator because he wouldn't tell us everything that Lorraine told us and the story would probably be about drinking , smoking , and all the other things that he does. If the narrator was only Lorraine then the story would not be funny or interesting.
I agree with Makenzie because if only John told the stor he would probably leave something out and Lorraine probably would also. The reason they are not leaving anything out when both of them are narrating is because John reminds Lorraine of some things when she is typing and Lorraine reminds John of some things when he is typing.
I agree with Kourtney because the reader wouldn't get the same emotion that we get when both of them tell the story.
The novel Pigman is narrated by both Lorraine and John because there is different point of views from which the story is being told. The book would be different if only John told it because he would talk about drinking and smoking , and all the other things he does, but if Lorraine told the story it would boring.
41I agree with Amiya Poole because if John told the story it will be all about him, but if Lorraine told the story it will be boring and about how she feels about John smoking and drinking.
I agree with Parrish Wells because if John told the story it will be all about him smoking and drinking , but if Lorraine told the story it will be boring and about how she feels about John smoking and drinking.
I agree with a Amiya Poole because there is no reason for a perfect student to laugh at something so childish.
I disagree with Kendra S. and Amiya P. simply because they said a perfect student but no one in the world is perfect because everyone lies and we all know that we have our moment when we really just be mean to someone for no reason.
The novel "The Pigman" by Paul Zindel is written by John and Lorraine because
you would want to get both point of views of the story. If you don't get both
point of views the book would be totally useless.
I disagree with Henry Bowers 100% because the book would not be boring if Lorraine only told the story. Just like I said if only one character told the story the book would be useless.
I agree with Cameron Brown because both characters need to express their feelings about "The Pigman".
The book is narrated by both John and Lorraine because the book is about their experience with Mr.Pignati. They both have different point of views about the times they spent with The Pigman (Their nickname for Mr.Pignati). He taught both of them different lessons and if it were just in one person perspective there wouldn’t be a great story. If the story were just in John’s point of view it would probably be a little bit more rebellious. It would have a lots more action which as now Lorraine keeps the action to a minimum because she know how crazy John thinks. If the story were in Lorraine perspective it would be more mature teaching kids the danger and cautions of being an American teenager. In my opinion, the book is perfect in both John and Lorraine perspective because it has adventure and maturity.
I agree with Makayla C. because the story would be kinda twisted.
I also agree with Aniyah J. because John does state that he likes action and Lorraine states that she likes reading and I'm sure some of the books she reads have many in-depth words.
The novel is narrated by both Laraine and John alternating through chapters because they are both telling tthe story.
The novel is narrated, by John and Lorraine, in alternating chapters so each of them could the story in thier own point of veiw.The book would be different if John was the only narrator by them never meeting the Pigman because Lorraine was the narrator when she met him. The book would be different if Lorraine was the narrator by us never knowing John and how he became the Bathroom Bomber.
The book is narrated by Jhon and Lorraine in different chapters so that they can show how they both think and feel. The story would be different if Jhon was the only narrator because there wouldn't be many facts. The story would be different if Lorraine was the only narrator because there would not be many exciting moments in the book.
I agree with JaylanA because in her response she gave an in-depth conclusion about why the story is better with two narrators. The book would be a little blasé if Lorraine just told the story and it would be exciting yet a little immature if just John told the story.
I strongly disagree with Terrell Adams because the story isn’t narrated in Larraine and John point of view just because it’s narrated by two people. I think he didn’t explain his answer enough. All he gave me was bread and meat I would like some lettuce, tomatoes, or ketch-up.
If it was in Lorraine’s point of view it would be a told from a person that is very anti-social and a goody two shoes. If it was told in John’s point of view it would be told from a person that doesn’t give a care about what people think of him. It would be different because some people can relate to Lorraine and some people can relate to John.
I agree with Torri T. because it expresses the story from to sides of the fence.
I disagree with Javen M because it might be not be as boring and stupid to somebody else that is the book.
jaylan is right though it will be boring to just lorraine narrated because she always get off topic and start saying stuff educational without any action except for the part when she said a blue eye pyramid exploded and then a big cat starting biting on the archeologist wife whenhe turn the lights on the cat was gone
i agree but disagree joy swann because some people people might think it sounds horrible just they way it is u got to back it up with some information
The novel that is narrated by John and Lorraine are in alternating chapters because they are both telling the story in their own point of view. The book would be different if John narrated the book by himself because John seems very childish for his age, but on the other hand if Lorraine wrote the book by herself than the book would be more mature but less interesting.
john and lorraine is both narrating this because they would like to tell the story from both point of views but if they didnt it would be kind of boring.because you can be hearing the same kind of thing and over again
I agree with Yasmin because certain people can relate to John and certain people can relate to Lorraine.
I think it narrated by John and Lorraine because they both are telling from another point of view and how they saw things happening.If John was not narrarating then it wouldn't tell you how Lorraine saw it.If Lorraine was not narrarating then it woulnt show how John saw things.
John and Lorraine are both narrating the story because in different chapters John is telling his perspective and Lorraine is telling hers. The book would be different if John told his point of view because he would tell more details and Lorraine would tell less details because in the story it tells that Lorraine isn't a out-going person and it doesn't say that John isn't.
I agree with Torri because there wouldn't have had many facts about lorraine if John narrated and the same if Lorraine narrated.
The story was alternated between the two of them because they both have different point of views, and it really, liven the story. If John was not in the story there would be not story line because it bout two best friend it can’t just be about one best friend ,it stays the same for Lorraine.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine because, they both have diffrent feelings about the subjects,and they belive they both should express theirselves.If John was the only narrator we would probably only know the negative side about every subject instead of the actual truth.If only Lorraine did all the narrating she would tell about all the weird things that have happend to her with lots of back stories.
The novel is narrated by John and Lorraine in alternating chapters because they were both with the pigman and are telling it from a different point of view. If John was the narrator, it would be uninteresting. If Lorraine was the narrator, it would be boring.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine because they both add a different outlook to the situation .John has the more selfish thought of it without thinking about what he said .Lorraine is thoughtful about what she says trying not to make anyone feel bad. If John narrated the chapters we wouldn't know how everything happened, instead we would just know what he thought was funny .If Lorraine narrated the chapters it would have lots of back stories on how the situations started.
The Pigman is narrated by John and Lorraine in alterating chapters because their being told by their own perspectives. If John was the only narrator then you wouldn't know what Lorrain thought of John or the Pigman. However, if Lorrain was the only narrator you wouldn't meet her mother and never know how she felt about the Pigman or John.
I think. That. It was made the way it was because it shows more than one point of view. If john was the only narrator their would be no feminine side of him and Lorraines romance
I agree with Aniyah because the story wouldn't have been any good when you don't know John and Lorraine's feelings about each other.
I disagree with Deshauna because John isn't feminin in our previous reading. However, I do think their friendship is going to build into something stronger.
I think if John was only the narrator the story would be very boring and plain. And also as you could see as you read John would say something and Lorraine had a different opinion about it. In my honest opinion if Lorraine was the only narrator the story would be stale and a bit confusing because sometimes John would explain more or add on to what Lorraine just said.
the book is told by john and lorraine because they have different actions
Lorraine and John are alternating chapers because its giving different points of views.with only john you will not get alot of information.If Lorraine told the story it would be long and unineresting.
The novel is written in alternating chapters because Lorraine and John is telling their own story. If john was telling the story their wouldn't be anything about the pigman. If Lorraine was telling it she would put details in here about the pigman.
I agree with Jaylan A. because if only John narrated then the story wouldn't have a lot of details.
I agree with Morgan Mauldin because the story wouldn't be so expressive with only John narrating and if Lorraine only narrated then it would be depressing and uninteresting.
The pigman is narrated by John and Lorraine. The chapters alternate because they change narrators every chapter. John and Lorraine have a different thoughts about everything. If John wasnt in the story than I think the story would not be interesting to me. I think if Lorraine was only in the story it would be sad and depressing.
The story is narrated by John and Lorraine so that we can hear different points of views from each character. The story would be different if John narrated it because we wouldn’t have full details about things. The story would be different if Lorraine narrated it because she would talk about random stuff and the story would be boring.
The author told the story using both John's and Lorraine's point of view to show how each character felt about each other, and anout the difficult dituations thst they had to deal with. If the story had been told by only one person, I don't think it would have been as interesting.
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