This blog has been created for students in my language arts class. I will post questions concerning text and activities completed or introduced in class. Students are to respond to my questions and other questions from students. Please give a response to each of my post and at least two posts from other students. I look forward to communicating with you this school year!
The time has come for my language students to display what they have learned through a creative project. We have been working on the persuasive mode of writing, along with persuasive techniques. The students and I are excited about their propaganda commercial. Each student was given the opportunity to choose a group based upon observed work ethics and behavior. The students understand the importance of working cooperatively and staying focused, in order to get the job done. Once the students selected their group members, they had to work together to think of a product to create and a company name. After doing so, the students had to create a contract, listing the duties of each individual student, and each student had to agree by signing and dating the document.Because some of the programs needed for this project, are not loaded onto the computers in the computer labs, students have asked to bring their laptops containing moviemaker, IMovie, and/or a web cam/digital camera.As a result of strict regulations regarding electronic devices, students bringing these items are required to bring them to my class, so they can be locked in the closet until they come to my class. After using the devices for project purposes only, the devices will be locked in my closet until the end of the school day. Students are responsible for keeping their devices inside their backpack at all times until they hand them over to me. Any student caught with these devices on the bus, inside the gym, during morning care, or any other part of the school grounds will be given the proper consequences as stated in the code of conduct. In order to know if your child has signed up to bring a device, please read over his/her group contract that is attached to this letter. Thank you in advance for your continued support. If you would like to know more about the project, please visit our class blog at (mrslavendersliteratureclass. and look at your child’s notes.
Lisa Lavender
P.S.Students have been urged to use their time wisely, in order to get most of the project done during their two class work days, which are this Thursday and Friday. All projects are due Tuesday, March 27, 2012. Students will not have a work day on Monday, March, 26, 2012.
Here are some additional notes that should be present inside your child's binder from Monday, March 12, 2012.
Additional Project Notes
I.Group Size (3-5) students
a.Create a product to market
b.Product (replica) must be packaged(boxed)
c.Must have two forms of propaganda on the package, along with company’s name
a.Create a 35 sec- 1min commercial marketing your product
b.Commercial must display two forms of propaganda(different from the package)
**** Please click on the Project Rubric tab for more important information****
For this assignment your group will be creating a product that you plan to sell, the packaging it will be sold in, and a commercial advertising it on TV.Your main purpose is to use propaganda techniques to persuade consumers to buy your product.
The Product (20 points)
_____(5)Must be able to be packaged in the box you brought in.
_____(5)Must have a name – Be creative!
_____(10)Must have a written description and drawing of the product
The Packaging (40 points)
_____(5)Product name must be clearly visible
_____(5)Must use the box you brought in
_____(5)Must have the creator’s name visible (that is you!)
_____(15)Must use two forms of propaganda
_____(10)Must show effort and creativity
The Commercial (40 points)
_____(5)Must advertise the product
_____(15)Must use at least two forms of propaganda (different from packaging)
_____(10)Must have a written script describing what the viewer will see and hear.
_____(10)Must show effort and creativity
TOTAL PROJECT SCORE___________/100 points
Names of Group Members: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________