Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Students' Character

"Self-respect is the root of discipline: The sense of dignity grows with the ability to say no to oneself." ~Abraham Joshua Heschel, The Insecurity of Freedom: Essays on Human Existence, 1967

Reflect on the following quote. How can you relate this quote to your everyday life experiences at school?

(Remember to type your response in  a Word document, reread it, spell check it, and copy paste it into the blog. All responses must be written in a respectable manner). Don't forget to respond to at least two other peers.


Unknown said...

This quote relates to my school experiences because many people are not fully mature and they act as if they didn't know what discipline was, but you have to deal with because the more you tell them to stop they will keep poking at you. This qoute also relates because many people are going are making themselfs look bad because they act the people who they think are laughing with them, they really are laughing at them because they are just to ridiculous.

Unknown said...

The quote relates to my everyday life at school because we need self-respect. With self-respect you will be disciplined. everyone should have self-respect

Anonymous said...

When you have self-respect, you automatically have self-discipline. You also have self-control. When you have all these qualities, you have built maturity. You have the dignity to say no to yourself which means you have self-control. These qualities don’t come over night though, you have to stop acting like a 5-year-old child, and then you can defiantly have self-respect. I can relate this quote to my everyday life at school by looking at the people around me. I can tell just by the way people act that they do or do not have self-respect. If they act immature in the class when other people are actually trying to learn, then I know they have no respect for themselves or for others.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra because many students play and don't pay attention in class. When it is time for them to do their work, they are the first ones to ask how to do their work. They make themselves look bad by playing, not paying attention, and when it come for them to do their work. they don't care about the grade they make. When they get their test scores back, their work will show that they didn't care.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Kourtney too. When you have self-respect you respect others. You're also self-dsciplined enough that you know not to play and pay attention to the speaker(teacher). When you hav self-disciplin and self-respect, you are a well matured person. You can tell when someone is mature. They pay attention, don't play, and are serious about their work. Those are the ones tha get a good education, and are the ones making good grades.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you avante, heres a little constructive criticism: you said mature people don't play, but I disagree because you can be mature and play. you just have to know the right times to play. "there's a time and place for everything."- Tonja Burk (my momma)

Unknown said...

Having self-respect is having the maturity to know when to say no. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is a sign of maturity. In order to respect yourself, you must know when to be serious and when to be playful. I experience this at school when someone is talking or playing when the teacher is in their zone. When the teacher hears the students he/she thinks the class doesn’t want to learn, and it messes up the whole learning experience.

Unknown said...

I think that this quote means that if you have self-respect, then you won't be crazy and show out. I also think this quote means that if you don't have self-respect then you will discipline yourself when you know that you are doing something wrong and know when to stop acting out. I really like this quote because it shows that if you have respect for yourself then you will have respect for others in authority over you. Personally I think that I have self-respect for myself because sometimes I know when to stop and cool down and sometimes I don't that's just form my perspective personally. I think that everyone should learn from this because if you don't have self-respect for yourself, then there will be more crazy people. I'm not trying to be funny I'm just telling the truth. If you don't have self-respect, then you will think that this post is funny but it's not. I always tell myself to cool down, that's it you need to sit down and shut your mouth and that's final.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine because I have some students in my class who are too out of control and they just need to stop so I can get my education.

Unknown said...

The quote relates to my old school, all my teachers since 2nd-5th grades talked about self-respect. They had to tell us or we would go down a bad road that isn't good. This is why violence, or drug dealing or whatever crime should not be performed.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine because it is what your actions that tells about your majority.

Unknown said...

In order to have discipline you must have respect. Respect is very important. It relates to my life experiences at school ,because I see some immature individuals who don’t have respect for each other and for the teacher. They just sit there talking to there friends instead of paying attention to the teacher, but the mature individuals pay attention and are ready to move on. Mature also ignore whimsical individuals .That is how it relates to my life experiences at school.

Unknown said...

I remember when I had to say” no “or ‘’ stop’’ in my lifetime at elementary and the starting of middle school because of inappropriate behavior. I ‘m not talking about inappropriate touching but inappropriate language .Nobody does not like to be cursed at and sometimes it gets out of hand. You have to put your foot down sometimes, you will never know if they will stop if you don’t tell them to’’ stop”.

Unknown said...

I agree with Taki Coll because you have to have respect for the teacher when she is trying to teach you a new lesson.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Gabrielle McKay because their are some foolish people in our class room.

Unknown said...

Without discipline you don't have self respect.If you can say no to yourslef you automatically have dignity.
I can relate to this qoute because if I don't give respect how can I have self-respect.

Unknown said...

I disagree with Kenneth D. because someone just can't tell you that you need and have to have self-respect, you have to know it for your self.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmin because knowing when to say no is important.

Unknown said...

I can relate this quote to school because many things take your focus off of what you should be focused on. Like today, an incident happened that I was blamed for and instead of letting it go I held a grudge and regretted later. I do not lack self-discipline but I do need to start using it more because if I don’t I’ll realize I need it in the future. If you are not disciplined by an adult then you won’t learn to discipline yourself. You need self-discipline to learn from your mistakes and keep making them.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra because I see many individuals still playing a lot in my class and that shows lack of maturity. They need to mature.

Anonymous said...

This quote relates to my everyday life in school because you have to have self-respect as well as self-control to stop yourself from talking to a neighbor without getting in trouble, so you tell your mind that you shouldn't be talking at all, but it really takes a well-matured peer to really handle their-selves into not talking.I see this happen with many students in school.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine Marks because you have to be mature enough to know right from wrong

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Kenneth Danzy because self-respect has nothing major to do with drug-dealing or violence in my opinion.

Unknown said...

tsI agree with Gabrielle because I think if you have self-respect for yourself then you will have a better self-respect for others.

Unknown said...

I also disagree with Kenneth D. because drug dealing is really off subject. Also because you don't need self-respect just to know not to deal with drugs, you need a brain to know that.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Self-discipline is the key to responsibility and leadership. In order to be a leader you must take the right path throughout life. You should always be able to stick up for yourself and learn how to say no. Don’t be a follower and follow the wrong individuals/crowd.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everyday life experiences at school because self-respect is one of the main rules you need at school, otherwise you’ll look as if you had no home training. Also you shouldn’t disrespect anyone because there are some immature sixth graders that act as if there parents didn’t teach them anything about respect.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tamiya, because you should always control your talking and not talk when it’s the wrong time.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jordan, because you should always be capable of controlling your behavior. You should never embarrass your parents by acting a fool and showing off, when you know you are mature.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to mostly my everyday life in school. This relates to my everyday life because of the fact that I know a lot of people that don't have discipline,so I highly doubt that they have self-respect. I can when these people are hungry for attention and when you laugh or play along with them your feeding them the attention they want. This quote means if you do not have any,whats so ever self-respect then your discipline will be wild and crazy.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jordan because if you are mature enough then you will have the ability to act right and not embarrass your self and your family.

Unknown said...

To me this quote means in order to have self-respect, you need to know how to not listen to yourself sometimes. Instead listen to a friend, your mother, your father, etc. I can relate this to my everyday life because I can remember lots of times not listening to myself and everything turned out somewhat how I wanted it.

Unknown said...

Self-respect and self-discipline go hand in hand. And self-respect just doesn’t mean making yourself look good and presentable. Self-respect can be simply setting rules for yourself and then abiding by them. So, if you can do that you can self-discipline yourself. Some people have trouble doing this. Sadly, I witness this on a day to day basis with my homeroom 6A.You can tell that they want to do better, but they don’t have enough self-respect and self-discipline to do it.

Unknown said...

I am a little with Kenneth D's comment because the way you said “...we might go down a bad path that isn't good.” When I read that I was wondering if its a bad path it's automatically mean the path isn't good? And when you said “This is why violence, or drug dealing or whatever crime should not be performed.” My question to this comment is what does that have to do with self-respect and discipline?

Unknown said...

I can very well relate to what Kendra said. To me that is what a lot of kids think and act, it pains me to see that happen. Then sometimes the person knows it is wrong ,but yet still does it. What they don’t know is that behavior causes bad attention.

Unknown said...

I agree with Cynthia. Sometimes at the smallest moments where it matters we have self-respect and self-discipline. Other times when it is important and we should use it we forget about it at whole. If we used it more often we could have less problems around us.

Unknown said...

The way this quote helps me in my everyday life at school is, self-respect leads to self-control and self-control is just something you need to succeed in life and move forward. Self-Respect is basically if you are talking about school life, keeping your grades up, and turning your work in on time.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everday life at school because at school in the 6th grade you have to have self discipline and self respect. Maturity comes with both respect and discipline. If a person is missing at least 1 of those 3 things then that person is not mature and has not grown. Everyone at W.J.C. is really smart but some of us dont know when to turn the humor on and off. Man vs. Himself is when I have to say no to myself. I have to make very difficult and mature decisions now, and sometimes I may choose the wrong decisions but then I learn not to make that same mistake. Later on when I am faced with those same decisions that I messed up on I correct them and some people in class do the same thing and I deeply feel that is maturity growing in us.

Unknown said...

I agree with Gabby. If you have enough self-respect you’ll care a lot about your representation, obviously since this says a lot about you.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kenneth because when you have maturity you usually have a tiny voice in your head saying, "Do the right thing" or an evil voice saying, "Do the wrong thing no one will find out." Most of the time you will do good but sometimes the demon just gets to you. However, I disagree because like Tamiya said maturity is not always about drugs and violence.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Kourtney because when you have self respect you do automatically have self control and self discpline. Also if you practice being mature you will find yourself growing in maturity.

Unknown said...

The quote relates to my everyday life at school because we need self-respect.Self respect is proper esteem or regard for the dignity of one's character you have use self controlevery day and the decisions you will make

Anonymous said...

This quote relates to my school experiences, because many people are not fully matured. Some people in the classes behave as if, they have been raised in the jungle. School is no place for animals, it is a place for hard work and dedication to having a radiant future.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree with Avante Williams, because not everyone has self- respect but it's something you should have

Unknown said...

I agree with Kennedy because these people at W.J.C do act as if they have no home training. That is the exact opposite of what Self-Respect.

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that last sentence is supposed to say: That is the exact opposite of what Self-Respect is.

Anonymous said...

I also agree with Faith, because she is a person that knows what self respect is. She has a lot of it and shows it during the school day

Unknown said...

I would like to agree with Nicholas’ comment. He makes a good point on the attention part. I see too many people doing that and it upsets media like how you went ahead and stated this.

Unknown said...

The root of a large tree is usually grown deep in the ground. Even if a tree falls or is destroyed, the root still remains in the ground. The foundation of my everyday behavior begins with having respect for myself. If I have self-respect, I am able to resist doing things against my values. I will be deeply rooted in making good decisions in my school life on a daily basis. Instead of destroying my values, dignity and self-respect, I will grow my dignity by doing the right things in my school life on a daily basis.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rachael because in order to be a leader you need responsibility and leadership and not to be a follower and take the road less travel and be a leader.

Unknown said...

Timothy summed it up very well. You must have good character and use self-respect on a daily basis.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think this means that the only way you be a leader is if you are responsible and have self respect too.So i agree with Rachael and Faith.

Unknown said...

I also agree with Yasmine Marks because to be mature you need to know right from wrong.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine because most people I see does not try to stop or say no, they just go right ahead and act up.

Unknown said...

If you respect yourself then you will treat others like you would want to be treated and have the same respect for them. People should have self-control and know when they are about to cross that line into something that is not right. I try to think about how what I might choose to do will affect other people. I try not to do anything that is going to harm anyone which is a form of respect to them.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everyday life at school because self-discipline is proof that you can be a leader and mature. If you don’t have self-discipline then it would be hard for the teacher to do what she needs to do without leaving the classroom. In the 6th Grade you should also be able to have self- respect because it shows that you have pride and dignity and you cannot be taken for granite. To me self-discipline and self-respect shows the level of potential you have.

Unknown said...

This quote also relates because you have to be mature in order to be a successful student. We are now in middle school and elementary students have left the building and now it is time to be a more responsible student.

Unknown said...

I can relate this to my evryday life because if i have respect for others then they would have respect for you. So i think respect is the key to have a great life.

Unknown said...

Well I think that this relates to our lives at school because if we do not say no to our self then we would do a lot of bad.

Unknown said...

Having self-respect is having the maturity to know when to say no. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is a sign of maturity.

Anonymous said...

Some people act like they have no home training when the walk in the hallways and talk extremely loud when the person they are talking to is walking write next to them. That is not only annoying, but that disturbs the learning process that is going on in each class they walk by. People also fight and use profanity in the hallways and sometimes even use it in classrooms to be rude to others. When they do this they show that they have no respect of others and that is the main reason they always get into trouble. Without discipline you could go completely bonkers and lose control and end up hurting someone for no reason and later in life you will regret it and wonder why you did it.

Unknown said...

I agree with Ariyana Brown because it does be extremely loud in the hallways mostly because students talking so loud,but I dont just here profanity in the hallways I here profanity everywhere I go, like in my class room.

Unknown said...

I agree with Avante because I believe everyone should have self respect plus I believe everyone should at least act like they have maturity.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra and Avante because there are several people in our class that play to much.Like Caleb was playing in math,he was asking Mrs.Cammack the same questions that were already been answered.

Unknown said...

I agree with Avante,because everyone needs self respect

Unknown said...

Kenneth M. I just said that.

Anonymous said...

I defiantly agree with Kourtney B. Anyone with self-respect should have self-disipline.

Unknown said...

i agree with Kourtney B and Tamiya too because anyone who wants to learn self respect needs to learn self discipline.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my school because some students had not fully grown up. Some people acted crazy in 5th grade and carried into 6th grade. Anyone with self-respect should have self-disipline.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra and Avante by bringing in school lifebut, I dis agree with Kendra a little because by acting like you have no discipline doesn't nesseceraly make you look bad it just kind of shows you could do better.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jamaris because some of my friends were immature and crazy in 5th grade and they are still like that now in 6th.

Unknown said...

I agree with Ariyana B. because they do act like have no home training.

Unknown said...

I agree with Tamiya T. because you need self control

Unknown said...

I aree with Elijah because no discipline nesseceraly mean you look bad in front of people, it just means you need start acting better,and at least act like your mature.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine M. because you need to know when to say "NO"

Unknown said...

I mean I agree with Elijah.

Unknown said...

I agree with Brandon because when you have self-control it shows maturity.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Brandon also because being mature is an important part of growing up and when you are mature it shows people that they can trust you to do a lot because most of you act as if you have no care int the world and we just can be as alley as as a cat. Plus your in middle school now meaning you should want to do better than you did last year. That just means we need to set some better goals and make some better choices about what we do and say.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rachel because with responsibility and leadership there is self-discipline.

Unknown said...

To me this quote means that if you have self- respect you will respect yourself and others. It also means that you know right from wrong and that if you do wrong you will discipline yourself, and not blame it on others. If you have dignity you aren’t afraid to say no. You will neither back down to bullies nor your friends when they try to get you to do what’s wrong because you know what is right.
I can relate this to my everyday life experiences at school because my classmates do things that they know not to do when the teacher is not supervising us or when the teacher steps foot out the room, but when the teacher comes back everyone wants to be quiet and do the right thing. The teacher would not have to worry about us talking too much and not working if we would do what is right when no one is looking.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kourtney Burk because when you have self-respect you respect yourself and others. You know right from wrong, so when you do wrong you will discipline yourself, and not blame it on others. That is what makes you a mature person. A matured person to me is a person who does right when no one is looking, listens when someone is talking, doesn’t laugh at everything, and does all their the work.

Unknown said...

I agree with Rachel Lockhart because when you have self-respect you are a leader and not a follower. You hang around the correct people. You know how to stand up for yourself and face bullies. Basically, you do not need anyone to fight your battles, because you can do it, if you believe in yourself and try to achieve it.

Sawani said...
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Sawani said...

I agree with the statement because you have to learn to respect yourself before you can respect others. My mother always taught me that in order to show respect to someone else you have to learn the love yourself. If you have no respect how can you respect someone else? You have to have the dignity to be able to tell yourself something positive even if everyone else in the world has something negative to say about you. We have to start at a young age to have self-respect for ourselves and not letting other people lower our self-esteem. If we can learn to do this I think we all could learn to respect one another ONE STEP AT A TIME.

Sawani said...

I agree with Kouryney because self-respect and discipline help us all learn to be more mature. Without maturity, the world would be full of ignorant fools. So it is important to know when to be able to control yorself.

Unknown said...

When you have self-respect, you have self-control. This quote relates to my everyday experience at school because some students in 6th grade haven’t fully matured into the intelligent and bright young ladies and men that they can be right now. I can relate this quote to my everyday life at school by looking at the people surrounding me. Every day at school, some sixth grader has to act a fool in the hallway or classroom. I can tell just by the way people act that they do or do not have self-respect. If you see someone in your class that acts immature 9/10 chances they act like that at home and in public. With self-respect you will be disciplined, as in you will have self control.

Sawani said...

I agree with Kendra because you can't be fully mature without self-respect and discipline. People make their selves look bad everyday do to their lack of self-respect and discipline

Unknown said...

I agree with Kennedy because she is correct about school isn't a place for animals from the jungle. You have to be responsible, resourceful, and resourceful...

Unknown said...

i agree with Yasmine 100% because you are in sixth grade now and you should know right from wrong, whether you know it or not, if you know right from wrong you can go far in life.

Unknown said...

I can relate to this quote to my everyday life experiences at school by the way people act around people,but they might act totally different at home.For example:Someone comes to school everyday and act like they don't have self respect when knowing that they do.I think this quote means that dignity grows with the ability in one.I also think this quote means that if you have self-respect you will have discipline to make sure that you're on the right track in self-respect.So that means if you dont have self-respect you dont have respect of yourself and you most definitly dont have respect in others.

Unknown said...

I agree with Parrish Wells because I also believe that maturity comes with a person's respect and discipline.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmine Marks because everyone should know the difference between right and wronge.

Unknown said...

I think it will be better for me because im getting use to the system

Unknown said...

I agree with kourtney burk because when you have self repect you should automatically have self discipline. Also when you have self control it shows maturity.

~Kailyn Griffin Foy~

Unknown said...

i also agree with madison we need to get more responsable and stop playing so much

Unknown said...

this quote means that you control your own body when and when to not say no.

Unknown said...

This means to me that in order to have self-repect, you have to have self-disciple.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Most people in wiliam james christian don't have a clue because they havent matured.I agree with the quote because frist you need self-respect because if you dont respect you you wont respect anything else.That follows in displine.To me you need it just like air

Unknown said...

This quote relates to everyday life. If you choose the wrong path, it will get you in the most trouble possible and change your soul into a mean and hurtful person. However, whatever you choose to do, let go and let God do the working.

Unknown said...

This quote means to me that without self-control you cannot have self-discipline. Like me, because my mother teaches me to have both. Actually I was born with both unlike some people in my class that I am not going to name. They act like they don’t have any home training, but there are some people that do have home training. Only if there was a place where everyone has home training and it would be better for everybody.

Unknown said...

I agree with Yasmin because. Having self-respect is having the maturity to know when to say no. Knowing the difference between right and wrong is a sign of maturity. In order to respect yourself, you must know when to be serious and when to be playful.
You have to have the dignity to be able to tell yourself something positive even if everyone else in the world has something negative to say about you. We have to start at a young age to have self-respect for ourselves and not letting other people lower our self-esteem. If we can learn to do this I think we all could learn to respect everyone your around because you wouldn’t want it to happen to you.

Unknown said...

I like this quote because it screams out just like a pep-rally.The reason being is because most people in w.j.c dont have displine which follows self-respect.This is another reason why we get in trouble at school because some people dont have self-respect,and there out of control because they dont have respect.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

People are acting real crazy or acting like they don’t have home training. They act a fool when it comes to doing something.

Unknown said...

i agree with Nickolas because some people act crazy when they see a teacher walk out

Unknown said...

i agree with Rachel because if you want success in your life, you will have to have self-control.

Unknown said...

i agree with Rachel because if you want success in your life, you will have to have self-control.

Unknown said...

I think this quote means that you need to have self-control in whatever you do because you never know who’s watching you. I also think this quote means that you should have self-control just to have it because it’s the right thing to do. I also add that self-control show whether or not you a mature and know how to act. It also shows what you do at home.

Unknown said...

I agree with Gabrielle and Rachel because they summarize good and they had a good understanding of the quote.

Unknown said...

The way the quote reflects upon my everyday school experiences is because many students aren't mature and they misbehave. I have self-discipline because I know when I can fool around and when I can not. If you have self-discipline then you can achieve.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tayma Lopez everyone has there moments when they act super silly but we can control it unlike some immature people around here.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jaylyn Sherrod, you need to learn when to behave because someone could be watching you.

Unknown said...

I agree with Gabrielle Mckay because if you have self- discipline you won't stand-out and get in trouble.

Unknown said...

I agree with Kenneth because thy said the same thing when I was there

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra Smith. Some students act as if they never heard of the word discipline, they act like they haven't fully matured. This quote relates to my everyday experiences at school because some students are going to make themselves look bad in front of their peers, they think the kids who have matured are laughing with them, but in reality, the kids that have matured are actually laughing at the kids who haven't.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everyday life especially at school because I see different kids who has not even thought about using self-respect or self-control. This is so because it all connects to their discipline from home. If a child does not respect themselves and/or others, there is a problem in their household. Also if a person have no self-respect of any respect for others, it reflect on their parents and what they see in action.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everyday life at school, because I see people at school who don't discipline themselves, and always act wildly.

Unknown said...

I agree with Ariyana Brown, because people in the hall act like they don't have good sense, and are always fighting.

Unknown said...

I agree with Jamaris, because some children still have a lot of maturing to do, but when they do they might end up like me.

Unknown said...

I can reflect this quote on my everyday school life; because only certain people treat their self with respect and dignity unlike others who just let people push over them, and treat them like there're slaves. Most people at school really don't care what they look like so they just don't care for the rest of the day.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Most kids don't pay attention in class so they are just playing around with their friends having a good time til the teacher gives out an assignment. They don't know what is going on so that shows the teacher what kind of student they are. They are showing that they aren't disciplined so they can't be civil around others.

Unknown said...

To be mature you can be playful. Not all people who are mature are playful, but when it is the right time to be mature that is when you act your age. When you are on the playground and you really want to go play, you go play. It really doesn't matter if you are mature and playful. There is a certain time and place to be that act of stage.

Malik Childrey 6b said...

I have self-respect and self-control, but some students in my class don't. When the teacher leaves the room her expectations are for us to do our work,but you have people who goof around not only embarrassing themselves,but making their parents look bad. It's just sad.

Malik Childrey 6b said...
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Malik Childrey 6b said...

I agree with Rachel because self-control is the key to responsibility and leadership.

Malik Childrey 6b said...

I also agree with Jaylyn because self-control is your future.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my everyday experiences, in the area of giving and receiving constructive criticism. You may not always agree with what someone says or does, but you should respect their opinion. You can respond in a positive way, without being offensive. Also, you should not be mad when someone gives you constructive criticism. All of this comes with maturity.

Unknown said...

I think this means that if you have self- respect you will have discipline for others, but if you have too much dignity for yourself you yell tell everybody no even yourself or the one u love

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with Rachel L. and Jaylyn S. because self-respect is a big part of your character. You have to respect yourself before you respect others.

Unknown said...

This quote relates to my every day life at school when the teacher leaves out the classroom, or turns her back. Everyone starts acting all crazy and misbehaving. Sometimes the children in the halls use profanity right in front of the teachers while their standing right there. I also agree with Yasmine, because knowing what’s right from wrong is self-control.

Unknown said...

this relates to my experiences at school because if I have self respect when I will have discipline and this will give me the ability to stop myself when I am misbehaving.

Unknown said...

this relates to my experiences at school because if i have self-respect this gives me the ability to try and stop myself when i feel that im being disrespectful or rude and if i am misbehaving

Unknown said...

i agree with amiyah poole and jayln sharrod because they say how self respect is a big part of growing and up and becoming mature

Unknown said...

I think some kids dont have a lot of self respect and they need to mature a lot more.

Unknown said...

I do agree with Ariyana, because not only do you have a reflection on yourself you have a reflection on your parents to. So when you go around yelling in the hallways acting like you have no home training you are reflecting on your parents.

Unknown said...

I also, agree with Charleston because when you go down the wrong pat you are going to do wrong things. So you should let go and let God do the work, because God has a plan for all of us.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The quote means to me that if you have sefl respect you can respect others and act like a mature person. This quote relates to the real world because immature people dont have the ablity to control themselves,but mature people can control themselves and be able to respect others