Mrs. Lavender/ Pre-Ap Language Arts
William James Christian k-8 School
Lesson Plans for April 16-19th
(Students are out of school April 20th and 23rd)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Reading (All Classes)
I. Quote of the Day: “
Being yourself has its limitations. You have to step on the brake and control yourself if you start to annoy or hurt people and their feelings; and society begins looking at you as a nuisance.” ~ Anonymous
Everyday Journal Entry: Describe a time when you were doing something that was annoying to others. How did you recognize your actions were a problem, and what did you do to rectify the problem? Explicate how this experience made you feel. [
All journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs and contain at least five vocabulary words.]
[Students shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes of class time to complete their quote response and journal entry daily. Journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs. If a student does not complete the journal entry within the time frame, he/she knows that it must be completed for homework]
II. Students will share their response to the quote and/or share their journal entry.
[5minute max]
III. Assignment: Students will independently read and analyze “The Mysterious Mr. Lincoln” pp 544-549 and answer questions 1-7 following the story on page 550
[30 -35 minutes) .
IV. Homework: Students will complete exercise 1 from the lesson 11 vocabulary sheet. All context clues must be highlighted.
Language (6A and 6C only)
I. Students will turn in draft of their memoir (
at least three full paragraphs)
Students will come up to the desk to show you their work. Please record if it is completed or not.
II. Students will work with a partner to peer edit their memoir. Peer editing should only take about 10 minutes, and the students will use 20 more minutes to make revisions to their individual paper.
III. Homework: Students must type their memoir and be ready to place it inside their writing portfolio on Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Reading (All Classes)
I. Quote of the Day: “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” ~John Wooden.
Everyday Journal Entry: Many middle schoolers are concerned about their reputation, which causes them to do things they wouldn’t normally do. How do you feel about this topic, and how does it relate to you as a six grader?
[All journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs and contain at least five vocabulary words.]
[Students shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes of class time to complete their quote response and journal entry daily. Journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs. If a student does not complete the journal entry within the time frame, he/she knows that it must be completed for homework]
II. Students will share their response to the quote and/or share their journal entry.
[5minute max]
III. Check Assignments from Monday: 15- 20 minute max
(1)Check to make sure students have complete exercise 1 for lesson 11 vocabulary, by placing your initials on their completed paper. After checking for completion, students will check their own papers by using a red ink pen or highlighter. Students will give answers, along with the context clues that they highlighted.
(2) Discuss answers to questions 1-7 on pp. 550.
(You will have to check for completion for 6B because the class had to complete any incomplete work for homework, as a result of limited class time. 6A and 6C had time to complete the assignment in class) [Record Both Reading Grades]
IV. Assignment: Informational Text (Making and Supporting Assertions). “Lincoln’s Humor”. Students are to read pages 552-553 and complete the questions, including the two constructed response questions on page 554.
Language (6A and 6C Only)
I. Usage Review (Unit 10, Grammar Workbook)
Lesson 58- Go over the introduction with students and have them to highlight important information.
[5 minute max]
II. Partner Work: Students will work with a partner to complete exercise 1 number 1-15. Exercise 1 must be checked as a group, so that students can see how well they have done, but the grade for exercise 1 will not be recorded.
III. Independent Work: Students will work
independently to complete exercise 2 numbers 1-15 on page 198. If students do not have enough time to complete the assignment in class, they must finish it for homework.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Reading (All Classes)
I. Quote of the Day: “Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to
look beyond the imperfections.”
~ Anonymous
Everyday Journal Entry: What does it mean to look beyond the imperfections, and how does this relate to your everyday life? Explicate what makes you happy.
[All journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs and contain at least five vocabulary words.]
[Students shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes of class time to complete their quote response and journal entry daily. Journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs. If a student does not complete the journal entry within the time frame, he/she knows that it must be completed for homework]
II. Students will share their response to the quote and/or share their journal entry.
[5minute max]
III. Check Tuesday’s Assignment (Informational Text, Making Assertions)
10 minutes]
Assignment: Students will complete exercise 4 from lesson 11 vocabulary (Non-fiction Text) independently.
This assignment will be checked and recorded today.
[Students will have 15 minutes to complete the assignment]
V. Homework: Students will complete exercise 2 and 3 from lesson 11 vocabulary.
Language (6A and 6C Only)
I. Students must turn in their typed memoir to the teacher and then place it inside their writing portfolio.
II. Check Tuesday’s assignment (Lesson 58 exercise 2): After the teacher checks for completion, by placing her initials on the work, students will check their work using a red ink pen or highlighter. Students are expected to ask questions if they do not understand an answer.
[Grade will be recorded]
III. Homework: Lesson 59 exercise 1
Reminder: Students must select three of their journal entries to place in their writing portfolio, and these entries must be typed and turned in by Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Reading (All Classes)
I. Quote of the Day: When
one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” ~Alexander Graham Bell.
Everyday Journal Entry: Write about a time you missed out on a great opportunity because of your mindset (attitude). What happened and how could you have benefited from this opportunity? Explicate what you learned from this experience.
[All journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs and contain at least five vocabulary words.]
[Students shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes of class time to complete their quote response and journal entry daily. Journal entries must be at least three full paragraphs. If a student does not complete the journal entry within the time frame, he/she knows that it must be completed for homework]
II. Students will share their response to the quote and/or share their journal entry.
[5minute max]
III. Group Work: Students will complete the context clues (fill in the blank) sheet for lesson 11 vocabulary. After the students have completed the sheet independently, they will work in groups (no more than three) to compare their answers. If a student realizes he/she has done something wrong, he/she has the opportunity to make adjustments to their context clues, so that they make sense. [30 minutes]
Language (6A and 6C Only)
I. Partner Work: Students will work together to compare their answers to lesson 59 exercise 1. Students are able to make changes to their answers based upon any clarification during partner work. Students will check their work with the teacher.
II. Independent Work: Students will complete lesson 59 exercise 2
(Grade will be recorded)