Saturday, November 24, 2012

Mrs. Lavender's Podcast


Unknown said...

I understand Mrs. Lavender that you had a family emergency. About the responses, the substitute didn't take up the work unless you are talking about when Miss. Davison took some work up. But anyways, I am so happy that you are coming back because the couple of days have been slougish.

L.Lavender said...

Thank you Kendra! Any work you did not turn in, you must turn it in tomorrow morning by 8:15 a.m.

Unknown said...

You are welcome and I am so pleased that you are responed because I really needed to talk to you .

Unknown said...

Everybody in each and every class, you had enough time to do the work and there was really no reason for you not to have your work. Just telling the word.

Unknown said...

Thank-you for[posting our work on the blog even though you were in the hospital with your child. we really missed you and are glad you're back!!!!

Unknown said...

I agree with kendra becauseEverybody in each and every class, had enough time to do the work and there was really no reason for you not to have your work. Thank-you for posting our work on the blog even though you were in the hospital with your child. We all know Mrs.Lavender gets tired of hearing the same excses over and over again and she has probaly heard those same excuse since she has been teaching.

Unknown said...

Thank you for taking the time out to post this

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are back. I know I’m responding late but I had to say this and show how much I appreciate you coming back. I really hope your boy gets better.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you and your family are okay. I will always keep your family in my heart. I agree with Daniella Odogwu because you took out time even though your baby was in the hospital and that means that everyone should have completed it even though I didn't get mine. To take your time even when you don't have to to put work on the website for us means that you cared. Any other teacher would have probably had us to fall behind. You did this while being sick, have your child in the hospital, taking care of your child when he got home, and having to make up unfinished work from your online classes. We should be more like you, responsible, loving,kind,and hard-working, and sensitive to others needs.

Unknown said...

I am sorry that your baby was sick but I have to get on the ball

Unknown said...

everybody in each in every class should had did there work they should say sorry if they didnt do anything.because they are giving u a harder time than u already have they should look at them self snd there and see how much pain you with through PS:IM ALSO SORRY FOR GIVING U SUCH A HARD TIME

Unknown said...

I agree with Kendra because it is so important that you are there for your son.I also agree with timothy I am so thankful that you posted your work online for us.Like Kendra said there is no reason so many people should not have the work

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I understand that you had a family emergency and I'm glad to hear that your coming back soon. No one said anything about the work. My prayers go to you and that your family emergency clears up